英语长唯美句子(英语句子唯美短句 手写)

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英语长唯美句子(英语句子唯美短句 手写)


1 . here is wishing you all a merry christmas and a new year bright with joy and success

2 . 坐过的石椅,青苔遍布,旧影斑驳,它还残存着你我相倚的轮廓,你在左,爱在右,一起聆听风中花的呢喃。而如今,我只能装进时光的沙漏,一分一秒地计算,下一次花开的时间。初夏的风,干净而又透明,从花隙间迅疾地掠过,似不忍目睹它们失色的容颜。

4 . 蔷薇开出的花朵没有芬芳想念一个人怀念一段伤不流泪不说话

5 . Wishing you a blessed Christmas and a New Year filled with happy surprises

6 . 希望我们能一起过圣诞节。

7 . 有些事,不是不知,而是不想知;有些话,不是不说,而是不必说;有些伤,不是不痛,而是不敢痛;有些人,不是不爱,而是不能爱;世间的凡尘,镜花一场,终究是湮灭在红尘中;再繁华的笙歌,也不过是幻影水月,没有人能留住对晚朝夕;如此,不如守着简单行走在阳光下,不理会纠结于心的繁琐之事,随心而走

8 . 男人不坏,女人不爱,这坏不是指心肠狠毒,自私无情什么的。而是指油嘴滑舌,花言巧语。一般的好男人以为说情话是油嘴滑舌,轻浮肉麻的表现,所以不愿去做。对别人这样说是不对,可是对自己老婆,就要油嘴滑舌一点。为什么不能做个心好嘴滑的男人呢?爱情是点滴的积累,一点一滴,慢慢珍藏在心底,慢慢在心底酝酿,两个人一起来呵护。悄悄的,爱情变了,变成了一种叫做幸福的东西,萦绕在两个人之间,一生一世。

9 . 看,是谁坐在菩提树下,细数着轮回一季又一季的满帘落花。柔柔的呢喃,瑟瑟的叹息,潺潺的相思。听,是谁在三千红尘中,轻轻弹奏一曲愁肠的弦音。又是谁,沉醉在烟雨红尘中,墨香袅袅的书写人间的风花雪月。一首唐诗,一阙宋词,一曲箫音,涟漪了前世今生的眷恋。

10 . 这也许就是一个彻底而冗长的蜕变,是一个前世今生的轮回。让自己在美丽的时候,尽量美丽,在自己将要萎谢的时候,却用静昭示着曾经的辉煌,这是一种怎样决绝的过程,这是一个痛彻心扉的裂帛。最后,以一种静态的美,从容的接受岁月的洗礼,而后,等待,下一次辉煌。


1 . In fact, the difficulties of life, when the difficulties encountered, we learn to face and solve the process of it, not the difficult itself As you lost a lot of money, and you lose the money, you will be very difficult in the future, but for you now, the biggest difficulty is not what you will lose after losing money, but it is hard for you to face and accept the fact that you have lost money

2 . 圣诞是这样美好的时光:炉火熊熊,花儿芬芳,醇酒飘香,殷殷祝福,美好回忆,恩爱日新。即便没有一切,只要有爱便足矣。

3 . 很多年以后,开始相信,有些事物或者有些人,仅仅是我们的纪念。

4 . 每一个不懂爱旳人,都会遇到一个懂爱的人。然后经历一场撕心裂肺旳爱情,然后分开。后来不懂爱的人慢慢懂了。懂爱旳人,却不敢再爱了;不管你爱过多少人,不管你爱得多么痛苦或快乐,最后,你不是学会了怎样恋爱,而是学会了怎样去爱自己。

5 . The boy, how are you? If you worry about the youth had Weiqiao mouth fetters We are the young, do not want to be the lead wire, bound with the tireless pursuit of the dream to have freedom, and is called the rules that really exist "cage" but the hardship we breathe, we try to get rid of, to defend, to fight, and then covered all over with cuts and bruises, fail on the verge of success No choice, let go, indulge, in the eyes of other people are free!

6 . 世界开始不知不觉的空虚,我背着一身苦困后悔与唏嘘,无所遁形。

7 . warm greetings and best wishes for christmas and the new year!

8 . 祝你在节日和新的一年中享有无限的`快乐。

9 . 祝圣诞快乐,新年充满幸福和成功。

10 . Numerous loving wishes for my wife who will always be my valuable Christmas gift and everything to me


1 . 老的祝福,却又常新,原此祝福,使你的圣诞更加愉快圆满。

2 . 生命中,不断的有人离开或进入。于是,看见的,看不见的;记住的,遗忘了。生命中,不断的有得到和失落,于是,看不见的,看见了;遗忘的,记住了。然而看不见的,是不是等于存在?记住的,是不是永远不会消失?

3 . 圣诞即将来临,祝你快乐幸福,对你一年来的关心和照顾表示衷心的感谢。

4 . 愿你圣诞和新年幸福无尽。

5 . To conquer life, what you need is not to escape, but to take on the courage to play It is better to fight a scene than to count the wounds of silence Maybe a hot heart will eventually be ice cold There will be more confusion for you in a broader way, but in any case, if you can still live, you should smile and warm up No matter where the road is going, no matter where we go tomorrow, if we have a firm and fearless heart, we will not be afraid of any grief, and we will not be afraid of any difficulties

6 . 我了解落叶随风凋零,属于地上的凋谢。

7 . a cheery christmas and the new year hold lots of happiness for you!

8 . hope all your christmas dreams come true!

9 . 祝圣诞平安,新年中有意想不到的收获!

10 . 迩在俄的天空用红色粉笔画了一个大大的桃心


1 . 怕的时候没人陪,学会了勇敢;烦的时候没人问,学会了承受;累的时候没人可以依靠,学会了自立。生病了痛了也要学会忍耐,坚持,还要坚强,即使独自悲伤,也不要去乞求怜悯,嗟来的是廉价的,赶上的是便宜的。这个社会不相信眼泪。

2 . 始终思念你,捎来圣诞佳节最美好的祝福,祝圣诞吉祥,新年如意。

3 . Unconsciously, we grew up, no longer the unruly and free love of freedom of the boy and girl, we refused the distant moon, hugged the gray high wall We will own restless soul buried in the sea, his lazy playfully put into the coffin We believe that all eyes are just after a mirage and insubstantial objects

4 . 有过岩浆喷射的激情,才能沉静下来品味苦丁茶的生涩。在光阴流走之后,一些想念也悄然失去,像褪色的蓝印花布,渐渐变成一片空白。消失的,就成为了永恒。

5 . 愿圣诞是你快乐的时节,愿新年是你幸福的日子

6 . The bus stopped the operation because of the heavy snow, want to travel, the station entrance only or several van is said to be carpool to go out This big snow is also driving, are all hard people, in order to make money, is very hard But had to choose one or two, and several other strangers into a car The high price is almost four times more than usual, but it has to take a ride because of the emergency A car sat a total of five people, there is an empty seat, but fortunately the way to a person, this person is very bad, the driver told the people in the car, he said I received more than sixty yuan, don&#;t say It&#;s strange that all of our ends are the same The last person, regardless of how they all know the price, really doesn&#;t understand the idea of a taxi driver The driver said he owed a lot of money to repair the house, lost good faith, can you really walk a long way?

7 . 自问青天酒一杯,满怀相思终生醉。长相思,长恨离歌,时光去,心憔悴,人亦老,暮暮苍山看月晓。想你了,在繁花落尽的雨后,香陨残存的花瓣在春雨的哀曲里碾转,花魂飘落的一瞬间,风儿,也停止呢喃。

8 . 再好的东西,都有失去的一天。再深的记忆,也有淡忘的一天。再爱的人,也有远走的一天。再美的梦,也有苏醒的一天。该放弃的决不挽留。该珍惜的决不放手,分手后不可以做朋友,因为彼此伤害过!也不可以做敌人。

9 . 雨点会变成咖啡,种子会开出玫瑰,旅行是一种约会,离别是为了体会寂寞的滋味,不是没有人陪,只怪咖啡喝不醉,路一走就累,雨一碰就碎,只有朋友最珍贵。

10 . 笑容在阳光下如此灿烂,曾依赖他如生命。看到他哀伤的眼里有不舍以及决绝,倒下去的时候没有丝毫犹豫。


1 . Christmas should be a time of banked-up fines, the scent of flowers and wine, good talk, good memories andloyalties renewed But if all else is lacking - love will do

2 . But many things, only experienced people can clear, because the more experienced, naturally feel numb Most of the time, we are sad, nothing more than not, and we are afraid, it is never experienced But today you are sad, fear, one day, you will be calm and confident to say: just so so And you will finally understand that the difficulties that are going through are called confused, and those who have experienced the difficulties are called growth

3 . may christmas and the new year be filled with happiness for you

4 . 黯淡月光,结局被谁遗忘。

5 . 当你最困难的时候就是离成功不远的时候,如果你遇到困难就后退,那就算成功已到彼岸,它也会与你无缘。

6 . 给你特别的祝福,愿圣诞和新年带给你无边的幸福如意。

7 . 已过去的不可再今天只可忆起,一双只懂哭的眼落泪又再落泪。

8 . 愿女儿的圣诞祝福带给你快乐。

9 . 前路本已沧桑,回首时心中的伤口依旧。静叹一季又一季的辛酸,洒下许多无奈陪伴日子默默流逝。曾为月明而努力,谁知一片乌云未过,阴天又来。突然之间,感慨万千,然而却依然只能笑笑,装作什么都不懂,什么都不再去思考。未来吧,未来不再多言,也许也完美。

10 . Go back to the past, through the alley, Xiang son changed, people do not see;




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