
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-03-18 21:10:01


1 . Inadvertently one day, you inadvertently become my heart

2 . 为什么又是这样的曾经,(只不过曾经里没有你。

3 . Life isnt fair, but no matter your circumstances, you have to give it your all生活是不公平的,不管你的`境遇如何,你只能全力以赴。

4 . the sun goeto crosthe western sea, leaving itlast salutation to the east当太阳横过西方的海面时,对着东方留下他的最后的敬礼。

5 . 何必费尽心机去取悦那些不在意你的人。

6 . Inexplicable mood up and then inexplicable sad for a long time

7 . Want to have must first know how to accept 想拥有必先懂失去怎样接受

8 . 我好像,永远也等不到你主动找我了。

9 . You may not be brilliant, but always warm and bright

10 . My Home Is My Castle 我的家就是我的城堡


1 . I blame sichanlanda, binds you, also suffer yourself

2 . In fact, the beauty of the people, but with their own love it

3 . For our ever-lasting friendship, send sincere blessings and warm greetings to my friends whom I miss so much一份不渝的友谊,执着千万个祝福,给我想念的朋友,温馨的问候。

4 . 青春,就有自信,就是希望。

5 . 你不去面对又怎么能去改变呢。

6 . 主动的人是不是卑微到不能被珍惜。

7 . Hatred is never overcome hatred, only compassion can overcome hatred, this is an eternal truth

8 . Dont tell me Im young and frivolous, I know the winner is king

9 . Do not surrender to this dark woeld 别向这个混蛋的世界投降。

10 . 别告诉我年少轻狂,我才知道胜者为王。


1 . I love you more than I can say -我爱你在心口难开

2 . In the world, we have to change——世界在改变,我们也为其改变着

3 . 拼搏铸辉煌,状态定命运。

4 . 希望你说的再见,不是代表着再也不见。

5 . Smile with others, can be painful but can not deceive ourselves

6 . 爱永远不会嫌晚。

7 . Is there a way never, never, ever change。有没有那样一种永远,永远永远不改变。

8 . I just do myself,although I am not perfect我只做自己,虽然我不完美

9 . Love ,promised between the fingersFinger rift,twisted in the love爱情…在指缝间承诺 指缝…在爱情下交缠

10 . Tiredheart is always hovering between adhering to and giving up, indecisive Troubleis that memory is good, the mind should not mind will stay in memory


1 . Children without umbrellas must run hard

2 . A failure just proves that our determination to succeed is strong enough

3 . Why try to please those who don&#;t care about you

4 . you&#;re here there is nothing i fear。

5 . my love to you makes me heart broken 你让我爱你爱的好痛苦

6 . if does not love, why do not e loose。

7 . I&#;ve been to your city, but I don&#;t have the courage to see you

8 . The amount of stuff in your head is related to your future

9 . I need to find my way back to the start 我想要找到我来时的路,回到最初。

10 . 我愿成为你最喜欢的hello,和你最难的goodbye。


1 . 与其在别人的生活里跑龙套,不如精彩做自己。

2 . 他来过一阵子,我却怀念一辈子。

3 . Nothing is difficult in the world, as long as you are willing to climb

4 . there will be no regret and sorrow if you fight with all your strength只要全力地拼搏,就不会有遗憾,没有后悔。

5 . never, never, never, never give up永远不要不要不要不要放弃。

6 . 我爱的人,他心里的每一寸都属于另一个人。

7 . 信心毅力勇气三者俱备,则天下没有做不成的事。

8 . Some people try their best to keep it, but they still cant

9 . This character can not be described, the system has been powerless

10 . If you win with one heart, you can break gold!


1 . 有些人是山川是河流唯独不是可停泊的港口。

2 . 时间,攫取的是黄金,浪费的是流水。

3 . 哪敢再去打扰你,毕竟我不再讨你喜。

4 . 有本事任性的人,也要有本事坚强。简短相当唯美的英语句子。

5 . I am about to lose my mind,You have been gone for so long我快要疯了你离开了太久。

6 . 因害怕失败而不敢放手一搏,永远不会成功。

7 . 我们改名吧,你锄禾我当午。

8 . 不能流的眼泪最疼,不能说的话最真。

9 . 如果你不走出去,你就会认为这就是世界。

10 . Tears can not flow the most pain, can not say the most true


1 . Pardon me because I can not love you again。 原谅我不能再爱你了 —

2 . i would like now to seriously indifferent room of wonderful。简短相当唯美的英语句子。

3 . 生命之灯因热情而点燃,生命之舟因拼搏而前行。

4 . I am single because I am too ugly 我单身原来是因为我太丑

5 . Tired? Tired on the right, comfortable is for the dead

6 . who is able to be egotistical needs to be strong too。

7 . Lets change our name You hoe the grass and Ill do it in the afternoon

8 . 在花丛中,不再胆怯的满天星,慢慢地抬起它们的头来。

9 . It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare, it is because we do not dare that things are difficult并不是因为事情难我们才不敢做,而是因为我们不敢做事情才难。(Seneca Roman)

10 . am strong,therefore I am我坚强,故我在。


1 . 你就在我身旁,以至我全无畏惧。

2 . I know I know, but I just can&#;t control myself

3 . I have also heard a name until the tears blurred eyes

4 . empty hearts everywhere 百无聊赖 无处不在

5 . 我有一个只能看却不能添加的好友。

6 . 你会爱自己就够了,那和爱我是一件事。

7 . love to have a long fingertips。

8 . 青春,就有希望,就是自信。

9 . as long as you need me,I will still stay只要你需要我,我会一直在。

10 . If you do too many bad things, you will end up with your own destruction


1 . I need to get away from everything just for a while 我需要暂时逃开这一切。

2 . Youth, there is hope, is self-confidence

3 . Only when our eyes have been washed by tears, can we have a broader field of vision 只有泪水洗过的眼睛,才有更开阔的视野。

4 . As long as the road is right, we are not afraid of the distance

5 . There is no extra energy to squander any relationship

6 . Who do you think you are? 你以为你是谁?

7 . 别傻了菇凉,爱你的人不会一次次的伤害你。

8 . The past can not go back, I would like to now

9 . 不要放弃做自己,人生很短,你根本没时间模仿别人。

10 . how are you ? how old are you? 怎么是你,怎么老是你?

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