
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-12 20:28:06


1 . 。Allthatglittersisnotgold.发闪光的不全是黄金。

2 . 他夜以继日辛勤工作维持生活。

3 . 多早?

4 . This is the present ____he gave me for my birthdayThe man _______ talked to you just now is an engineer

5 . Ithappens!

6 . Somepeopledonotwanttoadmitthattheyhaveblueblood

7 . Thereisabookcaseinmystudy(变一般问句

8 . 被修饰的先行词为 ________________________________________________等不定代词时, 只能用 that

9 . 。Thestarsaretoofaraway.星星太遥远了。

10 . I&#;mshy*shy表示由于性格或不习惯社交场合,因而不愿与他人接触,在别人面前非常害羞。


1 . Where is the …? It&#;s in/ on/under the …

2 . A:Doyouknowhowtoplaygo?

3 . .Gowholehog全力以赴,彻底地干

4 . English is ________ a useful language ________ it is spoken in many countries of the world

5 . He is not old enough to go to school=________________________________________________________

6 . 。Believeitornot!信不信由你!

7 . 。Takeiteasy.别紧张。

8 . 。Wewalkonthegardenpath.我们走在花园小径上。

9 . Awhy she left Bdid she leave Cwhy had she left Dwhy she leave

10 . What&#;sgoingon?(是什么呀?


1 . 。HewasborninNewYork.他出生在纽约。

2 . 。WhatshouldIdo?我该怎么办?

3 . 。It‘sherfield.这是她的本行。

4 . We should be ready to help the people ____ are in trouble A whose B whom C which D who

5 . Isanythingwrong?

6 . 。Justforentertainment.只是为了消遣一下。

7 . 。Myfalseteetharestucktoit.我的假牙还在上边呢!

8 . When is your /his/her birthday? It&#;s March st

9 . Whichone?(哪辆?

10 . 。Hisfatherrunsarestaurant.他的父亲经营一家餐馆。


1 . I don’t know __he will come tomorrow___he comes, I’ll tell you

2 . 。Ibegyourpardon.请你原谅。

3 . 。Howareyourecently?最近怎么样?

4 . Nevermind(没什么。*带有“别在意”“忘了它吧”“没什么”的语感。

5 . HowoftenshouldItakethismedicine?(这药一天吃几次?

6 . ____________________inyourstudy?

7 . .I can&#;t understand _________ . A.what does Christmas mean B.what Christmas does mean

8 . 。Easycomeeasygo.来得容易,去得快。

9 . 。Tomorrowwillbeaholiday.明天放假。

10 . That’s the man _____ house was destroyed in the storm A that B whose C who D which


1 . 关系副词的用法

2 . 。Whatshallwedotonight?我们今天晚上去干点儿什么呢?

3 . -Children who often ____(eat junk food are easy to become fat and unhealthy

4 . .Pigout狼吞虎咽地大吃

5 . I&#;msoembarrassed(真不好意思。

6 . 。Itseemsallright.看来这没问题。

7 . 。That‘sagoodidea.这个主意真不错。

8 . ***几个特殊的`特殊疑问句

9 . I like the rooms ______windows face south This is the desk ______legs were broken

10 . Aboutfouryears(大概年吧。


1 . ( --Bob, where do you work?--I work for a company ___sells cars A which B where C what

2 . The car______my father bought last month is beautifulThe man______hair is white is his grandfather

3 . ( --Is the girl _ is interviewing the manager of that company your friend--Yes, she is a journalist from CCTV

4 . Verylong(很长。*不能用具体数字回答时,也可以用类似verylong这样的话来回答。

5 . )Don’t leave until the rain_______Astopped Bstops Cstopping Dstop

6 . 。Shedressedherselfhastily.她匆忙穿上衣服。

7 . Youdon&#;tlookveryhappytoday

8 . *Have you finished your homework? ( I want to know… I want to know if you have finished your homework

9 . He studied English ten years ago I know I know he studied English ten years ago

10 . ( I wonder how long_______school?


1 . 。Who‘skickingoff?现在是谁在开球?

2 . 。Don‘tforgettokeepintouch.别忘了保持联系。

3 . 。Followme.跟我来。

4 . 。Ihavenoidea.我没有头绪。

5 . The film “Kung Fu Panda” is___interesting__I would like to see it again Asuch,that Btoo,to Cas,as Dso that

6 . 我为自己感到惭愧。

7 . Yes, I/ we/they do No, I/ we/ they don&#;t

8 . 。I‘mfull.我饱了。

9 . What&#;swrong?

10 . 。Whatyouneedisjustrest.你需要的就是休息。


1 . 。Heiscollectingmoney.他在筹集资金。

2 . Youlookworn-out

3 . 。Whathappenedtoyou?你怎么了?

4 . 。Afteryou.您先。

5 . 。It‘sagainstthelaw.这是违法的。

6 . 。Yourlifeisyourownaffair.你的生活是你自己的事。

7 . Manybluebloodedchildrenattendthisprivateschool

8 . ( No one can be sure____ in a million years

9 . 三)原因状语从句: (常用连词有because, since, as

10 . IsMrSmithtallandstrong?(作肯定回答________________




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