
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-06-26 07:34:18


1 . We always have a good time chatting on the Internet

2 . As we all know,oil plays an important role in our national economics。

3 . I hope that our show will be a success

4 . haunt[hC:nt]vt常到,常去,(思想萦扰,(鬼魅等常出没于n常到的地方

5 . Whatdoestheboyinbluehave?

6 . hostagen.人质

7 . Traditional jazz went into a bit of a decline

8 . The music and the setting are clearly the key components of this amazing production

9 . 句子:Heusuallygoestotheparkwithhisfriendsat:onSunday

10 . My ideal school has a park on one side and a shopping mall on the other


1 . 在这个长满了红锈的鱼钩上,闪烁着灿烂的金色的光芒!

2 . Over a period of two days in Pakistan ;两日内在巴基斯坦发生的

3 . 我理想的学校在一边有个公园,另一边有个大卖场。

4 . 他是一个可以信赖的朋友,他从来没有对任何人食言过。(break a promise

5 . horizonn.地平线,(思想之)眼界

6 . My mother usually ______ some cleaning and ______ on Sundays

7 . 在过去的二十年里,苏州已经变成了一个先进的工业城市。(transform…into…

8 . left bank 左岸

9 . 她决定每天做更多的运动来保持苗条。

10 . Dont be so angry! Youll burst a blood vessel ;别发这么大火, 你会把血管气裂的!


1 . hookn.钩钓钩

2 . 我们总是在网上聊得很高兴。

3 . 保护环境和发展经济同样重要。

4 . upstream 逆流而上

5 . herdn.兽群。v.聚集,放牧

6 . Let’sgoandhavealook让我们去看看吧!

7 . hoverv.翱翔,(人)徘徊

8 . Millie’s pencil box is the same size as Amy’s

9 . We will go to raise money for poor children tomorrow instead of going to school

10 . 到老班长忠于党的事业和舍己为人的内心世界。


1 . hithertoad迄今,到目前为止

2 . 因为他在音乐方面的天赋和声誉,他去了很多国家做指挥

3 . Howmanypensdoestheboyinbluehave?

4 . 先讲钓鱼。因为带的青稞面吃完了,只好用野菜草根充饥,但光吃野菜草根不行啊,老班长脑子里经常考虑给病员补充营养,看到鱼跳出水面,立刻就想到可以钓点鱼给伤病员补充营养。

5 . He is a friend that you can trust He has never broken his promise to anyone

6 . hostessn.女主人;空姐n.女主人;旅馆女老板

7 . swamp, marsh 沼泽

8 . Elvis&#; musical life was cut short when he was drafted into the army in

9 . 现在你应该放弃了,想要让他改变观念只是浪费时间和精力。(a waste of your time and energy)

10 . hopvi.跳舞;(人单足跳


1 . I had a good time practicing playing baseball just now

2 . hosen.长筒袜;软管

3 . I think it is important for the children to learn to read and write

4 . I wish these stars would invite me to (have lunch

5 . historicadj.历史上著名的,有历史性的

6 . He asked for advice from his colleagues on how to exercise control over the pace of the experiment

7 . branches 分支

8 . ait 江心岛

9 . hostileadj.敌对的,敌意的

10 . HowmanyChinesebookscanyousee?Icansee你能看见多少本书?我能看见二十本。


1 . 我端起搪瓷碗,觉得这个碗有千斤重,怎么也送不到嘴边。

2 . Education should not be considered to be a privilege in a modern society

3 . point 汇合点

4 . valley 流域

5 . You should give up now Trying to get him to change his pinion is a waste of your time and energy

6 . 于年应征入伍,他的音乐生涯也因此而缩短。(cut short

7 . hearthn.壁炉地面;炉边

8 . hesitatevi.犹豫,踌躇;含糊vi.含糊,支吾;口吃

9 . WhattimedoesheusuallygototheparkwithhisfriendsonSunday?

10 . She desires that her child (should see her at once


1 . rapids 急流

2 . Millie 的铅笔盒和Amy 的尺寸一样。

3 . Whichboyhasthreepens?

4 . oxbow lake 牛轭湖

5 . Whatdoesheusuallydowithhisfriendsat:onSunday?

6 . In recent years, great changes have taken place in the city, making it take on a new look

7 . 年,他第一次上台表演。从那以后,他越来越受欢迎了。(for the first time)

8 . heavev.用力拉,举

9 . Make______ ______ ______to work hard, ______ you‘ll succeed ______ ______ ______

10 . houndn.猎狗。v.不断骚扰


1 . halvevt.对分;平摊

2 . hospitalityn.好客,殷勤

3 . 世纪 年代, R&B 进一步改变了现代音乐,发展成为我们现在所熟知的摇滚乐( lead to what…

4 . handicapn.残疾;障碍

5 . 他问我今天是否有空。

6 . some peoples American dreams were also blasted ;一些人的美国梦也被炸碎了

7 . sand bar 沙洲

8 . 我希望我们的演出会取得成功。

9 . creek, brook 小河

10 . henceforthad今后,从今以后




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