
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-08 01:58:24


1 . Return when the teacher is not tomorrow, not yesterday but is now - today "Happy holidays, my teacher!"(回报老师的时候不是昨天也不是明天而是正在此时--今天。"节日快乐,我的老师!"

2 . 如果以上两种说法你觉得太困难了,你还可以用最简单的第三种说法:He is a tough guy 或是 He is a demanding guy Tough 和 demanding 在这里都是形容一个人对属下要求很严格的意思。

3 . 一切都会好起来的`。

4 . May the bright festive Christmas candle warm the days all the year day and night, wish you a wonderful Christmas and happy New Year!

5 . 埋下一座城,关了所有灯。

6 . 在这辉煌快乐的圣诞佳节,献上一切美好的祝福!祝一切顺心如意!

7 . 想送您康乃馨,您总说太浪费;想请您吃大餐,您说外面没家里吃的香;想送您礼物,您总说家里什么都有。但有个礼物我一定要送:妈妈,我永远爱你!

8 . Do you know where Santa Claus? Last year he took away my socks! You also need to be careful! Merry Christmas and a happy Christmas Eve!

9 . There is only a good mother, festival, of course, mother&#;s Day best, content with rare for your mother a, maternal love is priceless to buy, I wish every mother is Shouxing guy, happy smile, reduce wrinkles, daily life no worries

10 . Mother looked at a little white hair, a daily gradually deep wrinkles, years endured sufferings feeding our mother, in this belongs to your holiday, please accept my wishes for your deepest festival happiness, forever young!


1 . Don&#;t look down upon on me。

2 . Day after day, this love never changes Year after year, the situation is getting more and more thick! Mother pay no regrets, I always warm I have no chance to say thank you, thank you, I wish you a happy mother&#;s day!

3 . 每段故事都有一个结局。但是在人的一生中,每一个终点同时也是一个新的起点。

4 . 圣诞树上耀眼的彩灯,祈祷你平安一生;圣诞夜里悠扬的钟声,祝福你快乐一生。

5 . 标准口语:I&#;ll pay the bill

6 . Every hour of lost time is a chance of future misfortune

7 . 您的平安是我的愿望,您的真心是我的幸福,而我给您的礼物是我一生的祝福!节日快乐。

8 . 随着随圣诞节的到来,向爸妈说一声:永远平安。让这向祥和的旋律,伴你们度过一生!

9 . Snow flying, the deer&#;s bell clouds clouds, sweet Christmas Eve went to little sway, dancing, and how wonderful and happy Christmas holiday

10 . Merry Christmas, my best friend Wishing you all the blessings of a beautiful Christmas season


1 . 日复一日,这份爱不曾改变。年复一年,这份情越来越浓!母亲无怨无悔的付出,时刻温暖着我。感谢的话我却一直没有机会说:谢谢您,祝您母亲节快乐!

2 . 日渐沧桑的背影,不再挺拔的腰身,母亲在岁月中转身,那让人伤感的白发,定格了生命中几多温暖与感动。母亲节将至,儿女知感恩,请您多保重!

3 . 致以热烈的祝贺和良好的祝福,圣诞快乐,新年快乐。

4 . Count后面接on的一般说法是count on sb/sth,表示“依靠,依赖”。

5 . 别跟自己过不去。

6 . 祝我的挚友圣诞快乐。愿你拥有美丽的圣诞所有的祝福。

7 . 母亲,您弯曲的脊背挺直了我的人生路,您斑白的双鬓彩化了我的人生途,您紧凑的皱纹排除了我的人生顾虑,您的人生终点为我带来生命起点。我爱你,母亲。

8 . Destiny determines who comes into our lives but it&#;s the heart that decides who stays inside

9 . Your peace is my desire, your heart is my happiness, and my gift to you is the blessing of my life! A happy holiday

10 . All the credit goes to you (这完全都得归功于您呀!


1 . 倘若你真的爱我,那么为什么我看到的只是繁衍。

2 . I had was to reduce the work, will be on Christmas night to my care of sock greeting you: merry Christmas!

3 . 成事不足,败事有余。

4 . It&#;&#;s brilliant! (非常出色!

5 . fuse的意思是“导火索”,blow有“爆炸”的意思,在口语中也有“发脾气,发怒”的意思。两者的结合使得该习语在“发怒”的基础上更加形象地表明了“发怒”的样子。

6 . Kiss your cheek, let the blessings of love into every piece glittering and translucent snowflake Into your heart Dear wish you a merry Christmas!

7 . What a man!

8 . "Pure good Lord bless you, forgive all your iniquities Wish you a merry Christmas

9 . Tips:

10 . Hello, teacher! Sabian is your painstaking efforts of the broad masses of students, your hard work cultivating a new generation of Tianzhijiaozai, I wish you happy holidays and good health(老师您好!是您的心血撒遍了广大莘莘学子,您的辛劳培养了新一代天之骄子,祝您节日快乐,身体健康。


1 . 记住这些弱点是天生的。

2 . I want to put my hand in your hand, let you lead me into the church of Christmas, Christmas over the both of us!

3 . 有福之人,是因为他的真实比他的名誉更耀眼。

4 . Don&#;t give up the things that belong to you and keep those lost things in memory

5 . B It looks nice on you (对你正合适。

6 . Night lights, illuminate your white hair, September your holidays, rest breaks!(深夜的灯光,照亮了您的白发,月日您放假,休息休息吧!

7 . 晚上睡不着,早上起不来。

8 . When the stars hiding in the distant horizon, vaguely lights still shining in your window It is precisely because of your perseverance, we have bright future! Thank you, teachers!(当星星隐匿在遥远的天际,依稀的灯光依然闪亮在您窗前。正因您的执着,才有我们璀璨的明天!谢谢您,老师!

9 . Although you do not easily reveal, but I know you have been concerned about me Thank you, mom!

10 . 裁判不公正,他们几乎气得发狂。


1 . 愿你拥有美丽的圣诞所有的祝福。

2 . 今天是母亲节,愿您永远健康,美丽;一切事情都顺心,如意。送上鲜花,送上我深深的祝福!在这个特别的日子里,我想对妈妈您说声:妈妈节日快乐!愿妈妈在今后的日子里更加健康快乐!

3 . Today is mother&#;s day, may you always be healthy and beautiful, everything goes well Send flowers, send me a deep blessing! On this special day, I want to say to my mother: Happy Mother&#;s day! May my mother be more healthy and happy in the days to come!

4 . Blessed is he whose fame does not outshine his truth

5 . 已经无法挽救了。

6 . ③ We&#;re planning a TWO-Day Tour to Shanghai this weekend我们计划这周末去上海两日游。

7 . 你知道圣诞老人在哪里吗?去年他拿走了我的袜子!你也要小心呀!圣诞快乐,平安夜快乐!

8 . 口语:发脾气可以用“Blow”!

9 . Scold, total contains love; nagging, reveals a concern; silent, hidden miss; a show of hands between total hope peace child; this is the motherly love, mother love is great, difficult to return, only happy mothers day fast, safe and healthy!

10 . Maybe you had to make a wish, let sweet sweet love; you might have to pray, let the work carried out smoothly; today, you must be in before the Buddha devout wishes: Wish mother health and peace forever A mother&#;s love is boundless, and the reward is well


1 . Have many words hidden in the mouth, there are many hidden in the heart of emotion, many move Tibet on weekdays, mother&#;s day, let me put them exposure, dear mom, thank you for your, I wish you a happy holiday, happy and healthy, happy every day!

2 . 在这个特别的日子里,我想对妈妈您说声:妈妈节日快乐!愿妈妈在今后的日子里更加健康快乐!

3 . You look nice

4 . All endings are beginnings, we just don&#;t know it at the time-Mitch Albom

5 . Through so many years, I just know, I love you, my mother

6 . Brilliant! *有了让人吃惊的主意或解决了问题时使用。

7 . It was on sale *on sale是“降价,减价,甩卖”;for sale是“正在出售的,出售的”。两种用法不同,注意不要混淆。

8 . 如:I&#;d love to invite that party animal to the party He&#;d liven up the mood!

9 . You haven&#;t received the gift? Then go to sleep! Your satisfied ge scare Santa Claus

10 . 破财免灾嘛。




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