
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2023-12-29 19:01:30


1 . Set ambitious goals, work hard and make progress; Shout the learning slogan, good study, day day up; Sweat hard, work hard, keep improving School starts, wish you study well, all the best!

2 . 天赐我梦想翅膀,我定要展翅翱翔!

3 . , let the dream to take off in the campus, study hard, make it flash on the campus, learning seriously, the school day, back schoolbag, to a better future, efforts to refuel, set up the glorious life!

4 . It is the beginning of the school day With ideal wings, soar on the sea of knowledge; Explore the way forward, create future glory School day, back school bag, with a successful handshake Come on!

5 . 我们都是记忆两头的玩偶,被看不到的细线慢慢缠绕;我们都是路途两边的树木,默默站在那些悲伤之上。那些微微颤抖的日子,那些已经不再的岁月,我们都要告诉自己,要卑微地活。

6 . .毕业那天我们该笑就笑,该哭就哭,该拥抱就拥抱,该表白就表白。

7 . 看着别人的故事,流着自己的眼泪。回得了过去,回不了当初。有些事一转身就一辈子。

8 . .我们不得不分离,轻声地说声再见,心里存着感谢,感谢你曾给过我一份深厚的情谊。

9 . 海誓山盟无需太多,陪伴,就是最好的`承诺。

10 . 把握今天的奋斗,才能赢得明天的精彩。


1 . xx即将远去,也许,在忙碌中劳累了自己;也许,在追逐中迷失了自己;也许,在无聊中,打发了自己。但是,这一切都不要在意,来年接着给力!

2 . 年还剩最后一个月,希望你们愿望都能实现

3 . 操千曲而后晓声,观千剑而后识器。

4 . .别离,是有点难舍,但不怅然;是有点遗憾,但不悲观。因为我们有相逢的希望在安慰。

5 . , school day arrived, back schoolbag, back to the familiar campus, into the struggling classroom, wandering in the knowledge of the sea, to the ideal paradise I wish you success in your study and realize your dream!

6 . .毕业了,话题不再是八卦,学习,换成了工作,前途与结婚。

7 . Start the school year To restrain the lazy heart and make progress; The tension of the string, the rise; Open the door of knowledge and learn from it May you learn and progress!

8 . .春真的很单薄,风一吹,就散了。

9 . Strive to begin today not only as a way to succeed, but also as an important condition for people in different fields

10 . 你是不是也是这样:经常开导朋友,却不知道怎么开导自己。


1 . 年末了,把心情开朗些,真情就不会拥挤,把欢笑传染下,思念就不会生病,把生活调理下,感情就不会孤立,把祝福注射下,友情才有新生,xx愿你活出人生精彩!

2 . 百日积淀,百日辉煌。

3 . , the school starts, says goodbye to the summer vacation, goes back to school; To gather the idle body and mind, to be positive; Step on the track of study and go forward Push your wings and try harder I hope you have a smooth and successful school year!

4 . 当法国人带着漂亮的蝴蝶标本回来时,却吃惊地发现,他们的“拿破仑领地”已经不复存在了,英国人正严阵以待,俨然以胜利者的姿态向他们介绍“维多利亚”的`领地归属。

5 . .我的大学散场了落幕了但我的友情还在上演着……

6 . .我不想说再见,更不想说不见,我只想说你不要忘了朋友。

7 . 用幸福之箭,正中你年末的靶心;用快乐之箭,射中你的开心;用幸运之箭,正中你财运的中心;用健康之箭,伴你一路飞行。愿你一年到尾都如意开心!

8 . .愿你在这短暂的学习时日里,获得高超的本领顽强的意志博大的胸怀;像赛马一般,越过一道又一道高栏;让生命扬帆前进,驶向碧波滔滔的大海。

9 . 吃苦受累,视死如归!

10 . My dream is to take off here and live here Youth is flying here, life is full here Knowledge is sublimated here, and the future is cast here School begins, wish you good study, round your dream to realize your ideal


1 . Every day, every day, every day after the traffic light, I smile with confidence, proud of myself ahead of the car In fact, I am trying to find a starting point and find a new beginning

2 . .不是每个人都是酒后吐真言的,有人喝醉了说的是虚伪!

3 . .别丢掉那以往的热情,你仍要保存着那真!

4 . Dreams are waiting for you to realize, life is waiting for you to be brilliant The future waits for you to open up, life waits for you to innovate Raise the banner of success, carry your schoolbag to your dream May you gather all your strength to create splendor and splendor

5 . 所有的歌声都在一瞬间重新唱了起来,所有的事情都在一刹那重新想了起来,那些曾经爱过我们的人,其实都不曾离开。是谁开始重新地回忆,是谁开始重新地歌唱,那些曾经感动过我们的事,在某一个瞬间又会重来。

6 . 把破碎的碎片小心拾起,拼凑过后,是否还能恢复?

7 . 岁末年关祝福不断,开开心心喜迎新年,而我的祝愿与新年无关,祝愿你删除一切的困难,载上一生的平安,关闭所有的忧烦,开心快乐过好每一天!

8 . , take a confident smile, filled with determination, hard back schoolbag, into the sea of knowledge, for tomorrow&#;s good reading, cheer for life is brilliant, opening day, and go to school, strive for dream, come on!

9 . .毕业了,带不走的东西都卖了,可那些沉甸甸的回忆却挥散不去。

10 . 人生能有几回博,此时不博何时博。


1 . Unload the idle state of mind and load the happy mood Step on the path of knowledge with diligence boots Light the lamp of wisdom and step into the beautiful campus School day is here, wish you happy!

2 . .毕业了,不再为作业,烦恼了,可却要面临更加艰巨的挑战。

3 . .哈哈,四年的老同桌,你身上一定有门捷列夫没有发现的元素!否则,语言怎么在我最需要的时候无影无踪了呢?很多我们以为一辈子都不会忘记的事情,就在我们念念不忘的日子里,被我们遗忘了。

4 . .人在旅途,难免会遇到荆棘和坎坷,但风雨过后,一定会有美丽的彩虹我希望看到一个坚强的我,更希望看到一个坚强的学哥学姐!!!

5 . 服务三一五,回访老客户。

6 . 青春是一场大雨,即使感冒了,还盼望回头再淋它一次。

7 . .你的天赋好比一朵火花,假如你用勤勉辛劳去助燃,它一定会变成熊熊烈火,放出无比的光和热来。

8 . Stepping into the ocean of knowledge, happy surfing; Enter the classroom of wisdom, exchange ideas; Bathed in the sunshine of youth, healthy growth; Absorb sweet nectar, nourish spirit; Come to the beautiful campus, let fly the dream School day is here, and I hope you are happy on campus

9 . 双方都知道对方也派出了占领船队,因此都不甘示弱,拼抢非常激烈。

10 . 十二月快乐,年最后一个月,希望你爱的到想爱的人,赚的到想赚的钱,脚踏实地的去努力完成目标。即使很累也不轻易放弃,一直相信自己可以。


1 . 不做口头的巨人,要做行动的`标兵。

2 . 夺魁战鼓阵阵高,看我更上一层楼。

3 . xx年即将过去,愿你:清理烦恼失意,保持激情畅通;删除痛苦回忆,保持高涨情绪;复制无畏勇气,保持拼搏活力;添加美好顺利,保持快乐喜气;祝你xx年万事顺顺利利,吉祥安康如意!

4 . 逝去的那些美好仿佛是那些飘零的樱花,美丽易碎,又那样让人流连忘返。阳光像是检阅了我们的忧伤,把所有沉睡的过往都慢慢叫醒,我们的时光好像是沙漏的沙子。

5 . 十二月希望有钱有你

6 . .青春的脚印留在校园的小路上,笑语欢歌留在花坛的馨香中……

7 . 提高一分,干掉千人!

8 . 当时法国方面的船只技术较为先进。阿梅兰船长率领的三桅快船捷足先登,第一个到达了今天澳大利亚的维多利亚港,并将它命名为“拿破仑领地”。正在他们准备插旗扎寨之时,突然发现了当地特有的一种珍奇蝴蝶,于是兴高采烈的法国人全体出动,一齐去抓这个蝴蝶。

9 . The summer holiday is still in full bloom The opening of the New Year has been sounded Pack up the bag of advanced study, carry the schoolbag of knowledge, enter the great bank of xuehai, go to fly the place of dream Wish old classmates, cherish university good time, round your dream

10 . 成功跟借口是不会在同一个屋檐下的。




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