
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-02-22 03:42:06


1 . 坚决克服麻痹大意思想严密组织疫情防控工作

2 . The days flow quietly Whats better at home than at the front line What if you cant go out? Just pray that the game with virus will end soon! Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving for our life and health, should have a stable sun, moon and stars

3 . 不聚集,不串门,病毒疫情不上门。

4 . Having health is not equal to having everything Without health, there is no everything Health is a hollow glass ball that breaks when it falls And our job is a ball that can bounce when it falls Health is a one-way street, everyone should take it seriously!

5 . 做好新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情防控工作,遏制疫情蔓延势头,确保人民生命安全和身体健康!

6 . 起先的冷淡,将会使以后的恋爱更加热烈;她要是向你假意生滇,那不是因为她讨厌你,而是为她希望你更加爱她。——莎士比亚

7 . Please reduce to crowded places

8 . 我,是一朵盛开的夏莲,多希望,你能看见现在的我。风霜还不曾来侵蚀,秋雨还未滴落。青涩的季节又已离我远去,我已亭亭,不忧,亦不惧。现在,正是,最美丽的时刻,重门却已深锁,在芬芳的笑靥之后,谁人知道我莲的心事。无缘的你啊,不是来得太早,就是,太迟……——席慕蓉《莲的心事》

9 . 我不让自己再想什么悲伤字眼,我只是用力回味她笑容的温暖,我靠这温暖支撑过今晚,我在街上踢着石子乱转,直到街灯熄灭了,一盏接着一盏。

10 . 无要事不出门,出门必戴口罩。


1 . 疫情就是命令,防控就是责任!

2 . Unite as one, fight against the epidemic situation and help each other Only tomorrow will spring blossom!

3 . 搏,用希望铸就成功!

4 . It is hoped that the virus will be eliminated as soon as possible and more lives will be saved; it is hoped that there will be no environment for the spiritual virus to exist Its really important to breathe freely!

5 . Salute all the medical workers in the front line! May this hateful virus spread as soon as possible, and all patients will recover as soon as possible! Come on, Wuhan! Go China!

6 . 勤洗手来勤洗澡,病毒吓得无处逃。

7 . You do not gather, I do not gather, you and I reject the virus

8 . .步入xx,一场突如其来的疫情把所有人敲懵了,好像每天醒来都有很多坏消息等着你去看。

9 . The epidemic has been spreading for so many days I wish the motherland, refuel for the motherland, and refuel for Wuhan! I hope that our Chinese people will no longer be affected by the virus, put into work as soon as possible, and build a more prosperous motherland!

10 . .等这次疫情过了,去见想见的人,做想做的事吧,别给自己留遗憾。


1 . Wait for the spring flowers to bloom, the epidemic is eliminated, there are many beautiful places waiting for us to play!

2 . 待到病毒驱散时,出门再转也不迟。

3 . 我们相信,冰雪终会消融,疫魔总会散去。我们期待,春暖花开之日尽快到来。

4 . 是你们奋力抢救患者的生命,你们是最可爱的,最辛苦的。送别的眼泪,会变成他日重聚时的欢笑。

5 . 非必要不出门。

6 . Only authoritative information can be trusted if we can distinguish the Internet rumors

7 . We hope that the people of the whole country will make concerted efforts to overcome the virus as soon as possible

8 . 少一次聚会,多一份安全。

9 . 年龄越大,越喜欢喝点小酒,因为心里有些话越来越说不出口。加班越久,越喜欢一个人走,因为想知道自己究竟还能忍受多久。当初都是一群人上路,后来都需要一个人独处。都曾希望任何人给自己发短信,拿起手机却又不知道应该打给谁。但只有经过了这段,才有回忆的笑谈。——刘同《谁的青春不迷茫》

10 . 感谢这些医护人员为疫情做出的贡献!向你们致敬!你们辛苦啦


1 . Know how to cherish, to have a life, the world is changeable, there is no future, want to do, want to see you early, dont wait, dont hope, let yourself leave regret Only those who grasp the opportunity can succeed, and those who know how to cherish them deserve to have them An epidemic, let us instantly wake up, a disaster, let us look down on all Life is only once, life is only once, cherish your life, live a limited life wonderful, let the short life without regret!

2 . 不要压抑自己的热情,给自己一点儿希望吧!在昨天的废墟上重塑一个不屈的自己。

3 . 今天到处串门,明天肺炎上门。

4 . 要听晚辈好言劝,不戴口罩全家嫌。

5 . 一场疫情,提醒你我:人有且只有这一辈子,能做的事就尽力做,该忙的时候认真忙,不要虚度青春。

6 . 少吃一顿饭,亲情不会断。

7 . 少吃一顿团圆饭,您的亲情不会淡。

8 . 莫乱串,易感染;莫惊慌,自有方。莫串门,勤洗手,别让病毒跟着走。

9 . 疫情当前微信拜年,口罩一戴福气常在。

10 . 不要压抑自己的热情,给自己一点儿希望吧!在昨天的废墟上重塑一个不屈的自己。


1 . 感动我们时代的逆行者因为有你们我们才能安心在家宅着因为有你们我们才感觉生活很开心因为有你们我们才可以谈笑评论疫情期社会民生。感恩你们,感动,祝好

2 . 待到春暖花开的季节,愿所求皆所愿,山河无恙,岁月安康。

3 . 春草孕育希望,在润物细无声中体验心中的滋养;夏荷孕育希望,在出淤泥不染中贮存心中的圣洁;秋叶孕育希望,在飒飒之萧条中汇聚心中的归根;冬雪孕育希望,在漫天之素美中饱经心中的飘然。世间无物无不播种希望,他们要创造的是前面的光明,我们更应如此。

4 . 人总是会分开,为着我们不可妥协的前途,和所谓的明媚希望。——七堇年

5 . 不信谣不传谣,官方媒体最可靠。

6 . 当人在对一件事情的希望破灭之后,便会把希望转移到另一件事情上。转移的过程,往往是一个痛苦又无可奈何的过程。

7 . 怀揣希望前行需坚定自己的信念,因为我就是我自己的神。

8 . 管管境外输入吧报报你反应一下嘛,限流啥的,咱们也要全面复工复学啊

9 . 每个人心中都有一道暗伤,这个伤口不轻易对人显露,而自己也不敢轻易触碰。总希望掩藏在最深的角落,让岁月的青苔覆盖,不见阳光,不经雨露,以为这样,有一天伤口会随着时光淡去。——白落梅《你若安好便是晴天》

10 . 隔离的是亲情,佑护的是生命!


1 . We respond to the call of the country, stay at home is to contribute to the country, lets work together to overcome the epidemic! Waiting for spring to bloom, everything is beautiful as before!

2 . 为众人抱薪者,不可使他冻毙于风雪!为生命开路者,不可使他困顿于荆棘!

3 . Pay tribute to the medical staff working in the front line, pay tribute to the staff from all walks of life who have paid for this disaster May the epidemic situation disappear as soon as possible China will be better in Come on, Wuhan

4 . 今天沾一口野味,明天去地府相会。

5 . 肺炎疫情不可怕,就怕有人乱溜达。

6 . Whether it is night or season, it will not last forever When cherry blossoms bloom, the winter will be over

7 . 口罩还是呼吸机,您老看着二选一。

8 . 你可以一辈子不登山,但你心中一定要有座山。它使你总往高处爬,它使你总有个奋斗的方向,它使你任何一刻抬起头,都能看到自己的希望。——刘墉《方向》

9 . 女人把希望寄托在男人身上,男人把希望寄托在孩子身上,孩子把希望寄托在母亲身上。于是他们既寄希望与别人,自己又成了别人寄予的希望。

10 . 希望是人生的乳母。——科策布


1 . Pay homage to the soldiers fighting in the front line! Youve been working hard! We will be obedient, try not to go out, wear masks, wash hands frequently, do not give you trouble Wish you all safe, we wait for the spring flowers to bloom, the epidemic subsides! Come on, Wuhan! Come on, China!

2 . 潜伏期间也感染,千万远离感染源。

3 . 或许,子夜只是斑斓星河里的一颗传说,可是我希望她是真的存在过。爱是一种需要不断被人证明的虚妄,就像烟花需要被点燃才能看到辉煌一样。——安意如《人生若只如初见》

5 . 今年上门,明年上坟。

6 . "Youcan&#;tsay,therearethingsworthtryingNevergiveup,alwayshavehopeinfrontofwaiting世事不能说死,有些事情总值得尝试。永不轻言放弃,前方总有希望在等待。《放牛班的春天》"

7 . 向英雄们致敬!每個中國人用無盡感激之情護送你们平安歸家!

8 . In this special year , may we all be safe and healthy! When the epidemic situation is over, when the spring flowers bloom, we make an appointment to go and see the blooming spring flowers, give each other a deep hug, drink tea and chat, have a good time

9 . 我相信在大家的共同努力下,一定会很快战胜疫情的!

10 . 花朵芬芳,是因为她们怀揣希望开放;雄鹰遨翔,是因为他们怀揣希望遨翔。


1 . 今年过年不串门,来串门的是敌人,敌人来了不开门。

2 . Different , I hope that the epidemic will disappear early and embrace the warm spring flowers!

3 . 我多么希望,有一个门口,早晨,阳光照在草上。我们站着,扶着自己的门窗,门很低,但太阳是明亮的。草在结它的种子,风在摇它的叶子,我们站着,不说话,就十分美好。——顾城《门前》

4 . .一场疫情,让我们明白:身体健康,才是最后的赢家,爱惜身体,才是正确的选择。只有身体健康,才能享受世间一切,倘若失去健康,钱财物质全是摆设。

5 . 分别之际,有喜悦有不舍有感谢有礼遇,还有激励,更有期待

6 . 人不抱希望是很傻的。——海明威《老人与海》

7 . I hope the inflection point of the epidemic situation will appear as soon as possible! Hope there are no more cases! I hope that all the people will wear masks according to the requirements, not party, not visit! Thanks to all the people who are working hard to prevent and control the epidemic situation! May everything be well! May everything be safe! May the virus be defeated as soon as possible! Hope to recover soon!

8 . 感谢国家的强大支撑,感谢白衣天使的坚持守护,也感谢所有为抗击疫情默默付出的人!

9 . 如果我的爱情回忆在化为一份记录性书写时,有任何的意义,那便是希望每个读着这些故事的男孩女孩,都能从中获得一点点,相爱的勇气。——九把刀《那些年,我们一起追的女孩》

10 . My father is a policeman He has been fighting in the front line of anti epidemic all the time He said that there are three things that cant be avoided in life: asking for the peoples help, bearing the burden of our country, and taking orders in the face of danger Im proud of you, Dad I hope you can come back soon and China will overcome the disease and poison as soon as possible


1 . Pray for Wuhan to win the virus as soon as possible! Let the brave and loving rebels go home safely as soon as possible! #Unite as one to fight the epidemic situation the motherland refuels, prays to defeat the virus as soon as possible

2 . 我们的生活中,常常破灭的不是希望而是幻想。我们常常为实现不了的愿望而痛苦,是因为我们把幻想当成了希望。

3 . 致敬白衣天使们全国人民感谢你们祝福你们一生平安

4 . 不怕一万就怕万一。

5 . 如果一个想法在一开始不是荒谬的,那它就是没有希望的。——爱因斯坦

6 . 朋友不聚,回头再叙;全民安康,才是第一。

7 . 又是一场伟大的战役,仍旧是可爱的人民,愿我们中华民族苦尽甘来,人民在这里安居乐业

8 . 严防重点关口加强监测排查

9 . May there be no disaster in the world May all our compatriots infected with or suspected to be infected with new viral pneumonia recover as soon as possible, and the epidemic situation can be controlled as soon as possible May the medical staff of angel in white who are fighting in the front line, as well as all simple and kind-hearted rebels, volunteers, be safe and healthy and return home as soon as possible! Huoshen mountain, Leishen mountain, Zhongnan mountain, Sanshan town poison! Doctors heart, benevolent heart, Chinese heart, ten thousand hearts to fight the epidemic! Come on, Wuhan! Go China!

10 . 小小疫情不可怕,全民齐心战胜它。




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