
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-17 22:03:57


1 . Hegtinterestedintwtheriesexplaininghwchlerailledpeple

2 . and yet 可是,然而

3 . decreaseby下降了……

4 . School is over 放学了。 / Class is over 下课了 。

5 . 年,他第一次上台表演。从那以后,他越来越受欢迎了。(for the first time)

6 . Buthebecaeinspiredwhenhethughtabuthelpingrdinarpepleexpsedtchlera

7 . In recent years, great changes have taken place in the city, making it take on a new look

8 . 井蛙不可以语于海者,拘于虚也;夏虫不可以语于冰者,笃于时也;曲士不可以语于道者,束于教也。

9 . 霍乱之所以能致人于死,当时有两种看法,斯诺对这两种推测都很感兴趣。

10 . In the past years , Suzhou has been transformed into an advanced industrial city


1 . be/getabsorbedin专心于,集中精力于

2 . That one is correct

3 . 今宵酒醒何处,杨柳岸晓风残月。

4 . betblae应该受责备(用主动形式表示被动)

5 . 对摄影我不仅感兴趣,在大学我还专修过摄影,因此,我的确对摄影特别感兴趣。

6 . You should give up now Trying to get him to change his pinion is a waste of your time and energy

7 . 众所周知,石油在我国的国民经济中起了重要作用。(play an important role in…

8 . Because of his musical talent and fame, he traveled to many countries as a conductor

9 . 峰峦如聚,波涛如怒,山河表里潼关路。

10 . 天下莫柔弱于水,而攻坚强者莫之能胜,以其无以易之。


1 . Thatprobablydoesn’tsoundverymuchtoyouortomebutitisarapidincreasecomparedtomostnaturalchanges

2 . adapt to 适应

3 . Elvis&#; musical life was cut short when he was drafted into the army in

4 . Thesecndsuggestedthatpepleabsrbedthisdiseaseinttheirbdieswiththeireals

5 . Instead of going to school, Zhang Hua joined the army

6 . 第二种看法是在吃饭的时候人们把这种病毒引入体内的。

7 . resultin导致

8 . hnSnwwasawell-nwndctrinLndn–sfaus,indeed,thatheattendedQueenVictriateasethebirthfherbabies

9 . 梧桐更兼细雨,到黄昏点点滴滴。

10 . gooutonastory外出采访


1 . andsoon等等

2 . 月出于东山之上,徘徊于斗牛之间。

3 . stickto坚持

4 . Let’sgoandhavealook让我们去看看吧!

5 . comeback回来

6 . ThedoorisgreenThewindowsareyellow门是绿色的,窗户是黄色的。

7 . inadditin也,另外,此外

8 . Are you ready ? Yes , I’m ready !

9 . ever so 非常,极其

10 . blaesbfrsth因某事责备某人


1 . dosomeresearchon…对……做调查

2 . what if 如果将会怎样

3 . IPhrases

4 . asaresultof=inconsequenceof由于…的缘故

5 . (be)strictwithsb对某人要求严格

6 . 很显然音乐和布景是这部另人惊异的作品的重要的因素( the key components of…

7 . As we all know,oil plays an important role in our national economics。

8 . abide by 履行,遵守

9 . drawacnclusin得出结论

10 . accountfor解释


1 . haveanosefor…对……非常敏感

2 . putupwith…忍受

3 . inturn依次,逐个地

4 . 纵一苇之所如,凌万顷之茫然。

5 . 温室效应使得地球表面的平均气温达到了℃

6 . Its origins are anchored in the folk songs of black Americans from the period of slavery

7 . Henewitwuldneverbecntrlleduntilitscausewasfund

8 . as/solongas只要

9 . Together,individualsmakeadifference众人拾柴火焰高。

10 . 其声呜呜然,如怨如慕,如泣如诉。余音袅袅,不绝如缕。舞幽壑之潜蛟,泣孤舟之嫠妇。


1 . 约翰斯诺马上叫宽街上惊惶失措的老百姓拆掉水泵的把手,这样水泵就用不成了。

2 . accusesbofsth=chargesbwithsth指控某人做某事

3 . 望西都,意踌躇。伤心秦汉经行处,宫阙万间都做了土。

4 . becuriusabut对…好奇

5 . go wrong 发生故障,出毛病;出错,犯错误

6 . 寻寻觅觅,冷冷清清,凄凄惨惨戚戚。

7 . makeadifference有影响;有关系

8 . After graduating from university, he applied for many jobs, but he has not found one which suits him yet

9 . putfrward提出

10 . 世纪 年代, R&B 进一步改变了现代音乐,发展成为我们现在所熟知的摇滚乐( lead to what…


1 . or so 大约,左右

2 . IISentences:

3 . betodo必将/将要/应该

4 . compare…to/compare…with与…相比

5 . He asked for advice from his colleagues on how to exercise control over the pace of the experiment

6 . Just a minute

7 . apologizeto,for 道歉,认错

8 . greenhouseeffect温室效应

9 . cometo结果达到;苏醒

10 . resultfrom原因是




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