
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-09 08:02:55


1 . 。①sweets②the③like④I

2 . May I have a look? 我可以看一看吗?

3 . —No,I can’t不,我不会。

4 . I really want a dog, but my parents won’t let me have one 我真的`想要一只狗,但我的父母不允许我养。

5 . Everyone______adictionaryinmyclass

6 . Yes, it is No, it isn&#;t

7 . Whatcolourisit?It’sblackandwhite它是什么颜色的?它是黑白相间的。 MyschoolbagisheavyWhat’sinit?我的书包很重。里面有什么?

8 . You look sick How are you feeling? 你看起来不太舒服,你感觉怎么样?

9 . I like hamburgers 我喜欢吃汉堡包。

10 . adv特别;尤其


1 . What color is …? It&#;s red/white

2 . May I have your name, please?请问尊姓大名?

3 . Therearesomeapplesinthetree(变一般问句

4 . No way! 不行!

5 . There___twobowlsofriceonthetableAisBhaveChasDare

6 . _________________________________________________________

7 . We have a lot of rules at my house So do we 我们家有很多家规。我们家也有。

8 . What school rules do you think should be changed? 你认为应改变哪些学校规定?

9 . If I were you, I’d talk to someone who looks friendly 如果我是你,我将和看起来友好的人讲话。

10 . How do we deal with our problem? 我们怎样处理我们的问题?


1 . n赤道

2 . The three students plan to set up a student volunteer project at heir school 这三个学生计划在 他们校开展一个学生志愿者项目。

3 . I’m serious about running 但我对跑步极感兴趣。/ 热衷于跑步。

4 . For your next vacation, why not consider visiting Paris?你下次度假为什么不考虑去巴黎?

5 . She added that having conversations with friends was not helpful at all 她又说和朋友对话根本没用。

6 . ad外国的;外来的

7 . am yes Fang I Miss_________________________

8 . —I usually take a shower at six forty我通常六点四十淋浴。

9 . 里面还有其他的东西吗?__________anythingelseinit?

10 . Therearemanybeautifulflowersinthegarden(变一般问句


1 . Peter should be allowed to take the test later 应该允许彼得晚些参加考试。

2 . He also put up some sign asking for old bikes 他还贴了一些需求旧自行车的广告。

3 . n黄昏;黑暗

4 . Therearesomebigtreesbehindmyhouse(变一般问句

5 . 重点句型:

6 . Howmany____arethereinthepicture?AwomanBwomenCbuyDmilk

7 . Do you want to go to a movie?

8 . Some people say they are boring, but others say they are great

9 . n人物;角色

10 . You can’t wake a person who is pretending to be asleep真人不露相。


1 . n甲板

2 . Thereisawomannearthehouse(变复数

3 . n要求,必要条件

4 . Can you play the guitar?你会弹吉他吗?

5 . n有吸引力的事物(人)

6 . Are you good with old people?你与老人们相处得融洽吗?

7 . What does Jim have for breakfast?

8 . What do you think you are doing? 你在做什么?

9 .  

10 . ThisismyclassroomIt’sbig这是我的教室。它很大。


1 . n主题

2 . She really has something for everyone每个人的确都能从她的作品中领悟到一些东西。

3 . She puts this love to good use by working in the after-school care centre at her local elementary school 她在当地的一所小学的课后辅导中心工作,使这个爱好得到较好的利用

4 . Asome,someBany,someCany,anyDsome,any

5 . ad印度的;印度人的

6 . I go to sleep with my bedroom light on 我以前害怕黑暗 我开着卧室的灯睡觉

7 . n岛;岛屿

8 . Yes, she does No, she doesn&#;t

9 . ad极好的

10 . You need to pack some warm clothes if you go there 你如果去那里,需要带些暖和的衣服。


1 . He could be running for exercise他可能是跑步锻炼身体。

2 . prn(二者)都不

3 . Does she/ he like …?

4 . He might be running to catch a bus他可能是在跑着赶公共汽车。

5 . I agree。 我同意。

6 . Is the baseball under the chair?

7 . n东南 ad东南的

8 . I know this might seem strict 我知道这似乎太严格。

9 . HowmanyChinesebookscanyousee?Icansee你能看见多少本书?我能看见二十本。

10 . are how Alice you__________________________


1 . You’re welcome 不客气(不用谢)。

2 . ad卓越的;极好的

3 . Can you play the piano or the violin?你会弹钢琴还是会拉小提琴?

4 . I have to stay at home on school nights 在上学的日子里,我晚上必须呆在家。

5 . Yes, she/he does No, she/ he doesn&#;t

6 . The music reminds me of Brazilian dance music这首曲子使我想起了巴西舞曲。

7 . ThedoorisgreenThewindowsareyellow门是绿色的,窗户是黄色的。

8 . ①②③④⑤

9 . I’d love to sail across the Pacific我想横渡太平洋。

10 . It’s crucial that I study for it because it counts %to the final exam 关键是我必须学,因为它占期末考试的 %。


1 . As the name suggests, the band has a lot of energy正如乐队名字所暗示的那样,这支乐队很 有活力。

2 . Where is the …? It&#;s in/ on/under the …

3 . ________________bigtreesbehindmyhouse?

4 . Do you/ they like salad/ pears?

5 . When an ant says“ocean”,he is talking about a small pool井底之蛙。

6 . 一What time do you usually take a shower,Kick?瑞克,你通常几点钟淋浴?

7 . n类型

8 . If you have any idea where might be please call me如果你知道它可能在哪,请打电话给我。

9 . That’s a great idea!好主意!

10 . Why do you think the man is running?你觉得那个男的为什么跑?




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