
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-18 16:14:07


1 . Whatever is going to happen will happen, whether we worry or not (Ana Monnar

2 . Winter is an etching, spring a watercolor, summer an oil painting and autumn a mosaic of them all

3 . All men who have achieved great things have been great dreamers

4 . 总有一些人一些事会在你生命中留下一些划痕,也许是很深的印痕,若干年后再相遇已物是人非。祝你晚安我曾经的刻骨铭心的爱!

5 . Love keeps the cold out better than a cloak爱比大衣更能驱走寒冷。

6 . 苦难可以激发生机,也可以扼杀生机;可以磨练意志,也可以摧垮意志;可以启迪智慧,也可以蒙蔽智慧;可以高扬人格,也可以贬抑人格,这全看受苦者的素质如何。

7 . Love is the greatest refreshment in life。爱情是生活最好的提神剂。

8 . Love is blind爱情是盲目的`。

9 . Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。

10 . —— 真正的快乐,不是狂喜,亦不是苦痛,它是细水长流,碧海无波。


1 . 不要去羡慕别人的生活,即使那个人看起来快乐富足。永远不要去评价别人是否幸福,即使那个人看起来孤独无助。幸福如人饮水,冷暖自知。你不是我,怎知我走过的路,心中的乐与苦。早安!

2 . 如何让你遇见我,在我最美丽的时刻。

3 . Happiness is to find someone who can give you warm and share your life together

4 . 坚持需要勇气,重新来过更是如此。

5 . If you want to fly too high in relation to the horizon forget

6 . If I know what love is, it is because of you因为你,我懂得了爱。

7 . 喜欢的歌,静静地听,喜欢的人,远远地看!

8 . 喜欢一个人,会卑微到尘埃里,然后开出花来。

9 . Don&#;t realize too much which will let you down

10 . 曾经以为过不去的,终究会过去。痛苦有时候是一种提升,否则,我们流的眼泪也就毫无意义。


1 . Heartif there is no place to perch on, where all are wandering

2 . A person has at least one dream, there is a reason to be strong

3 . Do not,for one repulse,give up the purpose that you resolved to effect

4 . 也许阳光曾伫立。但悲伤一直都在我心里不曾消逝。

5 . If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden假如每次想起你我都会得到一朵鲜花,那么我将永远在花丛中徜徉。

6 . Focus on your long-term goal Good things will soon happen 专注于你的长期目标,美妙的事情很快会来到。

7 . 同一份爱,让我笑,也让我哭。

8 . Memories like to go to a date with you, you will think of me? Would you miss me?

9 . 趁着还年轻,早日实现自己的梦想吧!因为你只能年轻一次,而且绝对不可能老两次。大家晚安,愉快的假期到了哦!

10 . 人生路上没有不变的风景,前进途中没有笔直的大道,新的一天,让我们一步一个脚印,用心走出不一样的人生。早安!


1 . 有时候你以为天要塌下来了,其实是自己站歪了!

2 . You light up my life。你照亮我的生命。

3 . 给时间时间,让过去过去。

4 . Difficult circumstances serve as a textbook of life for people。 困难坎坷是人们的生活教科书。

5 . 一个人的内心如果充满了自卑,往往就会变成一个最骄傲的人。早安!

6 . Nothing will be forever, and nothing will be long, to find an excuse, who can go first

7 . 真正的朋友,在你成功时,会引以为豪;在你失败时,会不离不弃。

8 . 慢慢的才知道,太在乎别人往往会伤害自己。

9 . I miyou so much already and I haven&#;t even left yet!尽管还不曾离开,我已对你朝思暮想!

10 . Why did you say that to me? To punish me a little longer? Jane, I&#;ve been though! For the first time I have found what I can truly love Don&#;t take if away from me


1 . —— 该发生的总会发生,不管你是否为此焦虑。

2 . 一剪闲云一溪月,一程山水一年华。一世浮生一刹那,一树菩提一烟霞。

3 . As the flowers bloom Men&#;s feelings are changeable Xie, as this phenomenon, want to become a kind of inevitable season

4 . 当一个人感到很知足,心不烦,身不疲,无所求,心能安的时候,快乐就在其中;当一个人感到吃得下,玩得动,睡得好,没牵挂,很满足的时候,幸福就在其中。

5 . —— 曾经拥有的不要忘记,难以得到的更要珍惜,属于自己的不要放弃,已经失去的留作回忆。

6 . 要看到一切事情积极的一面,让自己成为一个乐观的人。早安!

7 . 不因劳累而改变,问候不因疲惫而变懒,祝福不因休息而变缓,关怀随星星眨眼,牵挂在深夜依然,轻轻道声:祝你晚安!

8 . 伤痛使你更加坚强,眼泪使你更加勇敢,我们都应感谢那些受伤的时光。

9 . 优等的心,不必华丽,但必须坚固。

10 . 人生一直是付出和得到的交织,把辛苦也当幸福来过着,我们就赢了。早安!


1 . 幸福是生生不息,却难以触及的远。

2 . ,很满足的时候,幸福就在其中。

3 . My heart belongs to you。我的心属于你

4 . Passionate love is a quenchlethirst热烈的爱情是不可抑制的渴望。

5 . 听着别人的诉说想起自己的难过

6 . Where there is great love, there are always miracles哪里有真爱存在,哪里就有奇迹。

7 . If equal affection cannot be, let the more loving be me如果没有相等的爱,那就让我爱多一些吧。

8 . Just because someone doesn&#;t love you the way you want them to, doesn&#;t mean they don&#;t love you with all they have爱你的人如果没有按你所希望的方式来爱你,那并不代表他们没有全心全意地爱你。

9 . I’m fond of you。我对你有好感。

10 . Rochester:You torture me with your doubtsSay yes,say yes。God forgive meAnd let no men meddle with meShe is mineMine


1 . You are the one who I am loath to bullyHow can I let others tease you?

2 . He who commences many things finishes but a few。样样都搞,完成者少。

3 . Calamity is man&#;s true touchstone。患难是人的试金石。

4 . promises are often like the butterfly, which disappear after beautiful hover。承诺常常很像蝴蝶,美丽的飞盘旋然后不见。

5 . 刚刚好,看见你幸福的样子,于是幸福着你的幸福。

6 . You are the greatest adventure of my life。你就是我生命中最大的冒险。

7 . We cease loving ourselves if no one loves us如果没有人爱我们,我们也就不会再爱自己了。

8 . Don&#;t give up,just be you,cause life&#;s too short to be anybody else

9 . I need him like I need the air to breathe我需要他,正如我需要呼吸空气。

10 . A day is very short, happy smile, not happy to smile again




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