
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-30 01:09:43


1 . When helping a woman pull her chair to the table, hold it and guide it Don&#;t shove it againstthe back of her legs

2 . What else to watch: Leave some food on your plate to show that the host has given you enoughto eat Or the host will ask if you&#;d like to have a second helping It&#;s polite to mop up excesssauce or gravy with bread

3 . 虽然你我不能相聚,但我的思念和祝福伴随你走每一段路。亲爱的,保重!

4 . 没有不变的风景,却有祝福的永恒。五月,愿你拥有如花的笑脸,阳光的灿烂,甜蜜的体验,幸福的每一天,五一快乐!(风水wwwazgcn

5 . thatdepends看情况再说。(onsth

6 . 五一劳动节快乐!

7 . 为了打造更完美的世界,可能会需要混掉现在的世界,那就会树敌。

8 .

9 . Let’sgetstarted

10 . ineverlikeditanyway我一直不太喜欢这东西。当朋友或同事不小心摔坏你的东西时就可以用上这句话给他一个台阶,打破尴尬局面:Oh,don’tworryI’mthinkingofbuyinganewoneineverlikeditanyway


1 . Don&#;tplaygameswithme!别跟我耍花招!

2 . I&#;mnotgoingtokidyou我不是跟你开玩笑的。

3 . 挖掘每个人身上的优点,真诚的赞美别人。

4 . 这句话,很有用,失败有时难免,但是你要是可以说,I’vedonemybestorIsparenoefforts就不必遗憾,毕竟,mansupposes,goddisposes

5 . 即使自己要付出高昂代价,我也在所不惜。

6 . CA吃醋:谁知道你们有没有一起吃芝士火锅!--斯塔克:芝士火锅就是夹芝士的面包……

7 . Do not take your seat till guests and elder people are seated

8 . let’sdoitrightnow

9 . Let’shitsth

10 . Let’sfaceit面对现实吧。常表明说话人不愿意逃避困难的现状。


1 . 把自己的东西收拾整洁,物归其位。

2 . 不要因为寂寞空虚而谈恋爱。

3 . Ihadadate我错过了一个约会。

4 . Isthatso?真是那样吗?常用在一个人听了一件事后表示惊讶怀疑。

5 . Yourhardworkforustoconveywarmth,heartfeltgreetacry,youwerelaborious!Happylaborday

6 . Mayisagoodseasonthatputsflyingstateofmind,youarewillingtoandItogetherbothfly?

7 . 美国中部的居民经常住在郊区的地方。

8 . 平时工作忙碌碌,趁着五一狂购物。两手不空满载归,慰劳自己绝不误!

9 . Mindyou!请注意!听着!(也可仅用mind。

10 . Souping soup loudly is very rude


1 . Youcancountonit你尽管相信好了,尽管放心。

2 . Let’sstart

3 . 例:ImaygototheairporttomeetherButthatdepends

4 . Ineverlikeditanyway我一直不太喜欢这东西。

6 . Chinese dinner has some special features

7 . We will not ask them to eat more

8 . 这样一个漂亮的`句子可用于多少个场合?下面是随意举的一个例子:IwasdeeplymovedbythefilmandIcriedandcriedIjustcouldn&#;thelpit

9 . 朋友,生活虽然是由烦恼组成的一串念珠,但我们得微笑着数完它不是吗?在这轻松美好的假曰里,祝你及亲爱的家人“五一”快乐!

10 . Ijustcouldn’thelpit我就是忍不住。想想看,这样一个漂亮的句子可用于多少个场合?下面是随意举的一个例子:


1 . IwishyoutheeffortsandsweatassoonaspossibleintotomorrowthefruitsofsuccessHappylaborday!

2 . 五月是放飞心情的好时节,你愿意和我一起双双飞吗?

3 . Godcreatedtheuniverseforsevendays,sevendaysthemayholiday,wecancreateaworldofcolors?

4 . Workatordinarytimesbusy,crazyshoppingbeforeMayNotemptyhandsfull,treatyourselfnevermiss!

5 . Could you tell me a little about dining etiquette?

6 . The custom of taking wine as a gift to a small dinner party is becoming customary

7 . 劳动光荣!劳动万岁!用自已的双手创造辉煌,给最亲爱的人以幸福!

8 . A:I’mgrantedafullscholarshipforthissemester

9 . 劳动是一切具有劳动能力公民的光荣职责。

10 . Both hands to take their own food after food, must use his hands A baked potato should take to become left-handed fork, spoon holders the right to food into their own folder after Do not use a fork to fork food to the wrong sites, it is extremely impolite


1 . 别错把友情当爱情。

2 . 不要想太多,尤其是负面的想法,定时清除消极思想。

3 . TheinlandPennsylvaniaisconsideredtobeCentralUnitedStates

4 . 劳动后的休息是最舒适的,呵呵,让我们好好享受这个美好的假日吧!

5 . Brilliantidea!这主意真棒!这主意真高明!

6 . 顺其自然,缘分不可强求。

7 . 当别人尽力要帮助你却没帮成时,你就可以用这个短语表示谢意。

8 . On the subject of passing: Dishes go counterclockwise, but if someone to your left asks forsomething, you can hand it directly to him

9 . 不要跟偏执狂做事极端的人谈恋爱。

10 . Place your napkin on your lap, and don&#;t eat with your fingers Don&#;tswitch cutlery between hands




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