
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-08-24 00:41:34


1 . 送上一份生日礼物,它是我内心深处的是生日祝福,祝你生日快乐,岁岁平安!

2 . 每个生日都是我们人生之旅的一个里程碑,愿你的生日百事顺意。

3 . 情人节快乐:happy valentine&#;s day!!

4 . May happiness in countless ways fill every moment of your holiday

5 . 这是为了感谢您为我所做的一切。

6 . Time to find some locations, bring blessings to a very experience!

7 . just off the beautiful chang e, ushered in the birthday of the motherland i take this opportunity goes to you my heartfelt blessing: i wish you all the best and every success! ! !刚刚送走了美丽的嫦娥,又迎来了祖国的华诞。借此机会我呈上对你衷心的祝福:祝你一切顺利,万事如意!!!

8 . “你骗谁,像你这样的大官会没有钱?”(句中用“像”字作为例子,说明凡是当官的就一定有钱。)

9 . 祝我独一无二的老爸父亲节快乐,我非常爱您!

10 . 今天很残酷,明天更残酷,后天会很美好,但绝大多数人都死在明天晚上,却见不到后天的太阳。


1 . lost, very missed in this long national day holiday, often recalled coexistence years time to find some locations, bring blessings to a very experience! 好久不见,十分想念。在这漫漫的国庆长假里,经常忆起共处的岁月。找点时间,约个地点,带上祝福,来个非常体验!

2 . Here comes today with special pride in all the achievements you have made May your dearest wishes through all the years in store come true, and make you happier than you have ever been before

3 . 招财进宝:Money and treasures will be plentiful

4 . 喜欢在春光明媚的早晨,享受那娇艳欲滴的一抹新绿;喜欢在阳光灿 烂的午后,感受那一片绚烂所淋浴着的温暖。

5 . 万事如意: hope everything goes your way

6 . 在你生日之际,向你致以亲切的祝贺。生日意味着一个新的开端,意味着重新把握生活的机会。

7 . i know you know i know that you know i know that you know that i know

8 . 岁岁平安: may you start safe and sound all year round

9 . 又到国庆节了,在这举国欢庆的日子里,希望你快乐如夕,永远幸福。国庆节快乐!

10 . Have the best Father’s Day ever


1 . 爸爸,我希望您能知道我是多么为您感到自豪啊,祝您父亲节快乐,永远快乐!

2 . 天下有情人终成眷属

3 . 人生路上,曾历遍风霜。唏嘘感慨,曾充斥心房。呵护家人,用那坚强的`臂膀。熟悉的笑容,扛起生命的沧桑。父亲节,愿天下父亲身体无恙,幸福安康!

4 . without the country, how can there be home; no home, how can there be you and me national day approaching, let us wish of the family yuan yuan, everything!没有国,哪有家;没有家,哪有你我。国庆来临,让我们共祝愿国圆家圆,家和万事兴!

5 . 让我与你的朋友们一道共庆你生日快乐,今天属于你,祝你欢欢喜喜!

6 . meet with you in the fall, the national day, in early winter long you think christmas, kiss you have green grass in the spring, the gently just ask you - my first national day to a better date, okay? 与你相遇在秋高气爽的国庆,想你在初冬漫漫的圣诞,吻你在青草已绿的春天,只想轻轻的问你??-国庆给我一次美好的约会,好吗?

7 . 生日来临,带给你无数的快乐日子,一年中天天都会想起,生日的快乐温馨。

8 . In honour of your moving out of the twenties, we are giving you a marvelous birthday party

9 . 愿我俩的爱情永远不变!:may our love will last forever

10 . 名列前茅: always come first in examinations


1 . May your life brighter as each birthday comes and goes The nicest kind of birthday that could be wishes for you

2 . 父亲节快乐,亲爱的爸爸!谢谢您为我所做的一切!

3 . 我一直不相信有真正的“幸福”,直到不久以后,我邂逅了你。亲爱的,情人节快乐。

4 . 我诚挚的生日祝福,情深意重,祝你在未来的一年里,心想事成!

5 . memories for ever May this special day brightens each hour like sunshine that cheers every flower

6 . 出入平安:Safe trip wherever you go

7 . you mean everything to me please say yeshappy valentine’s day, honey!

8 . The world is brutal today, even more brutal tomorrow and wonderful the day after, but most guys would die by tomorrow and never see the sunshine the day after tomorrow

9 . predecessors trees descendants cool, celebrate the happiness of the people, to the prosperity! you smile often a blessing, wish you happy!前人栽树后人乘凉,幸福的人们欢度国庆,愿祖国繁荣昌盛!祝福你笑脸常开,祝愿你心想事成!

10 . Congratulate you on Father&#;s Day!


1 . Girls like flowers, and more broad-minded inclusion, in order to open up new possibilities and awaken the sleepy

2 . 早晨一起醒来,你给我最温暖的吻,我给你做早餐,下午你接我下班, 我们一起回家。

3 . May you keep in good health and good spirit both on your birthday and all through the year Hope your birthday is happy and your wishes all come true

4 . 张开双臂,拥抱每一个充满希望的早晨,让阳光从身上温暖到心底。

5 . 国泰民安: wish our country flourishes and people live in peace

6 . May you enjoy to the fullest the joy of today Wishing that your special day be a winner all the way!

7 . 祝你们朝朝暮暮,缠缠绵绵到永久。

8 . 情人节的英文是什么:valentine&#;s day;saint valentine&#;s day;

9 . Lost, very missed In this long National Day holiday, often recalled coexistence years Time to find some locations, bring blessings to a very experience! 好久不见,十分想念。在这漫漫的国庆长假里,经常忆起共处的岁月。找点时间,约个地点,带上祝福,来个非常体验!



1 . The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page

2 . 如果说世界上有永恒不变无私的爱,那便是母爱和父爱,我托付明天父亲节那缕缕祥和安宁的曙光,捎去我真诚的祝福:祝你父亲永远快乐。

3 . where my growth

4 . May all your wishes come true!

5 . and the home-Sheng everything This grand festival will bring you everlasting lucky!

6 . Can control the morning of the people, to control their lives If a man can&#;t do early in the morning, what do you expect him to do?

7 . 忍为高不如让为高,忍字头上一把刀。宽容之心时时在,海阔天空自逍遥。哥们,今儿是咱老爷们儿的节日,咱祝自个儿:父亲节快乐!

8 . 再找个喜欢的人在一起,这样晚上八点到早晨六点就是开心的,这就是生活。

9 . lost, very missed In this long National Day holiday, often recalled coexistence years Time to find some locations, bring blessings to a very experience!

10 . 愿数不尽的欢乐陪伴您佳节的每时每刻。


1 . May your birthday be a celebration of the life Wish you all happiness, health

2 . 年年有余:may you always get more than you wish for

3 . Like in the spring morning, enjoy the jiaoyanyudi a touch of green, like in the sunny afternoon, feel the gorgeous shower with warm

4 . 父爱是无私的,父爱是伟大的。我们享有父爱,更应好好珍惜。父亲节即将来临,大家都行动起来,让我们的父亲过个快乐的节日吧。

5 . 给你我特别的祝福,愿它每分每秒都带给你健康好运和幸福。希望这是你度过的最美好的生日!

6 . 在早晨,我们离开家,带上我们的爱希望还有信任。当我们 在路途中遭遇了难以避免的挫折,这些就是我们的财富。

7 . happy National Day! Health!

8 . appy Fathers Day to an extraordinary father!I love you so much!

9 . Wish you a happy Father&#;s Day and the best of everything!

10 . 岁岁平安:Peace all year round




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