
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-20 14:28:02


1 . 不敢开口说英语:教你练习口语的N种途径

2 . 我右眼有点不舒服,所以我要去医院检查一下。( have sth done

3 . 我从没去过美国,你呢?

4 . 李明是个热心肠的人,他经常帮助那些有困难的人。

5 . 大部分肉接受热量渗透传至中心,但还未产生大变化,切开后 上下两侧熟肉棕色,向中心处转为粉色再然后中心为鲜肉色,伴随刀切有血渗出。(新鲜牛肉和较厚牛排这种层次才会明显,对冷冻牛肉和薄肉排很难达到这种效果)

6 . :the shortest answer is doing最简单的回答就是干。

7 . :love is something eternal; the aspect may change, but not the essence 爱是永恒的,外表可能改变,但本质永远不变。

8 . 细看菊花,就会发现它们花瓣的形状虽然各不相同,有像明月的,有像扇子的,有像卷发的……但不管是什么姿态的,一律是润如玉轻如纱,轻轻摸一下,一股轻柔的感觉直透心脾,整个人顿时轻松了许多!

9 . 今春闰好。怪重阳菊早。满槛煌煌看霜晓。唤金钱翠雨,不称标容,潇洒意陶潜中能道。——晁补之《洞仙歌·菊》

10 . FF: 哦,说一个人牛气哄哄的,就是cocky。


1 . They all thought that it was my first visit to the city As a matter of fact, I had lived here for two years

2 . 可以用提问的方式:

3 . 坐开桑落酒,来把菊花枝。——杜甫《九日杨奉先会白水崔明府》

4 . 玉律三秋暮,金精九日开。荣舒洛媛浦,香泛野人杯。靃靡寒潭侧,丰茸晓岸隈。黄花今日晚,无复白衣来。——李峤《菊》

5 . 在众花之中,我最喜欢的是那不怕风打霜冻的菊花。它不像娇气的茉莉,也不像月季那么华而不实,它不需要多少肥料和养分,也不需要你精心地去护理,只要一个简易的花盆,它就能生根发芽,茁壮成长。

6 . Donny在北京学汉语,他的中国朋友要是遇到了不知道用美语怎么说的词,就会来请教他。今天是方方要问的:牛。

7 . 十六 Teaching me the meaning of love教导我爱的意义是什么。

8 . 当你的心真的在痛,眼泪快要流下来的时候,那就赶快抬头看看,这片曾经属于我们的天空;当天依旧是那么的广阔,云依旧那么的潇洒,那就不应该哭,因为我的离去,并没有带走你的`世界。

9 . 霜间开紫蒂,露下发金英。但令逢采摘,宁辞独晚荣。——陈叔达《咏菊》

10 . .施特劳斯的华尔兹使他闻名世界。


1 . 黄菊散芳丛,清泉凝白雪。——德隐《新秋晚眺》

2 . 他问我今天是否有空。

3 . :you are everything to me, and i was so blessed when god sent you here for me你是我的一切,我是如此幸运上帝让你来到我身边。

4 . 头上尽教添白发,鬓边不可无黄菊。——宋江《满江红·喜遇重阳》

5 . 他们都认为我是第一次来到这个城市。 实际上, 我曾在这里生活过两年。(as a matter of fact

6 . Among all the subjects, Jack likes mathematics best, which, I think, is the most c_____________ one

7 . I always believe that there exists a place where reality cannot find me There, the dream is very close Just as I believe that there will always be someone in the crowd that you will remember forever until you die You can recognize her immediately I often have the same dream In the dream, I am running and searching They say I shall have more courage and more luck to reach that place and find that person Maybe I have to take a risk, coz maybe I will die in the way of searching So dare you to go? There is someplace that you once go and would not like to leave and some one that you would only meet once in your whole life

8 . I look back on my time in the UK with ____________(满意), and I really hope to go back and study in Manchester again

9 . 采采黄金花,何由满衣袖。——杜甫《九日寄岑参》

10 . I can&#;t believe it! His only son was hurt in an accident and he told his wife he couldn&#;t go to the hospital until later because he had other fish to fry -- a million-dollar deal he was closing。


1 . Mr Black is happy because the clothes made in his factory have never been so popular

2 . 与其等到别人来爱你,不如自己学着努力多爱自己一些,如果今天的你没有比昨天更喜欢自己,那明天对你来说又有什么意义呢?

3 . People are used to born in the stars They just temporarily live in the star which is called the earth Therefore, everyone has a star-like heart The life is limited, but they still shine with their smiles and love

4 . 对兹佳品酬佳节,桂拂清风菊带霜。——曹雪芹《螃蟹咏》

5 . 通过以上句法分析的三个步骤,译者将能够准确地理解句子结构和各成分之间的语法关系。

6 . Donny: No! You can use c-o-c-k-y, cocky, to describe these kind of people。

7 . The first s_________ in the second act contains a very long speech

8 . 再听个例子。说话的人正焦灼不安地在房间里来回踱步,又一而再再而三地看手表,他终于按捺不住,对在里屋磨蹭个没完没了的太太发话了,注意他话里也用了shake a leg:

9 . 十三 If equal affection cannot be, let the more loving be me 如果没有相等的爱,那就让我爱多一些吧。

10 . 昔看黄菊与君别,今听玄蝉我却回。——刘禹锡《始闻秋风》


1 . 吾生如寄,尚想三径菊花丛。——杨炎正《水调歌头·把酒对斜日》

2 . My ideal school has a park on one side and a shopping mall on the other

3 . 与这些生理变化同时发生的,还有很多心理上的变化。(along with

4 . This kind of film is suitable( 适合的 for both children and a_________

5 . I do apologize for this interruption, Mr Jones 很抱歉打断你了,琼斯先生。

6 . 其实这个问题还真不是个人的问题,很多人,包括很多男性都在开口说上特别的怕!

7 . 科技英语中存在大量由基本句型扩展而来的结构复杂的句子。扩展的方式包括:各种短语(包括介词短语分词短语不定式短语等和词组充当句子的一定成分;两个或两个以上的简单句合并成并列复合句或复合从句;修饰语和并列成分的扩大。

8 . 菊花何太苦,遭此两重阳?。——李白《九月十日即事》

9 . When she was lying in hospital, she regretted not following her mother’s advice

10 . The tsunami ( 海啸 _________(毁坏)many trees and buildings


1 . 九日黄花酒,登高会昔闻。——岑参《奉陪封大夫九日登高》

2 . Donny: Now, FF, If you can tell me what you&#;ve learned today, I&#;d say your English很牛!

3 . Sorry一词比较口语,多用于非正式化的道歉,例如:

4 . 按照原句的逻辑关系来组织译文,而不能局限于句子的语序。

5 . I can’t _____________(集中精神 with all that noise going on

6 . 灵菊植幽崖,擢颖凌寒飙。春露不染色,秋霜不改条。——袁崧《菊》

7 . 这项工作比预料的要难。(turn out)

8 . We have a good plan for the weekend, but we don’t know whether the teacher will agree to it or not We are trying to get his a____________

9 . :如果一个人身受大恩而后来又和恩人反目的话,他要顾全自己的体面,一定比不相干的陌路人更加恶毒,他要证实对方罪过才能解释自己的无情无义。

10 . I don&#;t think that when people grow up, they will become more broad-minded and can accept everything Conversely, I think it&#;s a selecting process, knowing what&#;s the most important and what&#;s the least And then be a simple man




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