
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-08-29 09:41:05


1 . 第条 Choose my friends carefully, and change of friends is more cautious

2 . 第条 本互助博爱之精神,谋团体永久之巩固。——孙中山

3 . 第条 The only thing we won’t correct faults is weak

4 . What makes life dreary is the want of motive——George Eliot

5 . The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for circumstances they want, and if they cannot find them, make them——Bernara Shaw

6 . There is no royal road to science ,and only those who do not dread the fatiguing climb of gaining its numinous summits (Karl Marx, German revolutionary

7 . 长大了,我一定要成为一块有用的玉器!

8 . A realization of dream, is a successful person

9 . Have an aim in life, or your energies will be wasted

10 . Strength alone knows conflict, weakness is below even defeat, and is born vanquished——Swetchine


1 . Our atest glory consists not in never falling, but in raising every time we fall

2 . 第条 生命,那是自然会给人类去雕琢的宝石。——诺贝尔

3 . 人就是人,是自己命运的主人。

4 . Learn from the mistakes of others and prevent your own

5 . 去年的“校园之星演讲大赛”我报了名。我还邀请了我的一位同学王璐瑶一起参加,可没想到,我的朗诵稿竟有页,我为了准备朗诵稿废寝忘食,吃饭背睡觉背在学校里背……总之啊,都怪我那老妈,非让我准备个这么长的朗诵,而老妈却说是锻炼我的最佳时机,我不愿在同学面前提起这件事,可同学们从王璐瑶那里得到答案,还说:“为了一张奖状,值得吗?是不是有奖金呀,哈哈哈哈……”那刺耳的笑声在我耳边荡漾着。我想:哼,等着吧,等我拿来奖状时,看你们羡慕不羡慕。到比赛时,我将朗诵词流利地背出,就是一不小心背错了一句,得了三等奖,同学们都给我送来了热烈的掌声。而说我的那几个同学也惭愧极了。

6 . 正如心愿能够激发梦想,梦想也能够激发心愿。语录大全网

7 . Dream is the soul, is our secret truth ( Truman Capote

8 . Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise —— Benjamin Franklin

9 . Knowledge is a city to the building of which every human being brought a stone——Emerson

10 . 梦是心灵的思想,是我们的秘密真情。(杜鲁门·卡波特)


1 . 我行过很多地方的桥 看过很多地方的云 喝过很多地方的酒 却只爱过一个正当最好年龄的人 ——沈从文

2 . 第条 年轻时行为不端,成年后一定没有出息。——萨迪

3 . Victory won’t come to me unless I go to it

4 . 人必须相信自己,这是成功的秘诀。

5 . 现在的一切都是为将来的梦想编织翅膀,让梦想在现实中展翅高飞。

6 . 第条 一两智慧胜过十吨辛苦,脑袋决定口袋。——牛根生

7 . 理想是灯塔没有理想,就没有明确的航向;没有航向就没有生活——Leo Tolstoy

8 . 生命是一袭华美的袍,爬满了蚤子。 ——张爱玲 《天才梦》

9 . Pursue your object, be it what it will, steadily and indefatigably

10 . A man can fail many times, but he isn&#;t a failure until he begins to blame somebody else——J Burroughs


1 . Our destiny offers not the cup of despair, but the chalice of opportunity So let us seize it, not in fear, but in gladness——RM Nixon

2 . 知识使人谦虚,无知使人骄傲。

3 . Man errs as long as he strives——Goethe

4 . 人类所有的智慧可以归结为两个词 — 等待和希望。

5 . Reading,to most people,means an as hamed way of killing time disguised under a dignified name。读书对大多数人而言是高尚的名称掩盖下消磨时间的可耻方式。

6 . 第条 Ask for help, for easier than for the rich to the poor

7 . Cowards die many times before their deaths

8 . To be cheerful and gay —— A D Stoddart

9 . 虚已者进德之基。 ——方孝孺

10 . 第条 追求被人尊敬的人是不值得受尊敬的。——诺贝尔


1 . The reading of all good books is like a conversation with the finest men of past centuries——Descartes

2 . 阿,造物的皮鞭没有到中国的脊梁时,中国便永远是一样的中国,决不肯自己改变一支毫毛! ——鲁迅 《狂人》

3 . as wishes may inspire dreams, so dreams may inspire wishes

4 . There is no royal road to science, and only those who do not dread the fatiguing climb of its steep paths have a chance of gaining its luminous summits

5 . A strong man will struggle with the storms of fate——Thomas Addison

6 . Unhappy, hope; happy, be cautions

7 . 上了年纪的人谈恋爱,就像老房子着了火,一发不可收拾。 ——钱钟书

8 . 学习根苦果甜。

9 . 失败乃成功之母。

10 . it is at our mother&#;s knee that we acquire our noblest and truest and highest, but there is seldom any money in them ( mark twain, american writer


1 . 第条 心不清则无以见道,志不确则无以定功。——林逋

2 . Man errs so long as he strives (Johan Wolfgang Goethe , German poet and dramatist

3 . 第条 The starting point of envy, is people’s concern to their fragile

4 . 梦想无论怎么模糊,它总潜伏在我们心底,使我们的心境永远得不到宁静,直到梦想成为事实

5 . there is no royal road to learning

6 . 第条 Parents and children, is the best gift gift to each other

7 . 第条 命运压不垮一个人,只会使人坚强起来。——伯尔

8 . 第条 真理的旅行,是不用入境证的。——约里奥·居里

9 . "e t&#;aime, c&#;est ma plume qui te l&#;écrit Et c&#;est mon coeur qui te le dit 我爱你,写出来是我的笔,说出来是我的心底。 - Inconnu 佚名- 《网络名言集》"

10 . You have to believe in yourself That&#;s the secret of success——Charles Chaplin


1 . A at obstacle to happiness is to anticipate too at a happiness

2 . “two gates there are for dreams," said penelope to odysseus after his ten years’ wandering had ended "one made for horn and one of for ivory the dreams that pass through the carved ivory delude and bring us tales that turn to naught;those that can come through polished horn accomplish real things whenever seen"

3 . 有志者,事竟成。(美国发明家 爱迪生T

4 . 第条 朋友就是把你看透了,还能喜欢你的人。——韩寒

5 . 第条 善良——这是天才者的伟大品质之一。——安格尔

6 . 书籍和朋友,在好不在多。

7 . 真知如同珍宝,不是轻易获得的,必须学习钻研思考,最重要的是必须有强烈的求知欲。——托马斯·阿诺德

8 . 轻松与欢乐。—— 斯道达特

9 . 白发并不能告诉你一个人心灵的年纪——Edward BLytton

10 . 能量加毅力可以征服一切。——富兰克林


1 . 没有目标的一生注定碌碌无为,确定一个目标吧。——RPeters

2 . He who seize the right moment, is the right man——Goethe

3 . 对于一只盲目航行的船而言,所有方向的风都是逆风——Herbert

4 . 掩盖无知要比学到知识更难。

5 . 梦想不抛弃苦心追求的人,只要不停止追求,你们会沐浴在梦想的光辉之中。

6 . To a crazy ship all winds are contrary

7 . 学问是心灵的眼睛。

8 . Failure is the mother of success——Thomas Paine

9 . 没有伟大的意志力,便没有雄才大略。——巴尔扎克

10 . 人生,都是从不断的失败走向成功,伟大的发明家爱迪生发明了世界第一盏电灯,可是,在他成功的背后,经历了无数次失败,为了找到一根适用的灯丝,他实践了一千多次失败,最后终于发明了世界上第一盏电灯,他还曾说过:“每一次的失败都会有许多收获。”这也证明了一句话:失败的背后是成功。


1 . sometimes your dreams of achieving is a kind of happiness, sometimes the dream is also a kind of happiness

2 . 惊涛骇浪,方显英雄本色。

3 . 如果你想走到高处,就要使用自己的两条腿!不要让别人把你抬到高处;不要坐在别人的背上和头上。(德国哲学家 尼采 F W

4 . 一息若存,希望不灭。——英国谚语

5 . Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass——John Ruskin

6 . 人不应该是插在花瓶里供人观赏的静物,而是蔓延在草原上随风起舞的韵律。生命不是安排,而是追求,人生的意义也许永远没有答案,但也要尽情感受这种没有答案的人生。 ——弗吉尼亚·伍尔芙

7 . Learning is a bitter root, but it bears sweet fruit

8 . We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope——Mattin Luther King

9 . 知识来自实践。

10 . 青年时准备好材料,想造一座通向月亮的桥,或者在地上造二所宫殿或庙宇。活到中年,终于决定搭一个棚。




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