
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-22 13:30:59


1 . 【讲透考点】

2 . 新的一年来到了,到处都是张灯结彩喜悦祥和。

3 . 句子是由词构成的。一个句子一般是由前后两个部分:前一部分说的是“谁”后一部分说的是“怎么样”“是什么”。

4 . E: a virtual office?

5 . 六一儿童节时,到处是孩子的欢声,到处都是孩子的笑语。

6 . give,ask_________________________________________________________sb sth

7 . 快到春节了,到处都在张灯结彩。

8 . 我们来到公园里,到处是美丽的花儿,到处是挺拔的大树。

9 . R: Beauty costs, dear! What do you think of this dress? Do you think it suits me?

10 . 你洗碗时要小心。Be careful when you wash the dishes。


1 . 裙子是翠绿色的,远看好似一块碧玉,翠欲望流,轻轻渗入玉中,更似一个郁郁葱葱的森林,变化多端,令人难以辨认。正是这一点,深深的吸引了我。

2 . To win the game is difficult

3 . 在浩翰的大海中航行,迷失方向,水手将葬身海底;在茫茫的戈壁中跋涉,迷失方向,旅者将暴尸荒野;在无边的探索中寻找希望之光,迷失方向,你将会与成功擦肩而过,抱憾终生。

4 . 我想知道她现在在哪儿?

5 . 国泰民安,处处洋溢着繁荣的景象。

6 . 秋天,到处是落花,到处落叶。

7 . O: he had barely survived the third audition and finally got a chance to advance in the contest Fortunately, in the third audition, he has won

8 . 花园里到处都是五颜六色的花。

9 . Susan:Do you think I should wear a different dress?

10 . G: yeah, he got booted after his initial performance in the audition, but he did not give up He then tried at another two auditions


1 . 她的文章写得很好。结构就像人体内的神经结和神经网的关系那样严密。

2 . B: sure I am I work for myself, but I&#;ve rented a virtual office at an office building in the downtown area

3 . K: yeah, it&#;s lovely, but to be frank, it&#;s not the most practical You don&#;t have many formal events in your calendar, do you?

4 . 句子结构

5 . 街上一座商场着火了,除了消防车所在的位置没有火苗外,其它地方到处都是浓烟滚滚的。

6 . Carter:With that dress I’d say your white diamond necklace would look perfect。

7 . Jane:I prefer the opposite The way I see it, to do the dishes is boring。

8 . B: a separated office, internet access, phone services, fax services, mail & courier services, and almost everything you have in a conventional office

9 . 虫子在我脑袋边飞来飞去,到处咬我,我十分讨厌他们。

10 . 英语句子成分: 主语谓语宾语定语状语表语


1 . 陈述句疑问句祈使句感叹句。

2 . E: oh, that helps a lot to promote your "corporate image"

3 . 我把每一样餐具都整理得井井有条。I keep every dishware organized。

4 . 他们可以荡秋千滑滑梯到处跑,玩上好几个小时。

5 . 把垃圾拿出去。太臭了。Take out the garbage It stinks。

6 . O: oh, I love him too He not only sings well but shows perseverance when he encounters difficulties in the contest

7 . 快点儿,要不我们就迟到了。Hurry up, or we’ll be late。

8 . K: I promise I&#;ll pay you back as soon as we get home

9 . Tell e

10 . 春天来了,生机勃勃的绿草到处都是。




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