
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-14 01:51:14


1 . 人生有涯,而学无涯。

2 . A man is known by his friends 视其友,知其人

3 . 智者不作非凡之想。

4 . All things are difficult before they are easy 凡事起头难

5 . Nopains,nogains

6 . Things at the worst will mend否极泰来。

7 . Unable to fly ,in vain the bird flaps his wings 鸟儿不会飞,拍翅也枉然。

8 . When its time has arrived, the prey becomes the hunter当时机来到,猎物反变成猎人。

9 . Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise(Benjamin Franklin, American president )

10 . Weak men wait for opportunity, but the strong men make it,弱者等待机会,强者创造机会。


1 . Doing nothing is doing ill 无所事事,必干坏事

2 . 豁达者长寿。 (英国剧作家 莎士比亚。 W)

3 . 龙配龙,凤配凤。

4 . Be just before you are generous 先还债,后慷慨

5 . Better buy than borrow 买比借好

6 . Do not cry for the moon 海底捞月办不到

7 . Better early than late 宁早勿晚

8 . Pluck flowers as they bloom; wait and you,I I have only the twigs花开堪折直须折,莫待无花空折枝。

9 . A word to the wise is enough 聪明人一点即明

10 . A miss is as good as a mile 失之毫厘,差之千里


1 . Better go to heaven in rags than to hell in embroidery 宁可空而有志,不可富而失节

2 . Absence makes the heart grow fonder 别离情更深

3 . Let beggars match with beggars

4 . Art is long, but lift is short

5 . A new broom sweeps clean 新官上任三把火

6 . Dumb dogs are dangerous 哑巴狗最危险

7 . Barking dogs seldom bite 吠犬不咬人

8 . With best wishes for a happy New Year!

9 . We a I I make mistakes人谁无过。

10 . Content is better than riches 知足胜于财富


1 . Do not cry out before you are hurt 没受伤,别乱喊

2 . Each bird loves to hear himself sing 鸟儿都爱听自己唱。

3 . Between two stools you fall to the ground 脚踩两条凳,早晚要坠地(意同:脚踏两条船,两头要落空)

4 . AM the treasures of the earth would not bring back one lost moment机会一失,万金难赎。

5 . We never know the value/worth of water till the we I I is dry井枯方知水可贵。

6 . The common horse is worst shod 公用之马,掌子最差。

7 . Vicious horses have vicious riders; a rogue horse encounters Lord Guan Qingtian恶马恶人骑,服脂马遇着关老爷。(encounter:遇到,遭遇,遭到。

8 . A thing you don&#;t want is dear at any price 不需要的东西最贵

9 . A fair death honors the whole life 死得其所,流芳百世。

10 . Cleanliness is next to godliness 整洁近于美德


1 . Dying is as natural as living 有生必有死

2 . Beauty and folly are often companions 美貌和愚蠢常结伴

3 . One swallow does not make a spring 孤燕不报春。

4 . Actions speak louder than words 百说不如一干。

5 . Among the blinds the one-eyed man is king 盲人国里,独眼称王。(意同:山中无老虎,猴子称大王)

6 . A secret between more than two is no secret 三人知,天下晓

7 . Coming events cast their shadows before 未来之事,必有前兆

8 . Suspicion is the poison of true friendship猜忌会伤害友谊。

9 . A tale never loses in the telling 故事越传越长

10 . An eye for eye and a tooth for a tooth 以眼还眼,以牙还牙


1 . Pardon is the most glorious revenge宽恕是最伟大的报复。

2 . An empty sack cannot stand upright 空袋子,立不直

3 . Death pays all debts 一死了百债

4 . The noisy fowler catches no bird 捕禽人大肆声张,鸟儿就不会落网。

5 . 遥闻爆竹知更岁,偶见梅花觉已春

6 . 谨祝新年快乐幸福,大吉大利。

7 . In August fifteen cloud cover, lunar January fifteen snow hit the lights

8 . Beauty is but skin-deep 美丽只是外表罢了

9 . Adversity leads to prosperity,穷则思变。(危机就是转机。

10 . Bad excuses are worse than none 狡辩比不辩护还糟


1 . All lay loads on a willing horse 好马重负

2 . Kill two birds with one stone 一箭双雕。

3 . A man who has friends must show himself friendly 要想交朋友,就得有诚意

4 . A good beginning is half the battle 好的开端等于成功一半

5 . Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth 馈赠之马,勿看牙口。

6 . A baker’ s wire may bite of a bun近水楼台先得月。

7 . After a storm comes a calm 雨过天晴(意指:否极泰来)

8 . Do not cut off your nose to spite your face 不要做害人害已的蠢事

9 . Take time by the forelock要抓住时机。

10 . A work ill done must be twice done 马虎干活,准得返工


1 . A man can only die once 人生只有一回死

2 . Last year the wax content with the change, new year spring breeze

3 . The best hearts are a I ways the bravest无私者无惧。

4 . An Englishman&#;s house is his castle 英国人的家是独立王国。(意指:非经许可,不得进入)

5 . Birds of a feather flock together 物以类聚,人以群分

6 . 祝新年快乐,并致以良好的祝福。

7 . Sail when there is favorable wind; strike it when the iron is hot行船趁列页风,打铁趁火红。

8 . A friend is easier lost than found 失友容易,交友难。

9 . 八月十五云遮正月十五雪打灯

10 . Do not keep all the eggs in one basket 不要孤注一掷


1 . 四序开新律,三阳应庆生

2 . 爆竹一声除旧岁,桃符万户迎新春

3 . Custom rules the law 风俗左右法律

4 . It chances in an hour that happens not in seven years

5 . A good book is the best of friends, the same today and forever 好书如挚友,情谊永不渝

6 . To him that does everything in the proper time,one day is worth three办事不失时机,一天可抵三天用。

7 . A cracked bell can never sound well 破钟敲不响。

8 . Diamond cut diamond 棋逢对手,将遇良才

9 . Dead men tell no tales 死人不会告密

10 . To kill two birds with one stone 一石二鸟。




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