
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-30 10:38:46


1 . , three words: college entrance examination into the examination room, and better, firstly, after the difficult The examination questions are easy and not, I feel easy, people feel easy The exam is difficult, I am not bored, I feel difficult, people feel difficult Out of the examination room, no issue, to be tomorrow, and then fight

2 . 爱情事业,事事顺畅,

3 . look sb in the eye 正视, 打量

4 . In June , the thick aroma, elegant news of another red Happiness spread tens of thousands of people, relatives and friends congratulations A cup of drinks is successful and the dream of learning is realized The future of the university is brilliant Wish you a bright future

5 . , gently bring me, I deeply wish; Quietly I leave, take your baggage and nervous; I quietly waiting, waiting for the news of the flying sky I wish the friends of the college entrance examination will return to their title

6 . keep down 控制;压服;缩减开支

7 . come into effect开始运转;

8 . , the college entrance examination, a few happy tears, with tears of regret, also has a successful smile May the exam you, the courage to overcome the failure, I believe there is a rainbow after the storm May you pass the examination of the persistent, brilliant forever

9 . , spell a spring, summer, autumn and winter, change my life without regrets

10 . 在最危险的前线冲锋陷阵,在最困难的地方抛洒血汗,解放军,我们为你骄傲!


1 . 一些公共场合的用语也是同学最不会翻译的,比如“小心台阶”被翻成“pay attention to the steps”而非正确的“mind the steps”。再比如姚明如果去你家作客,应该说“mind your head”才对。

2 . 踏出快乐,装满美好。

3 . , June, there will be a leaf will be green, a flower to be red, in June, there is a wish to be round, there is a kind of hope is not far That leaf, that flower, is you That wish, that expectation, for you Student, come on!

4 . , before the exam is intense, deep breathing relaxation, exam carefully, fine I think, after the examination put fair to the static waiting for joy, the national college entrance examination, let students play a long, admitted to the ideal university, to create a brilliant life!

5 . , it was a rainy afternoon, the rain, the gray sky, throughout my whole world, I received a so I still remember the above papers, the red digital deeply hurt my eyes, but my heart was hurt, the number of low price in , the examination, generally in more than points out, there are many, I can do, oh, it is too horrible to look at"

6 . , really, if life can have a rough draft to transcribe once, that this is good! We will be absolutely serious about writing our own life, perhaps not better than others, but it must be better than the first time

7 . in ones minds eye 在心目中, 在想象中

8 . 心想事成。快乐成双,

9 . , the national college entrance examination to hold up, wish you a man of great talent talents pen, drink a water with thousands of wisdom, "with a smile, embrace the bamboo chest full of ambition, beautiful sweet good answer book, set to take off the crown

10 . 特别日子祝福你,


1 . come into sight进入视野;

2 . , think carefully and understand that the distrust of the other person is actually the distrust of yourself Presuming the other person&#;s heart is like staring at his life reflected in the mirror, then projecting it to the other side, thus deciding to trust or distrust the other side

3 . , let us abandon the illusion of happiness together, and put our hopes on the persistent pursuit of the cause!

4 . years, preparing the college entrance examination, be sure to Rimmon a foot The clothes and food are all right, calm and not impetuous Do not eat too much before the examination, absolutely not drink cold drinks Normal play is not sloppy, extrance ultimately Wish you a nurse nomination!

5 . , you wait quietly, waiting for the gold blooming; I pray deeply, and pray you good news waiting for you in high school; quietly, waiting for the delivery notice of investment; I wish deeply, wish you a bright future!

6 . 黄头发不是yellow hair,而应该是blond/blonde,西方人没有yellow hair的说法。

7 . , a drop of honey can catch more flies than a gallon of bile

8 . , dear children, God, every day father is wholeheartedly for you Wish you a dream come true from your childhood! Dad, I believe you will succeed, I can visit you next fall to the university campus, we That&#;s settled then

9 . , entering the class is static, the seat is the study; the final battle will win

10 . , the day in the entrance examination is approaching, I hope you can adjust your mind, give full play to the ideal of the public! I&#;m blessings for you It&#;s going to be a success!


1 . , first heard the good news, relatives and friends all love Sincere wishes to ask for voluntary, ambitious and professional choice Sunny days bright, strive to take the bull by the horns One day a grand exhibition, a dream to realize a smile Wish all the best

2 . 财源滚滚,满面春风,

3 . , dear, I will enter the examination room I am blessing you in this big northern city I believe you know that my blessings are on your side I know you will win

4 . , all things are empty, do not seek, so long as we try hard to care for the gains and losses Wish you success! Jinbangtiming, pity grass under the tree!

5 . , fragrant and beautiful flowers are brilliant, herald sonion frequency transfer Kung Fu does not bear the heart, and the top of thousands of students Flowers and flowers, famous schools and professional volunteers To study tour Xuehai, a career full of wit Wish you a bright prospect

6 . , if you want to get the sweet, turn yourself into a bee, to spend in the core to gather, if you want to be intelligent, turn yourself into a fish swimming in the sea of books

7 . , that day, the best guesthouse in the county town was put on the same day At that time, they gathered together to chat about their worries; then they discussed each other&#;s last day&#;s tests; at that time, they couldn&#;t sleep well Recalling the college entrance examination, there are too many expectations, there are uneasy, more infinite beautiful!

8 . be known as 以知名;被认为是

9 . know about 了解,知道的情况

10 . , tears are not our answers, fighting is our choice




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