
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-01-26 05:24:24


1 . 别人对你的好,要感恩,要记住。别人对你的坏,要原谅,要忘记。

2 . 听音乐使我们能够感觉轻松。

3 . If your military training is a sunny day, if you have a holiday, you will have a lot of homework

4 . 例如:As is known to us/As we all know, knowledge is power

5 . 例如:As far as we know, it took him more than a year to write the book

6 . The summer vacation has come, the happiness has come, the sky is bluer, the water is clearer More laughter, less worry, better mood, less stress Wish the students, relax and have a happy summer vacation!

7 . 不当家不知柴米贵,不养儿,不知报母恩。

8 . What will happen to sb? (某人将会怎样?

9 . 我们应该养成早睡早起的习惯。

10 . 主语+ cannot emphasize the importance of … too much(再怎么强调……的重要性也不为过。


1 . 众所周知,知识就是力量。

2 . 人生如戏,感谢你陪我在一起走过这舞台。

3 . It pays to + do…(……是值得的。

4 . 美好的生命应该充满期待惊喜和感激。

5 . 感恩之心,人皆有之。感恩之人,世皆敬之。

6 . 宫墙:南宋以绍兴为陪都,因此有宫墙。

7 . 用青春的笔笔耕不辍,书写前途的辉煌;呕心沥血血育栋梁,桃李遍地芬芳;慧心的笑笑逐颜开,真诚的用知识引导未来;教师节祝身体健康万寿无疆。

8 . 注意:比较级也可以用来表达最高级的意思。

9 . 因为,遗憾本身就是一种极致的美。

10 . The summer vacation comes, please: pick up the day as "dance" passion, relax "insides" nervous, "eclectic" activities, enjoy the "colorful" happy, feel the happiness of the "colorful"! Happy holidays!


1 . 生活在感恩之中,才是真正的幸福美满。

2 . 你的友情,在我的生活里就像一盏灯,照亮了我的心灵,使我的生命有了光彩。

3 . 刚结婚时,她们想暂时不要孩子,好好享受下二人世界,但没想到等想要的时候却怎么也怀不上。

4 . 遵守诺言是多么重要的事!

5 . 例如:No wonder that he fell asleep in class

6 . 耶稣说:神世爱人,佛祖说:众生平等,父母说:好好听话,您说:好好学习。开心说:祝您美好,健康说:祝您幸福,我说,祝您教师节愉快。

8 . 他一听到这个出乎意料的消息,就如此惊讶以至于

9 . 人生像海,自己像船,朋友是桨,没有双桨,船不是完整的船,没有前进的动力,被命运所趋,感谢今生有你做知己。

10 . 他刚来,她就开始抱怨。


1 . 父母的爱,为诸德之基。

2 . 文学大家季羡林说:

3 . 相思不菲,时空轮回,几千个日夜,积爱砌堆,寻开心聚和美,访同学同心垒,今日始归。擎手送上,祝您教师节日身体健康,幸福纷飞。

4 . The so-called holiday is, the family is suspected, go out without money, every day special leisure

5 . 例如:We should spare no effort/make every effort to beautify our environment

6 . 山感地恩,方成其高峻;海感溪恩,方成其博大;天感鸟恩,方成其壮阔。感恩,使我们人生更加伟大。感恩,使我们的生命更加灿烂。投之以桃,报之以李,感恩,让生活充满人性,充满和谐。

7 . 例如:Upon / On hearing of the unexpected news, he was so surprised that he couldn’t say a word

8 . The holiday is a holiday, and here is a notice: replace the annoyance with happy happiness, let the sweet ice cream cover the heat, and bury the great pressure with recreational activities If you can meet the above requirements, your summer vacation will be wonderful, and the happiness talent award to you!

9 . 太阳给大地充电,燃烧火焰。生活中你给我充电,一句鼓励和祝福,就是一份希望和信心,是我前进的动力,感谢你。

10 . 例如:Whatever he asks you to do, please refuse him




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