
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-03 16:26:54


1 . 我的心中有一只大鱼,它叫嚣着梦想和远方。

2 . Sometimes all I need is someone to hug me tight and refuse to let me go until I feel all better有时候,只是想有个人抱紧我不放手,直到我的心情真的好起来。

3 . I want to forget everything 。 关于你,到此为止。

4 . In the future, you will surely appreciate now desperately trying to themselves

5 . "Say not all that you know, believe not all that you hear你所知道的不要全说,你所听到的不要全信。"

6 . Do a traveler in life, the life of a singer, do the dancer of life, guilt, regret, regret!

7 . Memory abstruse eyes(记忆中深邃的眼眸)

8 . On talent in, there are heavy waste v: next, and not by the knower

9 . "Sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realize how much they need to fall back together有时候,两个人要分开以后才会意识到,他们多想在一起。"

10 . Every coin has two sides任何事物都是有二面性的。


1 . "Specificity is not life just like a person, is when you love someone wholeheartedly专一不是一辈子只喜欢一个人,是喜欢一个人的时候一心一意。"

2 . 自信是成功之母,自卑是失败之父。

3 . Dont cry because it is over, smile because it happened 不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。

4 . 尽量不要和他人争论,除非你认为结果对你很重要,而且一定要说服对方。

5 . Heart without moving, the wind and helpless Persistence is a kind of attitude

6 . 就算你在“远边“,I also believe i love you ~~`

7 . Self-confidence and self-rliance are the mainstays of a strong

8 . girl i want to put you all up in my room

9 . A we missed the time, France时间一点点被我们错过,擦肩而过。

10 . Adversity does teach who your real friends are


1 . No pains No gains (一份耕耘,一份收获)

2 . My love ,I am only love you。

3 . Confidence is the start of success, perseverance is a successful method

4 . Sometimes you have to be your own hero——有时候,你必须做自己的英雄。

5 . 奋斗以求改善生活,是可敬的行为。

6 . 我只看我拥有,不看我没有的。

7 . Smile to cover up the sad and silent all the way微笑掩盖悲伤,沉默诠释一切。

8 . 人才乏于上,则有沉废伏匿在下,而不为当时所知者矣。


10 . 只有奋斗可以给咱们出路,而且只有奋斗可以给咱们快乐。


1 . Whatever you do, remember is for yourself to do it, without complaint

2 . Have ideal is a kind of intelligence, realize the dream is a kind of ability

3 . 要记住:你是你生命的船长,走自己的路,何必在乎其它。

4 . I am not without feelings, just not so perceptual 我不是没有感情,只是不那么感性

5 . HāPpч Иatioйal Dáy其 实 伱 沒 有 那 么 嗳 祂 ,

6 . We are the whole meaning of life lies in creating, struggle is a kind of means

7 . 以前长的不漂亮,不是自己的过错。以后不漂亮,就是自己的错!

8 . The cruel reality, you need to work, you need to struggle

9 . 脆弱的人,只懂得怜悯,而不知道反省自已。

10 . "Sometimes, the harder you want to forget something, the more you seem to remember it有时候,似乎你越想忘记,记忆却越深刻"


1 . Life is a telescope to see far Life is a microscope, see through

2 . 既然有时间做梦,为何没时间追梦。

3 . Every coin has two sides任何事物都是有二面性的`。

4 . "Sometimes, it is better to turn around and leave than to insist on and pretend to be well有时候,转身离开要好过假装若无其事的坚持。"

5 . Prime to no longer, once a day morning, when the high ideals in time, time and tide wait for no man

6 . daring,I want you。你竟不知

7 . 耐心,自信来源于你强大的思想和知识基础。

8 . Be nice to people on the way up, because you will need them on your way down——向上爬时,对遇到的人好点,因为掉下来时,你还会遇到他们。

9 . 爬山越岭要互助,渡江过河要齐心。

10 . If there is no failure, only temporarily stop success!


1 . Sometimes our hearts just need time to accept what our heads already know有时候,虽然能想明白,但心里就是接受不了。

2 . 人生之路上,看得淡一些,伤便会少一些。

3 . Glass is fragile heart 杯子易碎人心可谓

4 . Not good at listening to different voices, is one of the largest ignore managers

5 . Treat yourself, don&#;t be about others, also don&#;t go around others, self-confident, elegant

6 . [ Out water slide with a smile ] 微笑着凭眼角流水滑落

7 . 主动的人是不是不被珍惜

8 . "Sometimes, walking away is better than standing there, acting like it doesn&#;t bother you有时候,转身离开要好过假装若无其事的坚持。"

9 . Sometimes our vision clears only after our eyes are washed away with tears有时候,惟有一场眼泪,我们才彻底清晰了视线。

10 . 摔了一跤站起来告诉路人你不是故意的




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