
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-09 22:48:48


1 . 不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。

2 . Great works are performed not by strength , but by perseverance

3 . Dare and the world always yields

4 . 你永远不会知道那个避开你目光假装对你视而不见的人有多在乎你。

5 . 用琵琶弹奏一曲东风破,祝你好事多多,用吉他弹奏一曲七里香,祝你心情阳光,用钢琴弹奏一曲魔杰座,祝你周末快乐。

6 . Season&#;s greetings and sincere wishes for a bright and happy New Year!

7 . 他说对我有好感,但是我们不能在一起,因为家庭关系,因为名族问题。心碎了一地。

8 . If you can hold something up and put it down, it is called weight-lifting; if you can hold something up but can never put it down, it’s called burden-bearing Pitifully, most of people are bearing heavy burdens when they are in love

9 . 孩子,愿你快快脱去幼稚和娇嫩,扬起创造的风帆,驶向成熟,驶向金色的海岸。

10 . 周五又来临,保持好心情;工作烦恼抛一边,快快乐乐似神仙;三五朋友聚一聚,凑到一起不容易。愿君有个愉快的周末!


1 . Would you like a cup of tea?

2 . May the spirit of Christmas bring you joys and happiness all through the New Year

3 . 至于吗?神烦有没有,他妈的至不至于老娘说了算。

4 . 很多话想对你说但又被离别的情绪咽了下去唯有:你要狠快乐勿忘我!

5 . 你们最好是让她一个人呆会儿。

6 . 天上不会掉下玫瑰来,如果想要更多的玫瑰,必须自己种植。

7 . Thank you in the past year for our company&#;s strong support, I wish you luck in the New Year, the future! Thanks to the New Year。

8 . Being single is better than being in an unfaithful relationship

9 . 无论过程多么的繁华,最终还是改变不了不了曲终人散的结局。

10 . 和睿智的人在一起学成功,和善良的人在一起要感恩,和相爱的人在一起相互欣赏。


1 . ——G Eliot(英国小说家艾略特

2 . 我真希望多年以后可以骄傲站在你面前说我心依旧。

3 . 听到一句熟悉的歌词,想起某个曾经说要守护你,现在却不在身边的人。

4 . 爱人不要太慷慨堆积成海你怎么顾的来。

5 . The wind season away, but not the fruit。 Cloud and take away the sunshine, but not cool。 Time to take days away, but don&#;t go with you my happiness! I wish you a weekend good mood!

6 . 一觉醒来好想你,随手发去短信息,几天没见可好吗,祝你天天好心情。

7 . 一个真正的朋友是向你伸出手,触动你心灵的人。

8 . 我好久没见到你了。

9 . Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced

10 . 红烛松树圣辰,祝福你,我的友人,青春永驻,幸福长在。


1 . 朋友啊朋友,让我们一起静静地等待未来希望和光明,还有就要敲响新年的钟。

2 . I was alone,but not lonely

3 . 不遇大事难题,衡量不出人的才能;不遇顺境逆境,考察不出人的气度;不遇周末假期,体现不了我对你的关怀。

4 . 知人知面不知心,画龙画虎难画心

5 . ——Norman Douglas(英国作家道格拉斯

6 . The worst event, problem, couldn&#;t measure the talents; The worst in prosperity and adversity, not out of tolerance; Worst weekends, holidays, I care for you。

7 . 有些事情你们可能弄错了灰姑娘本身就是富家千金丑小鸭本身就是天鹅没有什么突然从坏的丑的就变成了美好。

8 . He neither smokes nor drinks

9 . The years went by, the truth in the; Thyme, isolation but constantly; It&#;s a long night, the stars shone; Sincerely pray, about company。

10 . 支支灿烂的烛光,岁岁生日的幸福,幸运的你,明天会更好!


1 . 敬你来日与深爱长伴我干了你随意。

2 . The house is not too big, sweet and good。 The husband don&#;t too handsome, people must be better。 Don&#;t take too much money, enough is ok。 Don&#;t be overly reducing weight, it is good to health。 I wish you a happy happy every day!

3 . 我放你去流浪等你尝过所有新鲜感等你终于感到了厌倦等你真的懂事了我陪你回家。

4 . 想对着喜欢过的人笑,结果却笑着哭了出来。

5 . 寂寞的人总是会用心记住他生命中出现过的每一个人。

6 . With pipa playing a QuDong break wind, I wish you a good thing, with the guitar playing a song qi li xiang, wish you feel the sunshine, play a tune on the piano the magic jie, I wish you a happy weekend。

7 . 想不发财都困难!好事多多,欢乐多多!

8 . 当你开始纠结他到底爱不爱你时,他多半就是没有那么爱你。

9 . 我将暴风般的爱情藏在心底,那是为了不给对方任何心理压力,我的爱情越是珍贵,相对地,也越珍惜别人的爱情。 经典爱情语句

10 . Let my blessing, like a wisp of a brilliant sun, shine your happy and peaceful life。


1 . smile用你的笑容去改变这个世界,别让这个世界改变了你的笑容。

2 . Is a great pleasure in the past year and can work under your leadership and learning, I wish you in the New Year health, success。

3 . No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won&#;t make

4 . 当你说出“别烦我”这三个字,我就觉得我们走不远了。

5 . Life is the art of drawing sufficient conclusions form insufficient premises生活是一种艺术,要在不充足的前提下得出充足的结论。

6 . Life is painting a picture, not doing a sum生活是绘画,不是做算术。

7 . The Smiths are my neighbors

8 . Life isn&#;t about waiting for the storm to pass it&#;s about learning to dance

9 . Nancy will retire next year

10 . With best wishes for a happy New Year!




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