学习励志的英语音乐(学生必听十大励志歌曲 英语)

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学习励志的英语音乐(学生必听十大励志歌曲 英语)


1 . 惊涛骇浪,方显英雄本色。

2 . If you do what you should not,you must hear what you would not

3 . People want to live independently, learn useful skills Cade:

4 . 三思而后行。

5 . We should praise the rock We should learn from the rocks We should have a strong belief in the revolution -- Tao Zhu

6 . To struggle in sweat pooled rivers, will cause the boat to the other side of the ideal sail

7 . As long as there is nothing to know, we should always learn Little Seneca

8 . 太阳绝不为它所做的善事后悔,也从不指望任何报酬。

9 . 让恶习先你死去。

10 . Cultivating the ability to do things must continue to do, and at any time to improve the learning methods, improve learning efficiency, will be successful -- Ye Shengtao


1 . Steel is tempered in the raging fire and sharp cooling, so it can be hard and not afraid of anything Our generation is also in the struggle and the terrible test of exercise out, learning not to yield in front of life -- aositeluo

2 . What kind of concert is it?

3 . 经常不断地学习,你就什么都知道。你知道得越多,你就越有力量。——高尔基

4 . I learned a lifetime, and now I am still learning, and in the future, as long as I have the energy, I have to learn to go --Billingsky

5 . Can not put the childs spiritual world into a simple learning knowledge If we try our best to concentrate all our childrens spiritual strength on our lessons, his life will become unbearable He is not only a student, but also a person who has many interests, needs and desires --Sue Home Linsky

6 . Busy collecting bees, not in front of people talk with eloquence

7 . The master of the world all the wisdom and knowledge is not difficult, as long as you persevere in learning, and strive to master the rules and reach a familiar situation, will be able to digest and use it freely -- Gao Shiqi

8 . 好好学习,天天向上。——毛泽东

9 . 保持和培养每个学生的自尊心,取决于教师如何看待学生的个人学习成绩。——苏霍姆林斯基

10 . Two heads are better than one 三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮。


1 . 好的开始是成功 的一半,但是如果没有好的开始,我们不妨试试一个坏 的开始,因为一个坏的开始要比永远没有开始好多了。

2 . 事常与人违,事总在人为。

3 . Who has deceiv&#;d thee so oft as thy self?

4 . Jonathan Livingston Seagull 海鸥乔纳森

5 . 我们不需要死读硬记,我们需要用基本的知识来发展和增进每个学习者的思考力。——列宁

6 . 在今天和明天之间,有一段很长的时间;趁你还有精神的时候,学习迅速地办事。——歌德

7 . Do me the favour to deny me at once

8 . 我学习了一生,现在我还在学习,而将来,只要我还有精力,我还要学习下去。——别林斯基

9 . 如果你想攀登高峰,切莫把彩虹当作梯子。

10 . “One day,” you said to me, “I say the sunset forty-four times!”


1 . You may be more happy than pinces,if you will be more virtuous

2 . If the school can not give students more successful experience in the classroom, they will be both in the school and also in the school are completely refused to learn and end -- Lindgren

3 . A good beginning is half of success, but if you do not have a good start, we try a bad start, because of a bad start to start a lot better than never好的开始是成功 的一半,但是如果没有好的开始,我们不妨试试一个坏 的开始,因为一个坏的开始要比永远没有开始好多了。

4 . Only on the top of the mountain, to see the scenery

5 . What is serving God?&#;Tis doing good to man

6 . 青年是整个社会力量中的一部分最积极最有生气的力量。他们最肯学习,最少保守思想,在社会主义时代尤其是这样。——毛泽东

7 . What kind of music do you like best?

8 . 如果不想在世界上虚度一生,那就要学习一辈子。——高尔基

9 . Lofty ideals are grown in the mountain flowers on the If you want it, diligence is a climbing rope

10 . 谁在装束和发型上用尽心思,谁就没有精力用于学习;谁只注意修饰外表的美丽,谁就无法得到内在的美丽。——杨尊田


1 . When the night is darkest, dawn is nearest 夜最黑时,黎明最近。

2 . 忙于采集的蜜蜂,无暇在人前高谈阔论。

3 . I think the most beautiful theme of life and the most happy results of human life, not too learning -- Balzac

4 . The mountain is so unlike creeping in people&#;s feet

5 . How few there are who have courage enough to own their faultsor resolution enough to mend them!

6 . Learning this matter does not care if there is no one to teach you, the most important thing is that you have no consciousness and perseverance -- Farber

7 . If you want to be effective, you must concentrate on your work Study itself is a hard thing, only to pay hard work, will have the appropriate harvest -- Gu Chaohao

8 . Nothing so popular as goodness

9 . Genius can not make people do not have to work, can not replace labor To develop talent, we must work for a long time to learn and work in high tension The more talented people, the more complex the task he faces, the more important it is -- A Smirnov

10 . 你们要学习思考,然后再来写作。——布瓦罗


1 . 没有激流就称不上勇进,没有山峰则谈不上攀登。

2 . 学习要有三心,一信心,二决心,三恒心。——陈景润

3 . 对世界上的一切学问与知识的掌握也并非难事,只要持之以恒地学习,努力掌握规律,达到熟悉的境地,就能融会贯通,运用自如了。——高士其

4 . And then “he climbed two thousand feet above the black sea, and without a moment for thought of failure and death, he brought his forewings tightly in to his body, left only the narrow swept daggers of his wingtips extended into the wind, and fell into a vertical dive” He forgot what had promised himself and what remained in his heart was only passion and ambition Sometimes determination don’t determine everything Once you have tried, despite your failure, you still feel proud and have zeal for more chances That’s the way people change their life

5 . if you want to be happy, make yourself useful让自己做一个有用的人,这样才能获得幸福。It is no use doing what you like; you have got to like what you do 不能爱哪行才干哪行,要干哪行爱哪行。

6 . 青年最主要的任务是学习。——朱德

7 . At the peak of the climber, not intoxicated in a step along the way

8 . Learning any language takes a lot of effort but don&#;t give up 学习任何语言都是需要花费很多努力,但不要放弃。

9 . 学习有两忌,自高和自狭。——书摘

10 . 若做了不应做之事,则必然会听见不愿听之语。

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