
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-05-24 06:08:16


1 . Compared with A, B is more 与A相比,B更

2 . For years, … has been seen as …, but things are quite different now多年来,……一直被视为……,但今天的情况有很大的不同。

3 . 端(继(旅(导(载(瑞(断(旋(异(截(

4 . 我不用箭,()拉一下弓,这只大雁()能掉下来。

5 . Nothing is more important than the fact that… 没有什么比这更重要的是…

6 . With the rapid development of modern technology, the Internet has become a necessary part of our daily life and work

7 . stop to do sth 停下来去做另一件事

8 . there be句型

9 . 解决这些麻烦的最好办法是。

10 . I feel reluctant to give up my present job, but I


1 . 比较 like, similarly, likewise, in the same way, in the same manner, equally

2 . seem to do sth 似乎要做某事

3 . 当比较级后接名词时,比较级前可能用冠词,此时的冠词不是修饰比较级,而是修饰其后的名词。如:

4 . try to do sth 努力/试着去做……

5 . 看起来这个数字文邹邹的,其实都是编造出来的,下面随便几个题目我们都可以这样编造:

6 . 更多句型: accordingly, i recommend that some measures be taken consequently, to solve the problem, some measures should be taken

7 . Although doing something might seem a wild idea, I believe that … 虽然做某事似乎狂妄,但我相信…

8 . It must be realized that

9 . I am very sorry to say that

10 . The atmosphere in my family is fantastic


1 . Thats why I love my sweet home,Dont you think so ?

2 . with the development of science and technology, more and more people believe that…

3 . Why______? The first reason is that ______The second reason is ______The third is ______For all this, the main cause of ______due to ______

4 . stop doing sth 停止做某事

5 . as far as i am concerned, i agree with the latter opinion to some extent ithink that ____

6 . We will never countenance violence, however serious the threat against us 不管威胁多么严峻,我们永远不会容忍暴力。

7 . at the time when technology means ever more harmful carbon in the air we breathe, we need these forests now more than ever

8 . a recent statistics shows that …

9 . …,for another … Perhaps the primary reason is…

10 . It can be said with certainty that 不用说;是肯定的。


1 . nowadays,it is common to ______ many people like______ because ______ besides,______

2 . (览(书(学(问((会神业(于(

3 . Its time to do sth 到该做某事的时间了。

4 . a developing country 发展中国家 a developed country 发达国家

5 . 认为是很自然的,但我们不应忽视。

6 . ((((((

7 . 列举 for example, for instance, such as, take …for example, except (for, to illustrate 时间 later, next, then, finally, at last, eventually, meanwhile, from now on, at the same time, for the time being, in the end, immediately, in the meantime, in the meanwhile, recently, soon, now and then, during, nowadays, since, lately, as soon as, afterwards, temporarily, earlier, now, after a while

8 . 夏天雨水少,年年闹旱灾。()

9 . Confronted with______,we should take a series of effective measures to______ For one thing,______For another,______

10 . 清对浊栩栩如生匆匆忙忙喜气洋洋


1 . Theres no denying the fact that…毫无疑问,无可否认

2 . 他把鞭子挥了一挥,猛抽了一下。()

3 . 模样(múmó仿佛(fúfó曾经(c?ngzēng挨挤(āiái

4 . accuse sb of sth控告

5 . I cannot entirely agree with the idea that … 我无法完全同意这一观点…

6 . It is time to take the advice of … and to put special emphasis on the improvement of … 该是采纳……的建议,并对……的进展给予特殊重视的时候了。

7 . The thankful teacher works with diligence and without fatigue everyday of teach, give us knowledge ability, put on the wing which flies toward the ideal for us

8 . 无可否认,我们的生活品质已经每况愈下。

9 . 她不把时间花在学习上,而是浪费在看电影上了。

10 . 批判错误观点


1 . 那些赞成建设文化艺术项目的人认为文化环境会吸引更多的游客,这将给当地居民带来巨大的利益。一些人甚至把建设文化艺术项目与发展经济建设等同起来。

2 . please (使高兴,使满意)

3 . frighten (使害怕,使惊惧)

4 . I am writing to apologize for

5 . 初中英语作文大全之My sweet home

6 . All in all, we cannot live without … But at the same time we must try to find out new ways to cope with the problems that would arise

7 . All in all, we cannot live without But at the same time we must try to find out new ways to cope with the problems that would arise总之,我们没有是无法生活的。但同时,我们必须寻求新的解决办法来对付可能出现的新问题。

8 . 比较级前通常不用冠词,但有时也用,这主要见于以下情形:

9 . 对我来说,我认为有必要……。原因如下:第一,……; 第二,……;最后……但同样重要的是……

10 . we cannot emphasize the importance of protecting our eyes too much




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