
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-08 14:09:30


1 . From being uninspired and de-motivated, you will begin to feel uplifted and driven to greater self growth The positive energy that they vibrate will start affecting the self talk that you engage in as well

2 . This is courage in a man: to bear unflinchingly what heaven sends。 真正的勇气是:无所畏惧地接受上天给你的一切。

3 . Act like I don&#;t care , but inside , I care more than you can think 。

4 . Han Xiao vast, hold the bustling sad, curved eyebrows, become the past decreed by fate

5 . I gave you the most warm embrace, but you gave me the most painful joke

6 . You&#;re uinique,nothing can replace you。你举世无双,无人可以替代。

7 . One thorn of experience is worth a whole wilderness of warning。一次痛苦的经验抵得上千百次的告诫。

8 . Birds of a feather flock together。 物以类聚,人以群分。

9 . 火柴如果躲避燃烧的痛苦,它的一生都将黯淡无光。

10 . Alone, there is no one in your heart Lonely, you are not in the heart of the people are not around


1 . Is not as long as hooked on Meng, you can forget all the sadness

2 . Life is a journey, not the destination, but the scenery along the should be and the mood at the view。人生就是一场旅行,不在乎目的地,在乎的应该是沿途的风景以及看风景的心情。

3 . 人生短短几十年,不要给自己留下了什么遗憾,想笑就笑,想哭就哭,该爱的时候就去爱,无谓压抑自己 。

4 . 该坚持的时候,却放开了你的手。

5 . 我曾给你最温暖的怀抱,你却给我最痛心的玩笑。

6 . "See these pencils, Donnie?" she continued "They belong to Mrs Lindstrom and me See how the erasers are worn? That&#;s because we make mistakes too, lots of them But we erase the mistakes and try again That&#; what you must learn to do, too"

7 . She was heartbroken and I felt my own throat tighten as I sensed her disappointment I asked her if she had talked to her dad about it yet She told me that her father said those coaches were wrong They did not understand the power of a dream He told her that if she really wanted to play for a good college, if she truly wanted a scholarship, that nothing could stop her except one thing — her own attitude He told her again, "If the dream is big enough, the facts don&#;t count"

8 . 她很伤心,我也觉得自己的喉咙发紧,因为我感觉到了她的失望。我问她是否与她的爸爸谈过这件事。她从臂弯里抬起头,告诉我,她爸爸说那些教练错了。他们根本不懂得梦想的力量。他告诉她,如果真的想到一个好的大学去打篮球,如果她真的想获得奖学金,任何东西也不能阻止她,除非她自己不愿意。他又一次跟她说:“心中有目标,风雨不折腰。”第二年,当她和她的球队去参加北加利福尼亚州冠军赛时,她被一位大学的招生人员看中了。她真的获得了奖学金,一个全面资助的奖学金,并且进入美国全国大学体育协会其中一队女子甲组篮球队。她将接受她曾梦想并为之奋斗多年的大学教育。

9 . We all have possibilities we don&#;t know about 。 We can do things we don&#;t even dream we can do 。

10 . 亲爱的我不会允许你背叛我,我也不允许自己背叛你。


1 . Affirmations are positive statements of a desired outcome or goal They are usually short, believable and focused By repeating them over and over again, you build inroads into your subconscious mind, opening up the possibility of a new state of thoughts

2 . 不要做让自己后悔的事,要做,就做让别人后悔的事。

3 . To know the pain of too much tenderness

4 . 后来有一天早晨,我们在黑板上做数学题。唐尼煞费苦心工工整整地在黑板上抄写题目,并且把第一行的答案填了出来。看到他的进步我很高兴,放心地把孩子们留给玛丽照顾,我去拿了一趟美术用品。回来发现唐尼正在哭哭啼啼,原来他把第三题落了没抄。

5 . One day I asked her why she practiced so much Without hesitation, she said, "I want to go to college The only way I can go is if I get a scholarship If I were good enough, I would get a scholarship I like basketball My Daddy told me if the dream is big enough, the facts don&#;t count" Then she smiled and ran towards the court to go on practice

6 . In this full of smoke and debris in the troubled times, no one can be spotlessly clean

7 . 桃花凋谢了,枝头残留着几片花瓣,仍像点点跳动的火苗。

8 . Forget who should forget our motherland is Lingling refused to bomb a pianxian

9 . 这是一封精美的信,但是除了迈克尔的名字以外,没有其他办法确定皮夹的主人。或许询问信息台,话务员可以通过信封上的住址查到电话。话务员建议我和她的负责人说,那位负责人犹豫了一会儿,然后说:嗯,“有那个住址的电话号码,但我不能给你。”她说出于礼貌,她可以打那个电话,说明我的情况后,看接电话的人是否愿意让她再与我联系。

10 . []A Thanksgiving Day editorial(社论in the newspaper told of a school teacher who asked her class of first graders to draw a picture of something they were thankful for She thought of how little these children from poor neighborhoods actually had to be thankful for But she knew that most of them would draw pictures of turkeys or tables with food The teacher was taken aback(吃惊;惊讶with the picture Douglas handed in… a smile childishly drawn hand


1 . When love beckons to you, follow him, though his ways are hard and steep And when his wings enfold you, yield to him, though the sword hidden among his pinions may wound you

2 . To wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving;

3 . 无论你多么讨厌你的学校,当你离开久了,你还是会想念它。

4 . 转身,一缕冷香远,逝雪深,笑意浅。来世你渡我,可愿?

5 . Confront Fears

6 . 积极地面对人生,相信自己,坚持自己,把握自己;勇于面对现实,克服困难;努力提高个人的全面素质,塑造见去那完美的人格品质;

7 . And when he speaks to you, believe in him, though his voice may shatter your dreams as the north wind lays waste the garden

8 . 当属于我们的向日葵死了,那么我们还会微笑么。

9 . I don&#;t have time to hate people who hate me 。 Because i&#;m too busy in loving people who love me 。

10 . It is important that you identify external negative factors in your life which may be holding your thoughts hostage For instance, your mental state can become toxic by being around friends who are negative If you are not vigilant enough, you will start to adopt their thoughts as your own Hence, be alert to what your negative influences are If they come from certain friends, limit your exposure to them as much as you can Refrain from discussing your plans with people who will be unsupportive of your dreams and goals


1 . 我一看见有孩子遭受这种压力,就会想起唐尼。他是我三年级班里年龄最小地学生,他腼腆,惴惴不安,事事求全。他害怕出错,从不参加班里地游戏,可别人都玩得不亦乐乎。他从不回答自己没有把握地问题。写作业,尤其是数学作业急得他抓头搔耳,手足无措。他为了作业不出错反反复复和我校对答案,所以他经常不能完成作业。

2 . 桃花不但美丽,而且还放出一股沁人心脾的香味。

3 . I count your smiles every day, but you&#;re so lonely when you&#;re smiling

4 . A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush。手中的一只鸟胜于林中的两只鸟。

5 . Those who missed the love, I want to hug you miss the courage to embrace

6 . Maybe you&#;ll beat it all, but you&#;re still at the foot of the time

7 . 当爱召唤你时,请追随她,尽管爱的道路艰难险峻。当爱的羽翼拥抱你时,请顺从她,尽管隐藏在其羽翼之下的剑可能会伤到你。当爱向你诉说时,请相信她,尽管她的声音可能打破你的梦想,就如同北风吹落花园里所有的花瓣。

8 . Anything one man can imagine, other men can make real。但凡人能想象到的事物,必定有人能将它实现。

9 . Peach blossom withered branches, the remnants of several petals, still like a little beat the flames

10 . 爱是费尽心力的全身投入,然后在百转千回的抽身而出。


1 . Plain such as jin Until the time of quiet, and you forget in the world

2 . All lay load on the willing horse。人善被人欺,马善被人骑。

3 . 来生我再来典当来世我再来与你歃血为盟。

4 . 手

5 . 汉霄苍茫,牵住繁华哀伤,弯眉间,命中注定,成为过往。

6 . 但是,如果你在恐惧之中只想寻求爱的平和与快乐,那你就最好掩盖真实的自我,避开爱的考验,进入不分季节的世界,在那里你将欢笑,但并非开怀大笑,你将哭泣,但并非尽情地哭。爱只将自己付出,也只得到自己。爱一无所有,也不会为谁所有,因为爱本身就已自足。

7 . 狠怀念我们那时的时光,可惜这一切都成为过去。

8 . 明了过多的温柔所带来的苦痛。

9 . He that promises too much means nothing。轻诺者寡信。

10 . The first step is as good as half over。第一步是最关键的一步。


1 . 敢于追逐梦想,用崇高的理想激励自己,用昂扬的斗志鼓舞自己。让我们一起憧憬锦绣前程吧!

2 . 在我需要的时候,能不能,给我点看得见的在乎。

3 . Face life with a smile , always don&#;t complain 。 Leisurely , the heart , with you 。

5 . 想着过去的记忆,品着现在的心酸,念着未来的坎坷。

6 . 然后为内心所爱之人祈祷,吟唱赞美之歌,并带着祷告和歌声入眠。

7 . 谁苍白了我的等待,讽刺了我的执着。

8 . I also left mountains of southeast North, West, West Changan is right back; double drops of tears

9 . 我们每个人都会不时出错。聪明人承认自己的错误,并将其视为学习过程中的必不可少的一部分。但是我们作为老师和家长,却又常常不能接受孩子们和我们一样有犯错的权利。我们告诉他们犯错是件丢人的事,只有最好的表现才能得到我们的赞赏。

10 . (二)


1 . I will hock, I come with you in an old Chinese practice

2 . Every why has a wherefore。凡事必有因。

3 . To rest at the noon hour and meditate love’s ecstasy;

4 . 太多的话语在喉咙中梗咽,终究还是无言以对。

5 . 我没有时间去恨那些讨厌我的人,因为我忙着爱那些喜欢我的人 。

6 . Together through the years, because of the move will become more charming

7 . Don&#;t do what you regret, do it, and do what you regret

8 . Sow nothing, reap nothing。春不播,秋不收。

9 . 爱一个人,就是让他自由自在的做他自己 。

10 . The heart is seen in wine。酒后吐真言。


1 . 幸福是简单的呼吸,呼吸停止前没有不幸。

2 . Old together in the day, because of the presence of friends and the colorful light

3 . To return home at eventide with gratitude;

4 . From now on, regularly do this exercise instead Spin an uplifting story that runs like a movie script Some visualization will be helpful You build on a story with a positive outline The longer you can tell this story to yourself the better It is also best if you can make this story one about having all your goals achieved When you do this, you start to internalize your goals and dreams, as if they are something that you have already achieved

5 . Replace Negative Influences with positive Ones

6 . Ruhuameijuan also enemy but Youth passes as a fleeting wave

7 . Full sail in spring wind

8 . 放弃那些你改变不了的 。

9 . 爱的召唤

10 . Who pale I wait, the irony of my dedication




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