
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-02-14 06:01:42


1 . 德雷莎热烈而充满理想的天性,需要史诗般的生活。 According to one dietitian, a kiss of average intensity uses up about nine calories

2 . Do you fear a love fool who is loving you so deeply?与婚姻有关的英文句子。

3 . 他仅仅发出一声叹息作为回答。

4 . 保罗是个狂热的信徒。They acknowledged the enthusiastic plaudits of the crowd

5 . 他的讲话引起了一场热烈的讨论。They received a great ovation when they appeared on the rostrum

6 . 你知道么,有个人时时想念着你,惦记你,你含笑的眼睛,象星光闪闪,缀在 的心幕上,夜夜亮晶晶。

7 . fetch a circuit

8 . v 拿来;请来;售得;使发出;吸引

9 . The policy of burn all,kill all,loot all

10 . 费用全由敝店支付。 (all in aweb


1 . 这是刚留下的新鲜痕迹。Come into the warm, out of the cold

2 . May the coming years, fill your lives with love and happiness 在未来的数年,将你的生命装满爱和快乐。

3 . Cheer up! Our troubles will soon be over (振作起来!我们的困难很快就会过去。

4 . In answer he only fetched a sigh

5 . Wish you a happy new year and a good fortune in the coming year when we will share our happiness, think of our good friends, and our dreams come true!

6 . Can you break the code?

7 . It is graceful grief and sweet sadness to think of you, but in my heart, there is a kind of soft warmth that can’t be expressed with any choice of words

8 . We never knew two people better suited to each other 我们从未见过如此般配的一对。

9 . I miss you so deeply that my love just like a kite has broken its line and won’t stop flying until it reaches you at last

10 . No matter what happens, don’t be discouraged (无论发生什么事,都不要气馁。


1 . 三光政策It is all on the house

2 . "When a man is going sown hill, everyone will give him a push"

3 . to cancel an appointment

4 . 在这些事情上,奥林匹阿斯是个内行,是个热衷的人。The violinist got an enthusiastic encore

5 . v 任命,指派,委派

6 . v 为编码

7 . 驳回上诉通知书 The class dismissed

8 . It was a hard/tough job。 这个工作很难。

9 . All things are difficult before they are easy(凡事必先难后易。)[放弃投机取巧的幻想。]

10 . 知道你最喜欢这首歌, 也知道你的心思, 想你。


1 . God helps those who help themselves(天助自助者。)

2 . 我们到旅程终点时全都累垮了。All material objects around announced their irresponsibility with terrible iteration

3 . adj 一切的,所有的;整个的;各种的

4 . You two are a perfect match Here&#;s wishing you both a lifetime of happiness 你们是天生的一对,祝你们永远幸福。

5 . 会议最后通过了一系列任免名单。The appointment and removal of managers shall be in compliance with legal procedure and shall be publicly announced

6 . 首先你必须用个物体来玩‘取物’游戏。

7 . 根据一位饮食学家的研究,一次中等热烈的吻要耗掉大约九卡的热量。At the Restoration she had turned bigot, and that with so much energy that the priests had forgiven her her monk

8 . Marriage is a promise for two hearts to give―one word, one love, one life to live Best wishes… today and always

9 . It was a close game。 这是个势均力敌的竞赛。

10 . For the Bride and Groom Wishing you love in your hearts, joy in your home 为新娘和新郎祝福你爱在心中,在你的家里。


1 . 瑜珈派的热烈追随者The singer was enthusiastically applauded

2 . 她被委任为农场指导。dismiss是什么意思:

3 . 下课了。My parents dismissed me

4 . n 全部财产;所有一切

5 . Brilliant idea! 绝妙的主意!

6 . 装了钥匙钱包和各种杂七杂八东西的悬The catalogue contain illustrations and description of the large variety of sundry make in japan

7 . Good writing/drawing。 画的真不错!

8 . 讨好每个人,人人不讨好Conversation flowed freely when the speaker invited discussion

9 . pron 一切;全部;大家,全体

10 . God bless you and yours, and surround you ever with his blessing 愿上帝祝福你和你的爱人,永远赐福于你们。


1 . 当你在家倒垃圾的时候,一定要把垃圾全都倒进垃圾箱。He gambled away all his money

2 . 婚姻是一个承诺,两颗心给―一个字,一个爱,一条生命。最好的祝福……今天和永远。

3 . 这些椅子每把价钱为英镑。elongation for each pass

4 . 该目录介绍了日本制造的各种小商品,并附有图片说明。 Sundry goods for daily use are available at large retail and wholesale stores

5 . Give me a hug。 来,抱一下!

6 . Don’t lose heart, whatever happens (不管发生什么都不要气馁。

7 . v 解雇;让离开;不再考虑;抛弃;解散;遣散

8 . I’m with you。 我会和你在一起的。

9 . 别留在寒冷处,到暖和的地方来。 The fire soon warmed the room

10 . adj 每个的;各自的




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