
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2022-10-06 22:43:19


1 . 适合,配合,适应;安装;适合的,恰当的;健康的,强健的

2 . sense /sens/ n感官;感觉;见识

3 . To strive for a referral, the performance is two

5 . chamber of shipping 航运协会

6 . 数字;体形;图形;人物;估计,推测

7 . finding

8 . fitting

9 . circulation n循环;发行额,流通,流通证券;货币

10 . Behind every effort, there must be a double reward


1 . certifying bank 支付保证银行

2 . firm

3 . globe

4 . Mayors wear chains round their necks as badges of office 市长们戴着象征职位的项链。

5 . Challenge yourself and break through the limit

6 . additional collateral 追加担保品

7 . active circulation 实际流通

8 . dream /dri:m/ n梦;梦想 vi做梦

9 . Its not good to wait for opportunities, but to create them

10 . branches 分支


1 . tropical /trRpikEl/ a热带的

2 . flood land 河滩地

3 . abandonment clause 废弃条款,弃船条款,委付条款

4 . Success is not a matter of importance, but of effort

5 . exchange clearing 外汇清算

6 . certify vt证明,(银行担保(支票可付款

7 . Instead of justifying failure, find ways to succeed

8 . collapse n& vi倒塌;失败;跌价

9 . main channel 主水道

10 . corporate charter 公司执照,公司注册证


1 . Tom and Mary split up after they graduated from college ;汤姆和玛丽大学毕业后便分手了

2 . grey /grei/ a灰色的 n灰色

3 . Grasp one today, more than two tomorrows

4 . He was satisfied with the job commensurate with his abilities

5 . a series of blasts killed people and injured ;一系列爆炸事件造成人死亡,人受伤

6 . 第一的,最重要的,首要的;最优秀的;最初;宁愿;前所未有的事情;最高成就

7 . the collapse of plans 计划失败

8 . point 汇合点

9 . Without regrets, passion is infinite

10 . reason /ri:zn/ n理由;理性 vi推理


1 . Over a period of two days in Pakistan ;两日内在巴基斯坦发生的

2 . If you dont do it, you will never fail or succeed

3 . 虚构,编造;小说

4 . delta 三角洲

5 . He was swept away in an avalanche他在一次雪崩中被卷走了。

6 . chartered adj受特许的

7 . acceleration clause 提前支付条款,加速条款

8 . 有限的,有限制的

9 . Fly your heart and spread your hope

10 . preface /prefis/ n序言,前言,引语


1 . The accounts were certified (as correct 账目业经查核证明无误

2 . 球体,地球仪;地球,世界

3 . chamber n会议室

4 . 凶猛的,残忍的;狂热的,强烈的`

5 . fit

6 . checkout counter 付账柜台

7 . 搏斗,打仗;战斗,斗志

8 . checkout n检查;结账,结账柜台

9 . Achievements depend on skills and methods; success depends on hard work and sweat

10 . Any attempt to split the country is doomed to fail ;任何分裂祖国的图谋都注定要失败


1 . 交投数额不佳导致股票价格暴跌。

2 . 发现,发现物;调查结果

3 . financial

4 . Entry into class is quiet, seating is learning; the final battle of college entrance examination aspirations is bound to win

5 . collective /kElektiv/ a集体的;集合性的

6 . badge 象征

7 . chamber of commerce 商会

8 . bizarre adj 奇形怪状的,怪诞的

9 . Health first, start from me

10 . chartering agent 租船代理人




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