
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-12 02:07:27


1 . (“在成长的过程中能够谨慎地把握住生活的小船,使它不被哪一股风刮倒”,意思是说:不会自傲和自悲,有父母时常的提醒,在爱的鼓舞下,不断前进。

2 . None is so blind as those that won&#;t see

3 . "…名词A+in+preference to+名词B" 如: After the noun reason, use that in preference to because

4 . Better late than never Better to do well than to say well

5 . [注] 还有一些带比较级的词组,也含有比例发展的意味;但这些词组多用于表示同一事物的发展程度,一般不带被比对象。 "…ever+比较级+ (and+比较级…" 如:The story gets ever more exciting

6 . The sooner we begin our work, the sooner we shall finish it

7 . No country suffered so much as England No war is so great as the European war

8 . [注] prefer的派生词 preferable, preference也都可用以表示择比。有以下方式:

9 . 等差既可以指出相差的数目, (用by+数词表示 也可以指出相差的范围, 如: of +名词, with regard to, in point of, with respect to, with reference to, with relation to, in the sphere of, in the field of等等。例句: She is the more patient of the two In point of commerce, Shanghai is more prosperous than Nanjing With reference to territory, China is larger than America

10 . (信赖,不就能创造出美好的境界吗?


1 . "…+比较级+and+比较级…" 如:…his poor cheek has turned ever thinner and paler

2 . This small one ?

3 . We’lltakethem/Iwilltakeit

4 . Light waves travel most quickly through air, they go much slower through water and even slower through glass

5 . We have a new computer room

6 . Your school is beautiful ( cool …

7 . The more a man knows, the more he discovers his ignorance

8 . Look at these (物品如:my clock…

9 . They would rather die as free men than live as slaves

10 . 了解仿写句子的基本要求,并学习简单的仿写。


1 . That one is correct

2 . John doesn&#;t work so hard as Henry

3 . (“他挖了小时,小时,小时,小时,没人再来阻挡他。”

4 . Thisshirtiscolourful,butit’stoobig

5 . This red T-shirt is pretty ( nice / beautiful / !

6 . [注] 如果表示"因…而更…" 可用句型 the+比较级+for (或because, as等词,

7 . Nothing ancient or modern seems to come near it (come near 与…相比

8 . Is this the library ? Yes , it is

9 . The price of wisdom is above rubies We love truth above everything else

10 . It&#;s less cold than it was yesterday


1 . Colored people are by no means inferior to white people

2 . Can I have a try ? Yes , you can

3 . Whose is this ? It’s your baby brother’s !

4 . He is as tall as I (am This window is just as wide as that one

5 . Sooner than do such work, I would starve

6 . The strength of the collective is boundless, while that of the individual is very limited

7 . Mr Green is not so old as he looks It isn&#;t as cold as it was yesterday

8 . 句型 "not to speak of" 等词组也可用以表示差比, 如: Even a worm, when trodden on, will turn, not to speak of a man outraged

9 . Itfitsmewell

10 . "I would rather die with my head high, with indestructible faith and profound belief in the destiny of our country, than live in humility and renounce the principles which are sacred to me"


1 . Hurry up !

2 . [注] 极比句中表示范围的词语,除了用差比句附注第三列出的词以外,还有以下几种。

3 . 有些语句的词序变动较大阅读和翻译时要弄清其结构。如:Easier said than done (=It is easier to be said than to be done In science, more than in any other human institution, it is necessary to search out the past in order to understand the present and to control the future (= It is more necessary in science than in any other human institution to search out…

4 . (“我越来越体会到我当初是多么幸运。”

5 . School is over 放学了。 / Class is over 下课了 。

6 . This is the easiest book I&#;ve ever read Mrs Thomson works hardest of all

7 . Ilikeit

8 . [主语+prefer+不定式A+rather than+不定式B…]

9 . (我从心底里知道,“精彩极了”也好,“糟糕透了”也好,这两个极端的断言有一个共同的出发点——那就是爱。

10 . (红嘴红脚,灰蓝色的毛,只是后背还没有生出珍珠似的白点;它好肥,整个身子好像一个蓬松的球儿。


1 . She is no less diligent than her elder sister One minute too late is no more in time than half an hour

2 . Whatsize?Sizefive

3 . The situation of the enemy cannot compare with ours

4 . "…the+比较级…" 这大多是一种习惯用语。 如: So much the worse a change for the worse all the more = more and more

5 . 要注意避免不合理的比较。如:(误)The face of his father looks older than his uncle

6 . China&#;s women, no less than men, are participating in all kinds of work in the socialist construction of their country

7 . [注] 这种形容词组合还可以作定语,置于名词之后。如:It feeds on worms and other fish smaller than itself

8 . "How is your watch?" - "My watch goes the most accurately"

9 . The Long March is great, but the New Long March will be greater, and more arduous

10 . No one is to be compared with him for resourcefulness He has no equal in playing ping-pong ball


1 . Please pass me my T-shirt

2 . CanIhelpyou?Iwant…

3 . His strength is superior to (=greater than mine My knowledge is inferior to (=less than his

4 . I am willing to work myself to death before I give up I would do anything before that

5 . I would as lief (as soon die as live in dishonor

6 . Dictionaries are like watches; the worst is better than none, and the best cannot be expected to go quite true It is our greatest happiness to dedicate our youth to the New Long March

7 . [附注] 关于等差句有以下几点需要注意:

8 . Welcome to our school !

9 . What’s on it ?

10 . Let’s go there / Let’s go to the … (Let’s go home )


1 . (正 We saw many small houses on both sides of the river

2 . I would (或had rather join you in research work than go on holiday to the seaside

3 . Next to the Yangtze, the Yellow River is the second longest river in our country

4 . = the sooner you do it the better it will be = By how much sooner you do it, by so much better it will be

5 . He is none the happier for his wealth A good tale is none the worse for being twice told

6 . [注] 使用比较级要注意两点:

7 . [主语+谓语+rather than+动词原形…]

8 . [注] "best of all" 表示肯定的最; "least of all" 表示否定的最, 如: I like swimming best of all

9 . Better die standing than live kneeling (=it is better to die standing than to live kneeling

10 . [注] 两个概念的表示法: 若干个最大中的一个可用 "one of+最高级" 表示, 如: "What about horse-racing?" - "I should say that that is one of the most popular sports in Great Britain"


1 . "…be equal to+被比对象"如:A dingle day is equal to twenty years In strength, he is equal to me

2 . [Sooner than+动词原形…(主句 主语+would +动词原形…]

3 . (国王无奈,只好张贴皇榜,重金悬赏捕捉九色鹿。

4 . He is more attentive in class now than he was last term

5 . Iwantapairofsneakers

6 . He would as soon kill himself as betray his country

7 . I like that least of all The least用作最高级时,往往被其后面的形容词的反义词的最高级所取代。如: This is the most difficult (不用the least easy book I&#;ve ever read This is the most uninteresting (很少用the least interesting book of the three

8 . Is that the art room ? No , it isn’t

9 . Sooner than marry that man, Eva would earn her living as a waitress

10 . That’sexpensive




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