
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-03-07 12:43:02


1 . 先行词指人代替先行词在定语从句中充当介宾且介词于前

2 . (先行词是all,much,little,something,everything,anything,nothing,none,theone等代词时

3 . Theroominwhichthereisamachineisaworkshop(介词后面的which不能省略

4 . It&#;s almost the end of April Summer has come to us in my city In south, summer always comes earlier than north It has been hot for about half a month The highest temperature reached degree Now, there are much less people in the street People are not likely to go out during the summer It&#;s so hot outside Swimming is the most favorite activity in my city The pools are always full filled with people Parents often take their children to swimming pool at night Personally, I do not like summer, because it&#;s too hot and the sunshine is strong I sweat a lot and that makes me very uncomfortable Therefore,初中地理, summer is tough time for me and I always expect winter to come

5 . Theanimalthatwhichislostisapanda

6 . Don’t forget the tickets and an unbrella 别忘了带戏票和雨伞。

7 . 逻辑:这里的逻辑实际指的就是逻辑词。最常用的就是表示递进的,转折的,总结的逻辑词等。递进:除了first, second, third, finally 等还可以使用高级点的,如first of all(首先,in addition, what&#;s more, moreover(都是另外的意思,in a word, all in all(表示总结的)。转折:but, yet, however等。真正有经验的`阅卷老师会很注意这些逻辑连接词,因为这些词体现了这个文章的思路。

8 . therestaurantwherewehadourlunchlasttimeisinthathstreet

9 . (关系代词前有介词时

10 . Ilikethesamebookasyoudo


1 . Thisisthepenwhichmyfriendgavetome

2 . theteacherwhoteachesusmathsisayoungman

3 . GalileolivedinthecityofPisa,wherethereisaleaningtoweraboutfeethigh

4 . Yesterday was Father's Day I had planned to give my father a present But I didn't remember it until in the morningIt was too late to post a card to him So I decided to buy something When I was in the department store I found it was not easy for me to choose something right for him

5 . i like the movie that i watched yesterday

6 . That&#;sthereasonforwhichhewaslateforschool

7 . 形容词宾语:I am glad that you are satisfied with your job

8 . Thisisthehotelinwhichyouwillstay

9 . 问月杯空,谪仙去无人重举。

10 . AwhichBwhereCwhatDtheone


1 . 用it作形式主语的that-从句有以下四种不同的搭配关系:

2 . 首先,所有的句子都是完整的句子!

3 . that在限制性定语从句中既可指人又可指事或物。在下列情况下,只能用that来引导定语从句:

5 . (有两个定语从句,其中一个关系代词已用which,另外一个宜用that

6 . (Isthisfactory_______wevisitedlastweek?

7 . iwanttofindaplacewhereisquietandgood

8 . Thisisthelasttime(thatIshallgiveyoualesson

9 . ① 有些表示由两部分构成的东西和部分学科的名词总以复数的形式出现。如:glasses(眼镜,shorts(短裤,mathematics(数学,physics(物理学,politics(政治学等。

10 . Asisknowntousall,theearthturnsaroundthesun


1 . 书卷展时逢古人。

2 . Asisknowntoall,asmaybeimagined

3 . It appears that… 似乎……

4 . leave 在表示“遗忘”时,则通常要与表示地点的状语连用。如:

5 . What a wonderful surprise!

6 . 只要把这十个字都搞定了,那么初中英语写作就一定能搞定!

7 . [Irememberthedayswhich//thatwespenttogether]

8 . 塌草屋痕乱,灯花壁气寒。

9 . ⑦time做先行词,前面如果有序数词或last来修饰时,定语从句用that来引导或省略;如果没有序数词或last来修饰时,既可用when也可用that来引导

10 . LiMingistheonethatgotfullmarksinourclass


1 . thedogthatiseatingovertherebelongstotheshopkeeper

2 . 注意:

3 . 在thesame…后也可用that引导定语从句,但意义有所不同:

4 . Suddenly I got an idea I ran home and opened my computer I made a beautiful card and mailed him through the Internet then I began to make supper When father came home, he was very glad to find a big meal on the table then I asked him to check his e-mail He was amazed to find a beautiful card in his e-mail-box

5 . Whoisthemanthatisstandingthere?

6 . Thisisthemanwhohelpedme

7 . =ThisisthehousewhereIwasborn这就是我在那儿出生的房子

8 . thebookthatyouborrowedfrommeyesterdayishelen&#;s,notmine

9 . 以上对英语几种特殊的复数形式的名词知识的学习,相信同学们都已经能很好的掌握了吧,希望上面的内容给同学们的学习很好的帮助。

10 . Oh, I’ve forgotten my wallet 噢,我忘记带钱包了。




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