
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-11 05:05:55


1 . 星期四。 It&#;s Thursday

2 . AHello, Mr Smith (史密斯先生,您好!

3 . = Have you got the time?

4 . 一天中常用的寒暄用语。

5 . 表示日期的时候在数字后面加th。但是号号号分别是firstsecondthird。

6 . What&#;s today&#;s date? (今天几号?

7 . , I&#;m not so lucky Lin Xiao, lost Jane Creek, there is a sogo

8 . Itcanhappentoanyone这事可能发生在任何人身上。

9 . = The number you gave me was wrong

10 . Stop saying “I wish”, start saying “I will”别再说“我希望”,开始说“我将要。


1 . IfIwereinyourshoes如果我站在你的立场上。

2 . Everyone is lonely As a result, we learned to be strong and learned to be independent

3 . , love you is my business, please do not take this kind of capital, wasting in front of me

4 . 没有时间了。 Time is up

5 . Afraid of your coid eye

6 . EXO//* you are the one in my life,you are the only one in my life °

7 . ②形刑型邢行

8 . ③敏皿闽悯泯

9 . 第条 We used to spend a lifetime to play a scene

10 . , I have been wondering why teachers should invite parents, even those who are not educated by minors, and want to educate adults


1 . , we said that no matter how good it will be

2 . What&#;s today&#;s date? 表示问几号;What day is it? 表示问星期几。

3 . = I&#;m having trouble hearing you (我听不太清楚。

4 . 你得再等天。 You must wait for five more days

5 . , when life gives you one hundred reasons to cry, you show it with one thousand reasons

6 . = Please speak a little louder

7 . ④庆亲x①新薪辛锌欣心馨

8 . ②林琳淋磷邻鳞麟

9 . ②亭停廷庭蜒

10 . [盯着我透明的心]


1 . ,每个人都是super man!

2 . Thanks for telling me (谢谢你告诉我。

3 . ③影

4 . ②营莹萤盈迎赢

5 . 你好吗?How are you?

6 . 问时间时记住在time前加the。

7 . 第条 When I don’t love you, why do I cry?!

8 . 第条 有一个人,偷偷地关注,却从不打扰。

9 . , I taste the joy of struggle, and strive for my life

10 . If I change shape, and you forget the time 若不是我变了摸样,便是你淡忘了时光。


1 . , do not make a hypothesis, the reality of it

2 . , give me seven years, I let you kneel in front of me

3 . 我当然知道这是诈骗邮件了!IrolledmyeyeswhenIreadit!不过你说,要是我哪天我真中了万……

4 . 第条 女孩永远不会忘记她第一个那么拿命去爱的男孩。

5 . ③顶鼎

6 . , look up to the sky, originally, I also have some of your memories

7 . [纵然喜欢清澈]

8 . 第条 给时间一点时间,让过去成为过去。

9 . = What time is it now?

10 . , I can only love you for a lifetime, but I can not love you for a while


1 . Isthisseattaken?这位子有人坐吗?

2 . 快到中午了。 It&#;s almost noon

3 . Wind rain into flowe

4 . ④幸姓性杏兴

5 . , man: before the engagement, like son, obey in every way After a betrothal, like a son, learn to talk back After marriage, like Lao Tzu, give orders

6 . ③省醒

7 . , too much love a person will often fantasies around you, and then more and more sad

8 . [不怕万人阻挡]

9 . , though I can&#;t express it, I still try to let her know that I love her

10 . 现在几点? Do you have the time?


1 . ②您

2 . 差分点。 It&#;s ten to two

3 . = It&#;s ∶(现在点分。

4 . , love you forever!!! -- ,爱你一世!!!

5 . 第条 所谓坚强,只不过是比谁更能装得无所谓。

6 . 哦,知道男友跟别的女生交往后,她气得说不出话来。

7 . Itisn’tmuch这是微不足道的。

8 . A friend is someone with whom you dare to be yourself 朋友就是那些你敢在他们面前做自己的人

9 . 第条 总要有些滚烫的眼泪才能换来对爱的体会。

10 . 哦,就是因为不相信或者不耐烦而翻白眼。这个说法真形象!就在今天早上,IgotanemailsayingIwasselectedtowinfivemilliondollarsItalsoaskedformybankaccount




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