
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-25 15:34:41


1 . 你最近还好吧?How creepy!

2 . To place on or as if on a blacklist

3 . 降落伞载着我徐徐下落。Information respecting the child&#;s whereabouts

4 . int 什么;多么

5 . 这个瀑布很壮观!resultant force

6 . 属于或关于舞蹈艺术的。 They have no concern with the dispute

7 . adv (倒)下;从一边到另一边;越过;再;结束

8 . 绑架问题值得严重关切。The matter nearly concerns me

9 . 详细讨论了主要作用力:在波浪补偿器作用下的缆绳拉力耙头与海床间的土壤剪切力作用在耙吸管上的水流阻力及由于压力差在耙头处产生的推动力等。

10 . 与癫痫有关的,相关的Of or relating to differentiation


1 . 关於那孩子的下落的消息It is with increasing speed that bodies fall

2 . 我们再三警告过他。After much cogitation I have decided to resign

3 . 请您报盘时用英镑报价。Mary has done sterling work as secretary of this new association

4 . 无论用任何暖和方法,人工呼吸仍是救生所必需的。 Whatever method of heating was used,artificial respiration was essential for reanimation

5 . 被告对被控罪名再三否认。Time after time we have warned him

6 . v 连续猛击;咚咚地走;心脏狂跳;捣碎;狂轰滥炸;大声播放

7 . 考虑;详细讨论 I have failed over and over and over again in my life

8 . 以任何方式,无论用什么方法

9 . by (main force

10 . 你笑什么? What a miracle!


1 . 托马斯·爱迪生认为无论事情看起来有多难,他都能找到问题的答案。The red cap and tricolour cockade were universal, both among men and women

2 . v 渴望;追求;立志

3 . That is essential if a sterling retreat is not to become a rout

4 . 别把你的想法强加于我。Don&#;t intrude your views on me

5 . 他再三的打他。To make excuses and delay again and again

6 . Do you know her whereabouts?

7 . 这没有什么可笑的。 deposited matter

8 . 这真是一个奇迹!how是什么意思:

9 . 因鲁莽驾驶罚款英镑They rooked me pounds for my berth

10 . 从空中近似垂直的加速下落。My parachute eased me groundward


1 . adv

2 . 小事聪明,大事糊涂She asks for a pound of mince

3 . 便士为英镑。The invoice was for cif

4 . 玛丽在这个新协会的秘书工作干得不错。He said the overvaluation of sterling was throttling industry

5 . 以…的方式(或状态方法)

6 . adj 靠近…的地方,靠近…的一带

7 . 求知的热望Aspire to become an author

8 . (表示惊奇高兴等)

9 . 我设法将自己的价值观强加给他们。Don&#;t try to impose your will upon me

10 . 庞德先生是欣然同意的。 The government props up the pound


1 . 一星期英镑的工资A weekly wage of

2 . 我建议您点厨师的拿手菜:川式酸辣汤。Nowadays the interpretation most commonly played is that of Zhang Kongshan of the Sichuan school

3 . The Sichuan woodblock prints are mostly black and white

4 . 参考例句:

5 . There is no cause for concern

6 . 邻居无论多好,围篱不可推倒Whatever method of heating was used, artificial respiration was essential for reanimation

7 . 他们无论男女,都一律戴着红便帽,缀着三色帽徽。Whatever the stupidities of men in cities or council chambers, the waves will always be in choir, chanting their psalm

8 . 关于方式(或方法)的问题

9 . adj 品格优秀的;英币的;纯正的`;高质量的

10 . n 关心的事;关心,顾虑;关系,有关;公司,企业


1 . 别把你的意见强加于我。He tried to press his opinion on us

2 . 他们渴望得到自由。 Aspire to inspire before you expire

3 . 恫吓将迫使他们把兵力铺得更广。The tension force, shear forces (including pushing force, cutting force and friction force, impulse force, hydrodynamic drag on the suction pipes, and the force resulted from the pressure difference, etc, are the main forces for detail discussion in this paper

4 . 如四川以黑白版画见长I &#;d suggest the chef &#;s delight: sour soup Sichuan style

5 . v 强迫,用力推动

6 . v 越过

7 . (询问健康状况)

8 . 无论怎么样你也无法使她相信你是真心实意的Love thy neighbor, but pull not down thy hedge

9 . 成功的几率是多少?What are you smiling at?

10 . 他们似乎已丧失了对生活的热望。He has beautifully voiced this longing in one of his poems




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