
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-02-29 23:28:21


1 . Wheredoesheusuallygowithhisfriendsat:onSunday?

2 . new initiatives unprecedented in the history of ……

3 . Robert Finn was dismissed by the boss of the factory

4 . We have been greatly encouraged by Lei Feng&#;s example

5 . We always have a good time chatting on the Internet

6 . A:It’ssoniceofyoutohelpmewithallthemoving

7 . What is your plan? 你的计划是什么?

8 . unremitting efforts

9 . on the brink bankruptcy … will be a stimulus to further the city’s development put much energy into …… …… become well—known domestically and internationally have paved a smooth way for …… … is the precondition and basis for …… in its true sense it is by no means a simple slogan for us to say that we …… play a constructive, positive role in doing ……

10 . He preferred to be assigned something more difficult to do


1 . 很显然,学生多了更多的回答角度,也体现了考试的灵活性。再如:

2 . Can you play the guitar?你会弹吉他吗?

3 . 提问:Whohasthreepens?

4 . HisAchilles’heelisheispride

5 . Don’tmentionitLet’sforgiveandforget

6 . 提问:Whousuallygoestotheparkwithhisfriendsat:onSunday?

7 . cherish a deep love for ……

8 . if……, ……will not be the last

9 . Myfamilyhassixpeople我家有六口人。IsthisyourUncle?这是你叔叔吗?

10 . Howmanypensdoestheboyinbluehave?


1 . He’sverygenerousHe’sabletoforgiveandforget

2 . —No,I can’t不,我不会。

3 . Heraiseshiseyebrowsatthenews

4 . 他问我今天是否有空。

5 . 我们总是在网上聊得很高兴。

6 . ……be hailed as……

7 . eat one’s own bitter pill

8 . Morgan‘sAchilles’heelisthatheisnotbrave

9 . Seeeyetoeyewithsomeone(和某人观点一样

10 . 描述书包:What’sinyourschoolbag?你书包里有什么?AnEnglishbook,amathsbook,threestorybooksand一本英语书,一本数学书,三本故事和。。。。Whatcolourisit?什么颜色的?It’sblueandwhite是蓝白色的。


1 . YougethurtandyoumoveonNobigdeal

2 . Keepintouch(withsb

3 . It’sadeal(成交,就这么定了

4 . I think it is important for the children to learn to read and write

5 . Aretheyonthetable?它们在桌子上吗?No,theyaren’tThey’reinthedoor

6 . B:OhIblewit

7 . He seemed to be shut up in himself like a shellfish Is it to be sung or said?

8 . Make______ ______ ______to work hard, ______ you‘ll succeed ______ ______ ______

9 . Yougiveanexcellentspeech,Imeanit

10 . CanIhaveabite?




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