
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-05-23 23:32:45


1 . Experience is in the past year mishaps from practice, success is in the past year PengPengZhuangZhuang burst out, with years of experience make, have what good afraid of, you and I will continue to blaze new kyushu, because more than one, meaning you will harvest more than last year!

2 . 慎重的告诉自己从今天起告别过去对感情很傻的自己。

3 . It is graceful grief and sweet sadness to think of you, but in my heart, there is a kind of soft warmth that can’t be expressed with any choice of words

4 . is going to be far away, perhaps, tired of being busy; Perhaps, lost in the chase; Perhaps, in the boredom, send oneself But don&#;t worry about it, and give it another year!

5 . 关于你的一切总有一天会忘记,再我们不愿遗忘却被岁月遗忘的未来里,但是生命里始终有你,那是我成长的一部分,永远都不会消失。

6 . 这是个告别的季节,xx的烦恼全部抛光;这是个蜕变的时刻,xx的辛劳不会白忙!值此xx年来临之际,特预祝您万事顺意,新年大吉大利!

7 . Will go to New Year&#;s eve, I at jade chicken to send them to: send a car to send room send wealth, send farewell xi to send happiness, send, send perfume to send auspicious, send blessing to send Paul send health, send jiao send beauty send beaming, send and send agree to send smoothly! Happy chicken year!

8 . 回首过去,我们思绪纷飞,感慨万千;立足今日,我们胸有成竹,信心百倍;展望未来,我们引吭高歌,一路欢笑。

9 . 回忆就像播放着的电影,一幕幕在眼前出神入化。回忆就像游览画展,一幅画还没看完没捉摸透,另一幅又映入眼帘。

10 . 见到苏渝的那一瞬间,我突然有了向过去告别的勇气,我对着手机屏幕上那张还在略显惊讶的面容,强忍住泪水微笑着说:邱亦泽,告诉我人活着,到底是为了什么?


1 . 逝去的岁月,怎么找得回来,你曾经的微笑,在回忆里却散不开。

2 . When comes, pain and sorrow will all leave you In , happiness and health will be in your arms I sent a message of blessing, don&#;t forget to invite me to dinner

3 . 人若没法忘记对过去的失败和痛苦,便不能活得精采。一个美好的未来永远在于你能否忘记过去。

4 . 这是一段不平凡的经历,此刻想来对我有深远的影响,无论天涯海角,我会永远珍藏在内心深处,一种永恒的回忆。

5 . 只是,能够回忆的,大都已不再拥有,已然拥有的,却总是被忽略在我们无谓的追思当中。而沉默的时光,早已载着你记忆中的风景,渐行渐远渐分离

6 . 烟雨弥蒙处,谁一身洁白素衣,撑一把油纸伞,独立江边漫步,诉了柔肠,只身孤影向谁去,冷落了江岸,孤独了自己,寂寞了一世尘缘。

7 . I wish you a big fortune and a good fortune in the coming Spring Festival Love, affection, love; The official transport of money and fortune, the transport of prosperity; Every man is in peace

8 . Your sweat is not in vain, success is not to shake hands with you, your efforts were not in vain, to win is not to meet with you, new, only a sincere blessing, wish you in the New Year, all, write a glorious on career path, come on!

9 . Worried about Life keep friends, keep, keep, years to keep warm, keep moving, keep blessing, keep feeling, keep warm, keep deep feeling, let you more happy, you are more successful

10 . 过去的一年,在汗水中打拼,在努力中探索,获得了可喜的成绩,新的一年到来,望你再接再励,将吃苦耐劳的精神继续发扬,收获今年的辉煌!新的一年里,加油!


1 . 看到那飘落的雪花了吗?那是xx的片片真情;看到那呼呼的寒风了吗?那是xx的声声问候。耶稣让我告诉你,xx会过得很好,从现在开始,忘记过去的烦恼,明天才更好!

2 . 宽恕不能改变过去,但能拓宽未来。

3 . On the first day of the year, make your first wish, close your eyes, and put your hands together A life of expectation is joyful, and the anticipation of the day is a pleasant surprise Happy Spring Festival!

4 . With a smiling face light up the sky much of , , with tears wash the scenery of , with a yearning look good choice road, communicate with a a series of clear song wishes and feelings: you wish I can come!

5 . I wish you a happy New Year! I wish you a happy New Year!

6 . 我知道你最喜欢这首歌,我也知道你的心思,我想你。

7 . 此时此刻,感慨万千,旧的一年已经过去,新的一年已经到来,展望未来,美好的日子正等着我们去奋斗,愿在新的一年里,我们能够继续经受住考验,克服困难,让公司的事业再度辉煌!

8 . You are everything when you are with me, and everything is you when you are not

9 . 回忆吧,那份恬静的重现与脑中呼吁你的声音,永远的青春淳朴,天使的魔法温暖中慈祥。忘记吧,那个命运不堪人的身影,看见小时候与现在的过去,痛苦的呻吟,魔鬼的诅咒被风雨摧残的人生。

10 . 你看着我,托付着,“的我,你要好好的把我变的更好。”


1 . “不后悔!”你坚定着,诚恳着。

2 . 明明很想哭,却还在笑;明明很在乎,却装无所谓;明明很痛苦,却偏说自我很愉悦;明明忘不掉,却说已经忘了。

3 . It is adjacent to plum blossom and one message with six incense A fragrance sends you to cash a tree, two incense sends you the noble person to help, the three incense sends you to work well, the four incense sends you not to worry, the five incense sends you money full box, six incense delivers you forever healthy! Happy New Year!

4 . 其实有时候,走过的路,不回头看是不知道自我前一步走对了还是走错了,有时候不怀念是不知道珍惜的。

5 . 回忆是金煌煌的沙石,铺满我们所有走过的路,成为心中耀眼的一幕。心中写满的回忆是对生活的希望,对生活的热爱,还有我们最鲜明的曾经。曾经成为回忆,回忆带着我们在未来飞翔,一路颠簸,一路飞跃,最后在回忆中我们找到啊拉丁神灯。

6 . Success belongs to the company, achievement belongs to you, give you mature, grow up with you, with the past, you are no longer you, more success that is inevitable, the glory that is a must, that is, of course, more achievement success that is fairly easy, let everybody together, everybody happy together, we work together, the original company rise day by day

7 . Goodbye, waving goodbye to , all the joy will be changed into missing, all the failures will say goodbye, come to , face the defeat, then the sword will fight again, the winner will never be defeated

8 . 很多时候我们不知道,却假装知道;很多事情我们知道,却假装不知道;很多时候我们都假装自己活的很充实。

9 . The hero is open and poised, and the little man is often unhappy A little man always desires to be a hero At this time of the old and New Year, when this is coming, you say goodbye to the sweat of yesterday, the fruits of today and the glory of tomorrow With an open heart, we will celebrate the New Year You are my hero, purple east, spring flowers bloom Good thing, another year!

10 . 在无数个睡不着的晚上,我相信会有很多人,习惯性的开始闭上眼睛,安静的想念一个人,想念一张脸。而在他们心里,能够有这样一个人可以想念,或许就够了。


1 . I miss you so deeply that my love just like a kite has broken its line and won’t stop flying until it reaches you at last

2 . 鲜花美酒是陪衬,主角当是创业人。一年辛苦一年累,换来事业发展业绩伟。觥筹交错赞不绝,寒暄之中心陶醉。愿你不骄不躁再努力,新年更上一层楼!

3 . At this time of joy, in the time of this summary, let everyone to treat their own bodies, the liberation of their own mood, summed up their experience, grow their own, and drink out of friendship, talk about the joy, wish everyone work hard, create brilliant

4 . 我想你会忘了我的好,走过陌生的街角。你用校服的裙摆,和我说最坚定的再见。

5 . 人生难免有低谷,就看你是否能给自己搭一个跳板;事业难免有不顺,就看你是否能给自己一束阳光;不管过去有多失败,将来都是未知的,只有努力者才能获得新一轮的成功,加油!我看好你哟。

6 . 终究,没有永远,也不会永远,爱的习惯,随着时光,终归会变的。人生,挥手了,渐会陌生;告别了,总会伤情。曾以为,永远,却原来,没有。感情的世界里,强调的,终是现在,过去,即使再好,也是记忆。面对现在,不仅,要变换心情,还要慢慢改变曾经的习惯,因为,你不能活在曾经,明天,你还得前行。

7 . 为了进一步遮掩别人以为她丈夫对她不好的印象,她还从克莱尔给她的五十镑钱里拿出二十五镑,把这笔钱给了她的母亲,仿佛做克莱尔这种人的妻子是拿得出这笔钱的她说这是对过去她的母亲含辛茹苦抚养她的一丁点儿补报,就这样维护了自己的尊严,告别他们离家走了。

8 . It&#;s the end of the year Wishing you a job hopping and jumping into a gold and silver nest Love jumped ship, jumped into the honeycomb; Life changes, jump into happiness My blessing is also job-hopping, jump into your heart

9 . 告别xx,迎接xx。不管你是男是女,这一刻我们都将告别过去,迎接未来。

10 . 在你过去的生活中,你伤害过谁,也早已忘记了,可是被你伤害的那个人却永远不会忘记你。他决不会记住你的优点,而是记住你对他的伤害。


1 . 年少的爱慕是可以寂静的,在长大以后的岁月里,我永远走在少了你的风景里。

2 . 的确有时候,走过的路,不回头看是不知道自我前一步走对了还是走错了,有时候不怀念是不知道珍惜的。

3 . 在阳光中死去,在最绚烂的包围下死去,心花怒放却开到荼蘼

4 . Listening to my heart beating Seeing how much I love you ,I dare to admit how much I love you When thinking of you, I hope you can receive the passionate words I left for you!

5 . 新的一年要到来,努力奋斗创未来。大家一起来努力,公司会有好业绩。同事难得在一起,开开心心生福气。xx已过去,xx更美丽。

6 . 那不是彻夜等候你为我点的烛火,当我睁开双眼每一天,都会记得大家的笑脸,明白心中勇敢又多了一点,。

7 . 请相信这个因穷人的情谊而感动不已的人,请相信这个靠穷人的祝福而跋涉不停的人,请相信这个为穷人的将来而告别过去的人。

8 . A greeting to make your annual flavor become thick; A word of encouragement to keep your New Year alive; Take care to make your body and mind warm Text message, let your day everything wish!

9 . 男人的一生,不过对女人做两件事:超乎她想象的好和超乎她想象的坏。女人用他的好来原谅他的坏。如果有一天他们不能在一起,不是他太坏,而是她太好。

10 . 回顾就是为了告别,为过去伤感。


1 . 你走了,带着我全部的爱走了,只是一句话也不和我说,好想最后在看你一次,好想在对你说一次”我爱你“

2 . Thousand of time I have thought of you My heart is going high into the air and flying with my blessing towards you I don’t care loneliness I am satisfied when you are happy and I am happy when I think of you!

3 . 辛勤汗水浇灌成功的幼苗,智慧的力量引来蜂蝶飞舞,同心协力共同奋斗,终于赢得硕果满园。愿xx年再把新功建,迎接美好的明天!

4 . The Spring Festival is coming Wish you a full moon and a round circle The source of revenue sources, the source of the left and right; The fate of the people is fate, the margin is constant; Willing and willing to wish! Happy Spring Festival!

5 . 风霜雪雨,xx已不再,悲欢离合往事散,酸甜苦辣也忘怀,成败弹指一挥间,望过去,展未来,xx新起点,新的辉煌新舞台,拼搏进取在未来,愿新的一年谱写新的篇章继往开来。

6 . 我愕然醒悟,才发现自己,一个人正凝望着那片似曾相识的天空,凛冽的寒气努力的往衣服里钻似乎想要侵入我的躯体。我微笑着呢喃许下新年的心愿:的我要变的更好喔……

7 . 我们,和那些关于我们的回忆,原来都只是笑话。

8 . 过去是一家外国国家;他们用不同的方式来做事情。

9 . Having fun and suffering; With sweat and tears; Hard work, good harvest In the past year, we have tasted the taste of life and achieved certain results In the New Year, we will continue our efforts, starting from the new starting line and producing more fruitful fruits with our labor Come on!

10 . 我喜好现在的自身,我怀念过去的咱们。离开后,别说祝我幸福,你有什么资格祝我幸福?我在怀念,你不再怀念的。我怀旧,因为我看不到你和未来。


1 . The past is for nostalgia, the years are for remembering, the future is for thinking, now is the heart, happiness is created by sweat, the Spring Festival is used to celebrate May you open your heart and embrace happiness in the New Year!

2 . 我们其实性格很不合。他早就发现了,我也是。我们只是……舍不得分开。

3 . 岁月的脚步总是在不停地走着,转瞬即逝。时间过得可真快啊!才转眼间,我就已经度过了十几个春夏秋冬,但是关于每个季节的回忆却是唯一的,与众不同的,也是永恒的。

4 . 回忆是生命的美丽,他象征着匆匆而去的人生中甜蜜的溪流,总是醇醇熟睡的安静,心中的秘密;但同时也是天使魔鬼的瞬间,海蓝色与黑暗的眼睛,光消失的余残之际,可看清的面目。

5 . 我不知道我是否真的爱,但是我知道我不能没有你,如果地球将要毁灭,那么我要告诉你“你是我唯一想见的人”。

6 . By the end of the year, there was more! Summarize the experience of one year and renew the plan for next year! Dear friends, to pay attention to the body, to be happy in the work, healthy life, comfortable New Year!

7 . 点点滴滴,一如你,一如我……想起一齐走过的日子,那片栀子花绽放最美的时刻,我却悄然离去,亦错过了最美的时节……

8 . , in the friendship affection love around, ideal dream&#;s encouragement, I soared n happy index, index surged NTH power struggle, happiness index surged to the NTH power, this year, I harvest a lot, , I will make persistent efforts, hard work, give yourself a much better and brighter future

10 . The old friend countless, it want to go or are you the coolest, dream you found thousands of baidu, suddenly look back, you are still in my pig shed, eating grass, next to the tree, the tail swing can not stop, it turned out that you&#;re eating my tree, damn!


1 . 回忆是“泪眼问花花不语,乱红飞过秋千去”的怅然泪落;回忆是“今宵酒醒何处,杨柳岸晓风残月”的凄然醉歌。

2 . 千万个思念,在空气中凝固。扬起风吹向你,带着我的祝福,寂寞我不在乎,你快乐我就满足,想你是我的幸福!

3 . Go to the front door of the , in the doorway, cut a year, wash away the dust of the day, all merits to the back of his brain, wear a sign "blessing spells," Chang Niannian, you must be happy relationships: small, difficult to block less and less dream greatly, a lot of happiness!

4 . Do you understand the feeling of missing someone? It is just like that you will spend a long hard time to turn the ice-cold water you have drunk into tears

5 . 你的付出是我们壮大的石基,你的努力是我们发展的动力,你的幸福是我们追求的目的,你的快乐是我们一致的心意。xx到了,祝你们新年快乐,工作顺利!

6 . 回顾xx年,在工作上我们互相帮助,在生活上我们互相照顾,快把这些收起来吧;我要在xx年里继续我们的快乐,继续我们的和谐。愿我们在新的一年里合作愉快,事业更上一层楼!

7 . Because we have lost in , we will cherish it in Because we have struggled in , we must have harvest in ; Because we are injured in , we will be able to love in Welcome your arrival in !

8 . 一个人自以为刻骨铭心的回忆,别人早已已经忘记了。

9 . 如果有人问起,就说忘了。不解释,不悲伤。

10 . has passed, abandon those unhappy, the pain is no longer, happiness beckons Ah, dear friend, who is the happy ? It belongs to you, bless you, and wish you a happy New Year after !




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