
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-18 06:16:13


1 . = He stood there, with his hand raise

2 . spare no efforts to do ……

3 . You are so beautiful

4 . You主语,代词 right形容词,表语

5 . (addAtoB

6 . 结构︰问句:What+be动词+this(that?)?

7 . Wecan’tturnbacktheclock,butwecancreatethefuture

8 . 名词性从句:主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句, 同位语从句

9 . foreseeable people from different walks of life overwhelming priority it is believed to have a positive impact on …… start at the threshold of the new century

10 . You are great inventors


1 . The desk feels hard.书桌摸起来很硬。

2 . the rapid strides somebody has made in doing ……, may have…

3 . new initiatives unprecedented in the history of ……

4 . on the brink bankruptcy … will be a stimulus to further the city’s development put much energy into …… …… become well—known domestically and internationally have paved a smooth way for …… … is the precondition and basis for …… in its true sense it is by no means a simple slogan for us to say that we …… play a constructive, positive role in doing ……

5 . She is my good friend

6 . too impatient to wait to show his true color

7 . ……be hailed as……

8 . We are very healthy

9 . I am tired 我累了

10 . 状语:状语修饰动词形容词副词或全句,说明方式因果条件时间地点让步方向程度目的等状语在句子中的位置很灵活,常见情况为:通常在句子基本结构之后,强调时放在句首;修饰形容词或副词时,通常位于被修饰的词之前;表示时间地点目的的状语一般位于句子两头,强调时放在句首,地点状语一般须在时间状语之前;一些表示不确定时间(如:often或程度(如:almost的副词状语通常位于be动词助动词情态动词之后,动词之前。


1 . Its hobby is to eat fish

2 . You are a very hard-working student

3 . Manypeopledon’tkeepintouchwiththeirclassmatesaftergraduation

4 . They are very honest

6 . You have grown taller than before.你长得比以前高了。

7 . 一 be动词类: am is are was were

8 . She looks beautiful她看起来很漂亮。

9 . YougethurtandyoumoveonNobigdeal

10 . Her uncle is a great waiter


1 . The books 主语,名词 on the desk在桌子上,介词短语,表语

2 . 独立主格结构使用介词的问题:

3 . She is in the room

4 . He remained silent

5 . original—flavored

6 . The boy主语,名词foolish愚蠢的,形容词,表语

7 . The bag 主语,名词 lost丢,形容词,表语

8 . Wedon’thavemuch,butit’sbetterthannothing

9 . 简单句只包含一个主谓结构,并且各个结构都是由单词或短语组成,不包含任何从句。简单句有五种基本句型。

10 . The trees turn yellow in the autumn


1 . Your teachers are serious

2 . She is quite beautiful

3 . 找出以下的表语

4 . Blowit

5 . He is very confident

6 . (S=主语;V=谓语;P=表语;O=宾语;O=间接宾语;O=直接宾语;C=宾语补足语 一.S十V主谓结构|(vi)

7 . Ihaveheardsomuchaboutyou(久仰大名

8 . (可做谓语以外的所有成分)

9 . We are students

10 . We are happy every day


1 . We are very confident

2 . 主语 + 谓语(不及物动词; Grammar sucks

3 . cherish a deep love for ……

4 . The weather is going to stay fine

5 . My father became a teacher in 我爸爸在年成为一名教师。My father 主语,名词 a teacher名词,表语 in 时间状语

6 . 英语句子成分: 主语谓语宾语定语状语表语

7 . You look unhappy, what’s the matter?

8 . increase(reduce by …… to ……

9 . 主 谓 宾宾

10 . Ijusttwistedmyankle,Nobigdeal,don’tworry




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