
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-07 19:13:44


1 . Your innocuous miss who refused to give up in exchange for who collapsed to

2 . , the pain is behoove when we are in love, and miserable, when you say little, as we now have scattered

3 . 人生如集市,众人在此相聚,却不久留;人生如客栈,路人在此歇脚,而后又走。——艾·霍·布朗【美】

4 . 如果你给我的,和你给别人的是一样的,那我就不要了。

5 . , millions of beautiful future, the bottom is not a warm now

6 . The love that you don&#;t love will never go bad So, we are flirting, we are ambiguous, but never love each other

7 . 极端病态与极端觉悟的人终究不多,时代是这么的沉重,不容我们那么容易就大彻大悟。

8 . 二十一One is willing to my next life without love Second May your life know love Three Wishes your life loved ones must you love一愿我来生无爱。二愿你今生知爱。三愿你今生至爱绝你所爱。

9 . The more people who care more guessing越是在乎的人越是猜不透。

10 . 所有的胜利,与征服自己的胜利比起来,都是微不足道。所有的失败,与失去自己的失败比起来,更是微不足道


1 . 如果你不想要,想结束要趁早,我没有非要一起到老。

2 . 寂寞的人总是会用心的记住他生命中出现过的每一个人,于是我总是意犹未尽地想起你在每个星光陨落的晚上一遍一遍数我的寂寞。

3 . 我们终究会有一天,牵着别人的手遗忘对方。

4 . 喜欢就好好喜欢,别把执着当认真,放弃当放下,随意当随缘。还有一句:娑婆大梦,日日黄梁,若真的喜欢,就别抗拒遗憾。

5 . 过去会在记忆里变淡,也会渐渐的习惯。

6 . I don&#;t know I just want to see how you play with me

7 . 对于不喜欢的人,就冷眼旁观好了,不需要虚伪,因为也不会有交集。

8 . I love not love you one minute only seconds我爱的不多 一分钟只爱了你六十秒。

9 . 你可以活在一个没有我的世界,可我却活在一个只有你的天空。

10 . 我们就像两条平行线,独自向前,不再有交集。


1 . 十二Someone said, my love, I just thought 有人说,我的爱情只是我的自以为。

2 . Time is not cruelty Just for it we are too fragile时光并不残忍。只是对于它来说我们太脆弱。

3 . Happiness is not every day, miss to wait a long time for a long time

4 . , there is a dead angle in the heart, others can not walk in, he can not go out

5 . 二十六Too much commitment to slip away from the fingers dare ask what 太多承诺从指间溜走 不敢奢求什么。

6 . Maybe I&#;m just the shadow of your heart, just your past

7 . 其实世上哪儿有什么一见钟情,所谓的一见钟情,不过是你终于遇到了你那个一直想要的人而已。人海茫茫,遇之是幸,不遇是命。

8 . , breaking up what is not terrible, the most horrible is the kind of one who tries to save each other, but there is nothing to do at the loss

9 . 如果方向一致,两个命中注定要结伴同行的过客是不会擦肩而过的。

10 . First impression of you is most lasting 对你最初的印象,久久难以忘怀。


1 . , through the summer, also through the winter, is not through your heart

2 . 囚住心不如放手给他自由。

3 . , we are like two parallel lines, moving forward alone, no more intersecting

4 . Because when young, with a total want of good in the future

5 . 也许我只是你心中的阴影,只是你的过去。

6 . 二十三Sometimes, only a tear, we completely clear sight 有时候,惟有一场眼泪,我们才彻底清晰了视线。

7 . , if the original heart and palpitations, why need to exaggerate love

8 . ony,不是每个人我都会叫她宝贝

9 . 十八In this bizarre world, the Buddha it becomes magic在这光怪陆离的世界里,不成佛便成魔。

10 . 四If you know who I was, maybe you would forgive who I am你如果认识从前的我,也许你会原谅现在的我。




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