
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-03-19 07:11:35


1 . Go in and make resplendence

2 . 在一切顺利之前,我们需要做出一个计划出来。

3 . Go ahead 继续。

4 . Challenge yourself and break through the limit

5 . He is a fast talker 他是个吹牛大王。

6 . 这的确是一次不同寻常的经历。

7 . 我的室友几天前从我这儿借了块钱。

8 . 你看上去帅呆了。(多么昂贵的赞美!

9 . Sleeping on both ears 睡的香。

10 . Before I came to Guangzhou, I was in Beijing as an English interpreter


1 . If there is a mountain, there is a way across it

2 . Behind every effort, there must be a double reward

3 . 如果听起来好像不是真的,也许就不是真的

4 . She&#;ll be along in a few minutes 他马上会过来。

5 . I&#;m not in a good mood 没有心情(做某事。

6 . The secret of success is to keep its purpose unchanged

7 . 我对你的工作非常满意。(正式真诚的赞扬。

8 . Only when we face up to our ignorance can we expand our knowledge

9 . The line is engaged 占线。

10 . Different strokes for different folks


1 . 我非常羡慕你。(接下来你可以诉苦了。

2 . 人各有所好

3 . Before we got married, we were living in completely differentcountries

4 . 这真是个好地方!(随口就说且效果很好的赞美!

5 . 去年只有两个队可能夺得冠军,可今年许多队都有可能。除了圣安东尼奥和底特律的球队以外,还有迈阿密凤凰城印第安纳的球队,甚至还有姚明所在的休士顿火箭队。这个赛季会很精彩。

6 . You’vegotagreatpersonality

7 . Those who avoid reality will have a worse future

8 . Smell the chicken and dance to achieve a strong brigade teacher; Heaven rewards diligence to reproduce the brilliant kings style

9 . Bottoms up! 干杯!

10 . A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step; two years of storms, a rainbow in ones life


1 . 简而言之,为了把世界变成更美好的地方,我们必须勤奋工作。

2 . 珍丽个月前还不会骑自行车。

3 . YourChineseisreallysurprising!

4 . 嗨,玛丽,你是不是在申请比尔那个职位呀?记得你上个星期对我说,在整个公司里就属他的工作最好。现在比尔退休了,大家都可以竞争他的职位。你应当争取呀!

5 . Get cold feet 害怕做某事。

6 . Those were the days

7 . 我六年前来到广州并定居下来。

8 . The heaven is a reward for his diligence and diligence

9 . 过去式;无法挽回的`过去;过去的事了

10 . Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst


1 . He is the pain on neck 他真让人讨厌。

2 . I never thought about it before 我以前从来没想过这事。

3 . 这是一个我们必须学会面对的痛苦的新情况。

4 . 例句-:Hey Mary, are you applying for Bill&#;s job? I remember you telling melast week how he had the best job in the company Well, now that he&#;s retired,his job is up for grabs You should go for it!

5 . Before everything goes well, we need to work out a plan

6 . Good for you! 好得很!

7 . 每个人都该有个梦想。

8 . Not at all 根本就不(用。

9 . Although the ant nest is small, it collapses thousands of miles

10 . Ienvyyouverymuch


1 . 同时,我们也可以在before后放一个句子,表示在做某事之前,一般也会用过去式,或一般时:

3 . Youhaveagoodtaste

4 . As long as you are determined to succeed, failure will never knock you down

5 . The footprints in the desert soon faded away The song of struggle has been stirring in the heart of the Trekker for a long time

6 . What one doesn&#;t know won&#;t hurt one

7 . 吸烟能导致很多疾病,比如肺癌等等。

8 . 当前,一提到即将开始的学校生活,许多学生都会兴高采烈。然而,对多数年轻人来说,校园刚开始的日子并不是什么愉快的经历。

9 . give sth one&#;s best shot

10 . Remember to obey traffic rules




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