
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-02-07 12:16:01


1 . ( take一般是指从说话人这里往别处拿,翻译成“带走”。

2 . A horse B duck C chicken D sheep

3 . and yet 可是,然而

4 . onpurpose/byaccident故意地/偶然,意外地


6 . (年哈尔滨中考试题

7 . What’s wrong?

8 . I want/hope to…

9 . ( arrive后不能直接接地点,是一个不及物动词。若表示到达一个相对大的地点,用arrive in ; 若表示相对小的地点,用arrive at

10 . Everyone except Tom and John _____ there when the meeting began


1 . Nice/Glad to see/meet you

2 . Happy birthday to you

3 . All these five books are mine这五本书都是我的。(修饰可数名词)

4 . 做这类题目的思路和方法归纳起来有以下九点:

5 . 三 Neither of us has seen the film

6 . This is the house where I was born

7 . ( neither作代词是对两者都进行否定,意思为"两者都不",作主语时谓语动词用单数。

8 . I hate the people ________ don’t help others when they are in trouble

9 . John: shall I call him and tell him you’re ill?

10 . The poet and writer has come


1 . I will

2 . Wish you good luck in this exam!

3 . A Go to the cinema B Watch TV? C Go to a concert?

4 . dhusewr做家务

5 . 。Whichsportdoyouprefer?=Whichsportdoyoulikebetter?你更喜欢什么运动?Ipreferskating。=Ilikeskatingbetter。我更喜欢滑雪。

6 . A : B :? C :

7 . My family are watching TV

8 . cI called to tell/ask you…

9 . 海不辞水,故能成其大;山不辞土石,故能成其高;明主不厌人,故能成其众;士不厌学,故能成其圣。

10 . When I get home I always do my homework first我到家后,总是先做家庭作业。


1 . The People&#;s Republic of China was founded in 中华人民共和国成立于年。

2 . 我妈妈喜欢买中国产的东西。

3 . You’ll be right/well soon

4 . soastodosth(句中为了……

5 . I like none of the coats 那些外套我一件都不喜欢。

6 . A I like the weather

7 . A You are happy

8 . bring…with…随身携带

9 . Of course (you may



1 . 做某人分内的事

2 . Now, you want to know about life in the past, right? I can tell you When I was a boy, things were different I had to get up at six every morning That was not very bad in summer, but in winter it was cold And we didn&#;t have any hot water in the house We had to wash in cold water We didn&#;t have a bath-room My dad had some chickens I had to feed them every morning and then I had to walk to school with my little sister It was two miles to school and two miles back in the evening And we had to go to bed at seven o&#;clock every night We couldn&#;t watch TV because there wasn&#;t any On Sundays we had to go to church three times-morning, afternoon and evening And we couldn&#;t play outside on Sundays But it wasn&#;t too bad We had some good times We could go out and our parents didn&#;t have to worry about us There weren&#;t so many cars on the roads then, so the streets were safe to play in And there were not many robbers and thieves in those days We had to work hard and we weren&#;t able to buy all those things in the shops today Life was hard, but it was simple and people were happier

3 . 【满分演练】

4 . ------Two months _______ quite a long time

5 . He was the second (person that told me the secret

6 . inrdert为了

7 . 太山不立好恶,故能成其高;江海不择小助,故能成其富。

8 . notedown记下

9 . Mr Brown sent her children away布郎夫人送走了孩子们。

10 . 山川相繆,郁乎苍苍。




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