
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-01-31 14:31:21


1 . UPS:为Uninterruptible Power Supply(不间断电源)的英文缩写。它是伴随着计算机的诞生而出现的,是电脑的重要外围设备之一。UPS是一种含有储能装置,以逆变器为主要组成的恒压恒频的不间断电源,用以保护电脑在突然断电时不会丢失重要的数据。

2 . deprivation 剥夺

3 . As a result of what is now know in physics and chemistry, scientists have been able to make important discoveries in biology and medicine

4 . rumor/gossip 谣言;传闻

5 . 双链树 doubly linked tree

6 . Although badly hur in the accident, the driver was still able to make a phone call

7 . 随小增量排序 diminishing increment sort

8 . calculator 计算器

9 . shortcoming 缺点

10 . 拓扑有序 topological order


1 . The first IBM PC was like the first car ever made,and all computers produced since its introduction look and behave similarly(but without the crank to start them up

2 . ·Windows:窗口操作系统,图形接口

3 . interaction 交际

4 . employee 雇员

5 . 二叉排序树 binary sort tree

6 . Anarchism is a term describing a cluster of doctrines and attitudes whose principal uniting feature is the belief that government is both harmful and unnecessary

7 . Seagate:美国希捷硬盘生产商。Seagate意思为“通往海洋的门户”,常指通海的运河等。

8 . Insects would make it impossible for us to live in the world; they would devour all our crops and kill our flocks and herds, if it were not for the protection we get from insect-eating animals

9 . character 性格

10 . The tsunami ( 海啸 _________(毁坏)many trees and buildings


1 . The use of well-chosen nonsense words makes possible the testing of many basic hypotheses in the field of language learning

2 . 遍历二叉树 traversing binary tree

3 . flexibility 灵活性

4 . Though once quite large, the population of the bald eagle across North America has drastically declined in the past forty years

5 . You weren’t ______(应该,应当)to come home until tomorrow

6 . Because of its irritating effect on humans, the use of phenol as a general antiseptic has been largely discontinued

7 . 当她躺在医院的时候,她后悔没有听从母亲的劝告。(regret doing

8 . The history of painting is a fascinating chain of events that probably began with the very first pictures ever made

9 . 增广路径 augmenting path

10 . The development of mechanical timepieces spurred the search for more accurate sundials with which to regulate them


1 . The beaver chews down trees to get food and material with which to build its home

2 . 也许因为是秋雨吧,所以雨滴总是带着一丝淡淡的哀愁。忽然感到无比的思念,思念去年那一场秋雨,思念那雨中萧瑟的背影,思念那令人心寒的笑容。

3 . intellectual 知识分子

4 . Because its leaves remain green long after being picked, rosemary became associated with the idea of remembrance

5 . 他们的球队是这个国家最棒的,当然应该打赢这场比赛。 (deserve to

6 . intrusiveness 干涉

7 . He promised to keep me i_______________ of what happened

8 . 夜雨潇潇,金风细细,叶叶梧桐坠。躺在床上,聆听窗外的雨声,如歌般美妙,如诗般惬意,好似行云流水,又宛似一位娇滴滴的姑娘在窃窃私语。这是秋雨吗?是,它是。但它不再是那令人忧愁的秋雨,而是充满希望的。就像生命一样,有伤心也有快乐。这条路上也许风景凄清,但也许下个转折口,将会看到一个全新的景色:微雨朦朦,烟云笼罩,小径红稀,芳野绿遍,翠叶藏莺,朱帘隔燕……

9 . ·POST:开机检测Power On Self Test

10 . 购买者和销售者都应该留意技术的新发展,原因很简单,因为技术能够并且已经影响着营销活动。


1 . supplement 补充

2 . outcome 产物

3 . 机械定时器的发展促使人们寻求更精确的日晷,以便校准机械定时器。

4 . input 输入

5 . prospect 前景

6 . literacy 读写能力

7 . motion 《恶性字符 本帖子与本站无关 请各位用户及时提醒管理员删除》

8 . cycle 循环

9 . 最惬意的莫过于夏雨。她是那么突然,那么热烈,在哗哗的暴雨中洗涤心灵,胸中的烦躁与块垒一扫而尽。

10 . The first s_________ in the second act contains a very long speech


1 . ·DOS:早期文字指令接口的操作系统

2 . 选择排序 selection sort

3 . Anthropology is a science in that anthropologists use a rigorous set of methods and techniques to document observations that can be checked by others

4 . The boy felt _____________(窘迫 in front of such a big crowd

5 . creativity 创造性

6 . The difference between libel and slander is that libel is printed while slander is spoken

7 . remedy/therapy 疗法

8 . integrated circuit 集成电路

9 . 我喜爱在秋雨中漫步,感受秋雨那丝丝清凉。在秋雨中漫步,感受秋雨对人们的“洗礼”,对世界万物的“洗礼”。伸出双手,雨水落入你手中就像牛奶一样光滑;用嘴去品味雨水,带有一丝丝的甘甜;用鼻子去细闻那秋雨的味道,似有幽幽的芬芳;用眼睛去欣赏秋雨,那秋雨就如同一个个精灵跳跃着欢乐的舞蹈,从天空中欢快的落入人间。

10 . It has been found that certain bats emit squeaks and by receiving the echoes, they can locate and steer clear of obstacles------or locate flying insects on which they feed This echo-location in bats is often compared with radar, the principle of which is similar


1 . fratricide n杀兄弟(或姐妹的行为,杀害兄弟者

2 . hardship 艰难险阻

3 . 数组 array

4 . command 指令,命令

5 . to code 编码

6 . I am really fond of reading books, and that’s why my favourite sybject is literature

7 . absurdity 荒唐;谬论

8 . ·KB:键盘,常见接口规格为PS/与USB

9 . 漫步在雨中,独自一人感受着雨的寂莫孤独。凭寄离恨重重,易得凋零,更多少无情风雨秋雨丝丝,仿佛生命已到尽头,无比绝望。蓦然间,一朵秋菊傲然于风雨中。惜春更选残红折。这又让我看到了生命的活力。刹那间,心中愁云烟消云散,我又显现出了活力和生气。

10 . content 内容


1 . miscondust 行为不端

2 . 对称矩阵 symmetric matrix

3 . ·DVD-ROM:DVD光驱Digital Versatile Disk Read Only Memory

4 . Smoking has been found to have a bad effect on the health of the smoker and the people nearby

5 . 秋雨,没有春雨般细腻温柔,也没有夏雨般豪爽热烈,却是如此地宁静典雅。秋雨中,我领略到了一种烟雾般的渺茫,一种水晶般的清爽。那是一位腼腆的小女孩,羞涩地却又如此静谧地倾听我的心事。

6 . decide v决定,判决

7 . 和她多谈几次你就会发现她不像你原来认为的那么坏。(not as …as

8 . instruction 教导

9 . Quails typically have short rounded wings that enable them to spring into full flight instantly when disturbed in their hiding places

10 . 秋雨,给人们带来的既有快乐,又有悲伤。也许你会问,秋天,这个丰收有趣的季节,怎麽会变得悲伤呢?这是因为秋天有中秋节,中秋节是一个团圆的节日,而那些漂泊在外的游子难道不会觉得悲伤吗?由这些从树上离开的黄叶我便想到了那些离开故乡的游子,想到不能和家人团圆,不能一块儿吃圆圆的月饼,心中有多么难受,多麽悲伤!万物在秋天的脚步慢慢的开始沉睡,满地的落叶被这风雨慢慢带走。




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