
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-02 01:05:41


1 . Singing along the way, away from home The mood excited high school, take care of special relatives The campus hundred flowers split fang xin, the lake curved bridge willow shade The atmosphere is strong and the atmosphere is good School students: here let fly dream casting brilliant

2 . .一切的一切都快结束了还有剩下的几天就要分别了,不是吗?

3 . School starts! The school! On the back of the bag towards the campus, that is happy and happy home Friends see you always smile, together play happy play, the teacher for you to care for you, help you to pick up the knowledge of the spray May you meet the beautiful dawn, happy to enter the school!

4 . Color flags flutter and sing, students meet with each other Hello to the sound of the sound side, set a high school Early and late return to happiness long, knowledge ocean to roam Cherish the youth good time, for the country to be a pillar of the people I wish you success and success!

5 . 自古以来学有建树的人,都离不开一个“苦”字。

6 . 游手好闲的学习并不比学习游手好闲好。——约•贝勒斯

7 . 自爱,使你端庄;自尊,使你高雅;自立,使你自由;自强,使你奋发;自信,使你坚定……这一切将使你在成功的道路上遥遥领先。

8 . 暑假美了吧,心情爽了吧,开心足了吧,玩乐够了吧,现在开学了吧,该收心了吧,定下目标了吧,认真学习吧,加油努力吧,祝福送你吧,开学日,愿新学期,新气象,学业更上一层楼。

9 . 看,那希望的山岗,多么美丽,多么苍翠让我们舒展生命的羽翼,抖动青春的翅膀,向那高高的山峰奋飞!

10 . 暑假里,河边曾经钓鱼,电脑前可以痴迷;开学了,玩心请你摒弃,懒惰请你收起;拿着拼搏的武器,奋斗的精神要崛起;开学日到,愿你充满力气,展现能力,定要好好学习!


1 . 无论昨天今天明天,只要心中有梦永远是春天;不管阴天雨天晴天,只要有好心情永远是艳阳天。生活就是这样,有时只要鼓足勇气跨出一步,一切都会变得与先前想象的好!

2 . 有笑有泪,有花有果,这就是人生;有忙有闲,有升有降,这就是学生。寒假过后开学日,收拾收拾启程吧,愿你愉快学习快乐成长!

3 . Start a new knowledge voyage and learn about the sea; Make new friends and friends; Bask in the new youth sunshine, happy to move forward; Chew the fruit of new wisdom School day is here, and wish you a new journey on campus

4 . .母校的每一个角落,都珍藏着我们的友情,弥漫着我们的幻想。

5 . "People live in hope," said maupassant "a hope is dashed or realized, and there is a new hope" New Year is the new hope, new hope, new journey, new harvest New semester, new starting point, new face, let us look forward to a better tomorrow, let us embark on the journey again!

6 . 攀登山顶的脚力,生于“欲穷千里目”的壮心和“不到长城非好汉”的意志。

7 . .毕业了,过了新鲜期,爱情是不是就像换衣服。谁还买单。

8 . .懵懂的青春留给那些苍白奋斗的日子只为期待有个美好未来。

9 . 生命不是要超越别人,而是要超越自己。

10 . .今天,我们是亲密的同学;明天,我们将是竞争的对手。愿友谊在竞争中更加深厚。


1 . 自己选择的路跪着也要把它走完。

2 . Start school, let the lazy side stand, self-improvement and self-reliance; Let study be the protagonist, study hard; Let diligence be the main force, positive and enterprising; Let the attitude be correct, continuous progress Wish you a happy school year!

3 . 靠山山会倒,靠人人会跑,只有自己最可靠。

4 . .三年光阴,匆匆而过,如梦的年纪,弥漫着串串欢声笑语,不要挥手叹息,觉得繁花尽去,鼓足勇气,不要忘了互递惊喜的消息。

5 . 自我控制是最强者的本能。——萧伯纳

6 . 对自己不满是任何真正有才能的人的根本特征之一。

7 . .你问我你有什么缺点。我想说你没有缺点你最大的缺点就是没有优点。

8 . 夏天悄悄过去,留下多彩回忆。新的学期就要开始,愿你保持快乐的心情,把烦恼交给知了,把幸福留给自己,去迎接崭新的日子。祝月号开学日快乐!

9 . .缘份是一根线,架起我们相遇的桥,划开我们别离的界;情谊是一坛酒,天南地北共饮心不醉,他日相见举杯终有时。

10 . 桂冠上的飘带,不是用天才纤维捻制而成的,而是用痛苦,磨难的丝缕纺织出来的。


1 . .愿你在这短暂的学习时日里,获得高超的本领顽强的意志博大的胸怀;像赛马一般,越过一道又一道高栏;让生命扬帆前进,驶向碧波滔滔的大海。

2 . 山涧的泉水经过一路曲折,才唱出一支美妙的歌。

3 . 命运是那些懦弱和认命的人发明的!

4 . .你在青春陪过谁,谁在青春陪过你。我也曾经想回到那些日子里,有着做不完的作业,跟死党抱怨学校的伙食,一起参加运动会,一起上课下课一起哭和闹,就算过的有多累多么循规蹈矩,却觉得一切还充满希望。但我知道,人生只能向前。

5 . 所谓禅,内不为烦恼所惑,外不被境界所扰。

6 . 人生之路多坎坷,摔个跟头别难过,爬起来,掸掸土,前方就是一片乐土。

7 . Start school, say goodbye to the summer vacation, and say goodbye to idleness; And school to say the sound of return, and learn to say the reunion; Say hello to your knowledge and cheer yourself up May you be in a good mood and get better grades!

8 . 经过了一学期的小班生活,你学会了自己吃饭自己穿衣服;学会了见人打招呼,更懂礼貌了;学会了欢快的儿歌,会跳快乐的舞蹈;知道了什么是秋天,什么是冬天等等很多生活常识;有了好朋友,变得会和小朋友交往了;学会了动手动脑。更重要的是幼儿园的有规律的生活让你身心的各个方面都在健康成长,爸爸妈妈很为你高兴。

9 . Every day is a new transcendence A person regardless of his past is painful, or unlimited scenery, will become a thing of the past as time goes by, life is not only a bright future, tolerance in the past, the accommodation in the future, to create a new life in the spring, your life will be more beautiful and charming

10 . .花还未开,是在等待什么吗……多么希望,花已经开好了……


1 . The autumn is fragrant with fragrance, and the melon and fruit are spitting incense The campus is very quiet and the scenery is everywhere Happy horsepower, keep fresh memories The palace of knowledge is open, and the writing of youth is heroic School day arrived, carry the school bag, to the school advance

2 . 你是个聪明懂事的小男孩,样样事情都愿意自己学着做,还能主动帮助小朋友;你学本领时很专心,还愿意举手发言,如果你以后在大家面前说话的声音再响亮一点就更好了。

3 . 祝贺你们升入了中班!

4 . .毕业了,也许还会怀念寝室卧谈会那轻松,愉悦的感觉。

5 . , the holiday is coming to an end, the school term is in sight Adjust the state of mind, change the schedule Set big dreams and stay determined The diligent climbs the book mountain, the happiness drifts to study the sea In the end, you will achieve your dream School day is here May you be happy

6 . .三年,在人生的旅程中不过是短短的一段么雷人的,同桌三载,却一生难以忘怀。你是我记忆中的一粒珍珠,心的天幕上的一颗明星。

7 . 重复是学习之母。——狄慈根

8 . 有些事情本身我们无法控制,只好控制自己。

9 . 与其用泪水悔恨今天,不如用汗水拼搏今天。

10 . 我们的学校真新鲜,校园里花草舞翩翩,可爱的同学敬爱的老师,每个人脸上都笑开颜。新学期快乐!


1 . (费祥是母亲明亮的眼睛照亮了我的前程,是母亲勤劳的双手美化了我的心灵,是母亲慈祥的笑容驱散了我心中的迷雾。

2 . 新学期,让我们都加油去超越自己,开心享受青春岁月的绚丽多彩,把每一个日子都串起,编织一条闪亮的珍珠,藏在心灵深处。祝开学日快乐!

3 . 改变别人,不如改变自己。yulujbnet

4 . 普天之下,没有我不爱的人,也无我不信任之人,无不可原谅之人。如果我们能俱足此“三无”,则能使心理健康并正常发展,而自然会宽人爱人信任人。

5 . , facing the happy dawn, bathed in the sunshine, the backpacks of knowledge, humming the happy songs, the journey of knowledge, the ocean of wisdom School day is here Wish you a happy New Year

6 .

7 . 你很能干,会主动帮老师做力所能及的事情;你很好学,遇到不懂总爱问个“为什么”;你很聪明,游戏活动中总能想出新玩法。如果在与小朋友一起游戏时,你愿意让一让,一定会交到更多的朋友。

8 . People have only one life, but life can be different every day In the face of rapidly changing world, we are going to drop the past and the now carry, take each day as a new start, keep in mind the ideal of the heart, a smile in the face of life, constantly enrich himself, will have a meaningful life

9 . 不去耕耘,不去播种,再肥的沃土也长不出庄稼,不去奋斗,不去创造,再美的青春也结不出硕果。

10 . 即使爬到最高的山上,一次也只能脚踏实地地迈一步。




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