
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-15 17:38:43


1 . 与其费尽心思留住别人,不如让别人费劲心思留住自己

2 . there is no royal road to learning

3 . 俄曾一度以为时间能淡化开很多事可是几年过去了依然深深的烙印在俄心里挥不掉抹不去。

4 . A thousand-li journey is started by taking the first step

5 . 经过海浪的一番磨砺,卵石才变得更加美丽光滑。

6 . 一息若存,希望不灭。——英国谚语

7 . What is micro, not for no; The way is you can&#;t not。

8 . 曾经迷惘的心中,是你牵引我走出寂寞。it’s you that led me out of the loneliness when i was lost in my mind

9 . 我预订了新年第一缕阳光,祝您早上好;我预订了东海第一阵季风,祝您一帆风顺;我预订了春天第一声鸟啼,祝您喜事连连;我预定了边关第一声号角,祝您平平安安!

10 . A ideal again tired also happy in your heart。


1 . 混混噩噩的生活不值得过。——苏格拉底

2 . What is learned in the cradle is carried to the grave

3 . 问路才不会迷路,留退路才不会有绝路,敢回头就没有死路。失去了不一定是失败,成功了也不一定是成就,可以逃避现实,但不能逃避人生。早安。

4 . As long as it is hard-working bee, in the life of the vast wilderness, honey can be found everywhere。

5 . Books, like friends, should be few and well chosen

6 . 没有学识就是盲人。

7 . 约分从一个分数表达式的分子和分母去掉(一个公因子

8 . Our destiny offers not the cup of despair, but the chalice of opportunity So let us seize it, not in fear, but in gladness——RM Nixon

9 . Exactly divisible by the same unit an integral number of timesUsed of two quantities

10 . Knowledge, in truth, is the great sun in the firmament Life and power are scattered with all its beams——Daniel Webster


1 . 祝福蹒跚学步的早晨,也祝福坚实稳健的早晨,更要祝福鹤发童颜老当益壮的早晨,晨风中人们健康的笑脸就是世界上最美的图画呀,她会将心中的爱和真诚点燃

2 . Heroes must contain the disasters in my career, if there are no disasters won&#;t become a hero。

3 . 世上除了生死,都是小事。从今天开始,每天微笑吧。

4 . 我依旧爱着你,只是从今天开始一切与你无关!

5 . 努力就能成功,坚持确保胜利。

6 . 早上好,祝你这天身体“百威”,运气“喜力”,情绪“世好”总之,清清爽爽,快快乐乐每一天!

7 . 准时向你播报天气预报:今天你将遇到金钱雨,幸福风,友情雾,爱情露,健康云,顺利霜,安全雹,开心闪。

8 . 变成浆状,成纸浆 [软块]

9 . Knowledge comes from experience alone

10 . thereisonlyonesuccess,tobeabletospendyourlifeinyourownway(youmiMarketing


1 . 尽管失败和挫折等待着人们,一次次地夺走青春的容颜,但却给人生的前景增添了一份尊严,这是任何顺利的成功都不能做到的。——梭罗

2 . 不要跟一个人和他议论同一个圈子里的人,不管你认为他有多可靠。

3 . Painful memories are tears wash not clean, can only put the sweat it washed away。

4 . 天亮了吧,闹铃响了吧,极不情愿地起床了吧,我的问候及时赶到了吧,高兴了吧,那就笑笑吧。早安,祝你好心情!

5 . 没有赚头。

6 . 学无止境。

7 . 不要看不起应届生,我的潜力需要你来验证!(AlanDesigner

8 . Energy and persistence conquer all things——Benjamin Franklin

9 . 好书使人开卷有所求,闭卷有所获。——奥尔科特

10 . If compare talent to sword, diligence is the grindstone。




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