
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-20 06:35:39


1 . Its amazing how someone can break your heart, but you still love them with all the little pieces 不可思议的`是,即使他令你心碎,你却依然用破碎的心爱着他。

2 . Areyouintrovertedorextroverted?

3 . 爱并不复杂,复杂的是人。

4 . Mus(the[ti]go?

5 . 音的同化也是一种连读的现象,两个词之间非常平滑的过渡,导致一个音受临音影响而变化。主要是以下三种方式:辅音[d]与[j]相邻时,被同化为[d]:读成/dV/,didyou听上成了/dIdVu/,

6 . 我欣赏诚实灵活而且容易相处的人。企业英语培训/studydetail_html

7 . First I need your hand ,then forever can begin——我需要牵着你的手,才能告诉你什么是永远

8 . The more people who care more guessing越是在乎的人越是猜不透。

9 . optimistic乐观

10 . 二失去爆破


1 . If you want a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things 如果你想过得快乐,把生活跟目标联系在一起,而不是跟某个人或某些事。

2 . I can not give you the whole world ,but I can give you myself我不能给你全世界,但是我的世界全部给你……

3 . May your love soar on the wings of a dove in flight愿你的爱乘着飞翔的白鸽,展翅高飞。

4 . 别人怎么看你不重要,唯一重要的是你很喜欢真实的自己。记住,爱笑的女孩子运气不会太差……

5 . independent独立的

6 . 租船订舱相关英语句型:

7 . A bird may be known by its song什麽鸟唱什麽歌。

8 . 英语语音中的/j/和/w/是半元音,如果前一个词是以辅音结尾,后一个词是以半元音,特别是/j/开头,此时也要连读。Thank~you

9 . 你觉得我失败么。我觉得还好。我遇见你已经花光了我所有的好运气

10 . Are not our souls like those candles, patiently waiting forsomeone to come and let us be ourselves? We are all waiting for ourown moments to shine; we each have a special light, unmatched byany other


1 . Life is not waiting for the storm in the past, but learning to dance 生活不是等着暴风雨过去,而是学会在风雨中跳舞。

2 . There is no exact purpose for your life

3 . 害怕失败。

4 . Everything happens for a reason这个世界,没有偶然

5 . Often TouLu you every bit of life, can you the same for me 每每偷录你生活的点滴,你可否一样对于我。

6 . 爆破音是指发音器官在口腔中形成阻碍,然后气流冲破阻碍而发出的音。这些音有个爆破音有对/p/,/b/,/t/,/d/,/k/,/g/。但在某些情况下,发爆破音时,气流不必冲破阻碍,而只是发音器官在口腔中形成阻碍,并稍做停顿,(也就是说,做好要发出这个爆破音的准备,但不要发出音来,这样的发音过程叫作"不完全爆破"。失去爆破,又叫不完全爆破。

7 . Think of had to meet, like very dizzy, when the mind change, such as 想起当初相见,似天旋地转,当意念改变,如过往云烟。

8 . A book that remains shut is but a block有书闭卷不阅读,无异是一块木头。

9 . The question is: Are you satisfied with who you are? Are youdoing what you are capable of doing? Do you get excited about whatyou are going to do when you get up in the morning? It is high timeyou asked these questions that reflect the truth about your lifeMore often than not we have the ability to achieve much greaterthings, but we get caught in the average things in life and wasteour potential Each one of us has immense ability But most of usfail to use it Why?

10 . 忙到没时间思考


1 . one today is worth two tomorrows 一个今天胜似两个明天。

2 . Accidents will happen天有不测风云。

3 . 在没人喝彩的时候我们要学会给自己喝彩,在没人鼓掌的时候我们要学会给自己鼓掌。

4 . Love is something eternal; the aspect may change, but not the essence爱是永恒的,外表可能改变,但本质永远不变。

5 . 当你希望成功,当以恒心为良友。

6 . (“辅音+半元音”型连读

7 . 在有光的瞬间遇见你之后,我成了世上最倒霉的人。因为遇见你,花光了我所有的运气

8 . 吃货的女生总是爱笑而爱笑的女生运气不会差

9 . You have to believe in yourself That is the secret of success————人必须相信自己,这就是成功的秘诀。

10 . timechartervessel期租船


1 . 你尽力了才有资格说自己的运气不好失败并不是说明你差而是提醒你该努力了。

2 . 长得胖的女孩一般运气不会太差

3 . I’m proud of my heart。It’s been played,burned,and broken,but it still works。

4 . 只要我们体会出来,每天都可以发现新知识领域伴随而生,可能是在家里,也可能是在我们事业中。我们正处在人类所努力钻研每个领域中进步起点。

5 . 如果+ = +那么是否 Iloveyou = Youloveme〃

6 . 失败了任何理由都是借口,成功了所有运气都是努力。

7 . No man than I know more about myself。没有人比我更了解自己。

8 . To travel, will have a place, there is no memory, not you 去旅行吧,一定会有一个地方,那里没有回忆,没有你。

9 . Candles are made up of wax and a wick; we have bodies, but ouressence lies in our minds and souls Candles are unique in theircolors, shapes and designs Our life histories and experiences arethe backdrops of who we are, but our minds are like candle wicks,and make our passions flame Unlike the candles in my drawer, whoget used or not used depending on my whims, we control our ownthoughts, and how brightly we will burn or dimly we will shine

10 . We are all were, blurred our closest happiness 我们都是远视眼,模糊了离我们最近的幸福。


1 . personality

2 . 我不知道这段文字是谁写,我一直很喜欢并用它们来提醒自己,那就是未来操之在我。

3 . Whatwil(lhe[wili]do?

4 . 幸福本来就奢侈,只是我运气好得到的多一些,所以现在,向分给你一些。

5 . 有个性英语怎么说

6 . 与其羡慕别人的好运气,不如学习别人努力的过程。

7 . 租船订舱相关英语词汇:

8 . The day is short but the work is much。

9 . havecharacter

10 . 船舶货运代理,租船订舱。


1 . Art is a jealous mistress艺术是一位充满嫉妒的情人。

2 . How~andwhydidyoucomehere?Shecan’tcarry~it

3 . Nicetomeet~you

4 . 租船订舱英语怎么说

5 . A clear conscience is a sure card光明磊落,胜券在握。

6 . Love is not a matter of counting the days。It’s making the days count。

7 . Shallwemeetat~eightortentomorrowmorning?(meet与at,eight与or之间不可以连读)

8 . 遇见你,花光此生所有的运气。爱上你,用掉今生所有的勇气。

9 . I have been thinking Im not good enoughIm not perfect,but Im complete 一直以来,我都觉得自己不够好。我不完美,但我是完整的自己。

10 . I love not love you one minute only seconds我爱的不多 一分钟只爱了你六十秒。

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