
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-31 14:46:13


1 . 喜好和厌恶 Likes and dislikes

2 . Are you not a football fan?


4 . 一 训练方法

5 . Jim: ____

6 . This piece of wood will be made into a small bench 这块木头将要被制成一个小凳。

7 . My family is big one

8 . A Weather B Business C Season

9 . ()half, the rest等表示不定数量的名词作主语时,如果所指为复数意义,动词用复数;如果所指为单数意义,动词用单数。例如:

10 . 约会 Making appointments


1 . where 指地点,在定语从句中作状语。例如:

2 . 语言困难 Language difficulties

3 . Thanks a lot

4 . The girl whose mother is ill is staying at home today

5 . A He fed the chickens

6 . 这个世界有很多个梦,每个梦里又都有一个世界。已然逝去的日光再璀璨再美好,也只不过一段回忆的长度;不久将至的夜色再凄楚再哀伤也只是模糊不确定的轮廓。在过去与未来的更迭里我们终老,行将就木。却终于发觉,原来黄昏才是时光最华美的绽放。

7 . wouldratherdosth(主语)宁愿做某事

8 . Will she not like it?

9 . C Yes, please help me?

10 . ___________________________


1 . I like none of the coats 那些外套我一件都不喜欢。

2 . A Three B Four C Five?

3 . cMaybe/Perhaps

4 . A Your sister B The man’s sister C Alice’s sister?

5 . They heard of the film long time ago他们很久以前就听说过这部电影。

6 . I’m so happy that you could be here at Christmas time

7 . The police are looking for lost boy

8 . You’ll be right/well soon

9 . 陕西省的听力的题目分为三个部分,下面我们按照题目地类型分别加以说明:

10 . 浙江嘉兴平湖市乍浦小学四年级:陶雯霞


1 . 只能用which,不用that 的情况:

2 . ( arrive后不能直接接地点,是一个不及物动词。若表示到达一个相对大的地点,用arrive in ; 若表示相对小的地点,用arrive at

3 . —I usually take a shower at six forty我通常六点四十淋浴。

4 . She sent for some flowers她派了人去买花。

5 . Both he and I are right

6 . ---I haven’t seen Jack for three days Is he ill?

7 . Therealfriendshipis。

8 . agreatdeal大量

9 . aswellas也,同,和;同…一样

10 . Thank you for your help


1 . 就餐 Taking meals

2 . Look! There _______ playing with the tourists on Yinhe Square

3 . --Wish you a happy New Year!

4 . 哦,燕儿,

5 . There _____ a lot of good news in today’s newspaper

6 . Oh dear?

7 . ----_________

8 . 要遵照口语交际特点,不要死套语法规则。

9 . ( find的意思是"找到发现",其过去式和过去分词都是found

10 . 短语:


1 . ---I’ve passed the exam?

2 . (年吉林市中考试题

3 . I have never heard of her我从未听说过她。

4 . 。Whatkindofsportsdoyoulike?=Whichsportdoyoulike?你喜欢哪种运动?

5 . Turn the box over, please Can’t you see the words “________”?

6 . 常见的标志和说明 Some common signs and instructions

7 . 小敏家里发生了不幸,在伤心流泪。我会对她说:小敏,既然事情已经发生了,我们应该勇敢地去面对。因为一个人不能被不幸击倒,相**,它会使我们变得更坚强。来吧,抬起头来,做生活的强者,让我们一起去迎接生活中的风风雨雨吧!

8 . cI’d love to, but…

9 . 【满分演练】

10 . What’s the name of the young man whose sister is a doctor?


1 . 。everytime

2 . inasummerEnglishcourse,anditstartsJuly。

3 . ---He has gone back to Qinghua University

4 . Can I take a message for you?

5 . n季节

6 . 能听懂并正确的辨别所听到的句子;

7 . 。真正的友谊是让你的朋友们感到快乐。

8 . scoresof许多,大量

9 . E It doesn’t hurt very much

10 . A Dumplings B Bread and milkC Bread only




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