
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-19 20:13:22


1 . 一份不渝的友谊,执着千万个祝福,给我想念的朋友,温馨的问候。

2 . 我很想你,你在想我吗?也许在这深夜里,我最想念的就是你,我知道我不该想念你的微笑你的声音你的脸庞,但仍是忍不住一直想念着你!真的好想你。

3 . 想你,是一种忧戚的美丽和甜蜜的失意。心里面,却是一股什么也代替不了的温馨。

4 . Within you I lose myself, without you I find myself wanting to be lost again有了你,我迷失了自我。失去你,我多么希望自己再度迷失。

5 . In the very smallest cot there is room enough for a loving pair哪怕是最小的茅舍,对一对恋人来说都有足够的空间。

6 . 小朋友一周岁生日快乐,明天就是你的生日了,时光静好,陪你长大,愿你此生尽兴,赤诚善良。好好学习,天天向上。

7 . Love is a fire which burns unseen爱情是无形燃烧的火焰。

8 . May your love soar on the wings of a dove in flight愿你的爱乘着飞翔的白鸽,展翅高飞。

9 . Business is business公事公办。

10 . There is no royal road to learning


1 . A man&#;s best friends are his ten fingers

2 . Better master one than engage with ten会十事,不如精一事。

3 . 你的生命有限,不要为仿效他人而浪费时间。不要为教条所束缚。不要让他人的想法左右你内心的声音。(乔布斯Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life Don’t be trapped by dogma Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice(Jobs

4 . 天外有天,山外有山。

5 . 先入为主。

6 . The only thing you live to regret are the risks you didn&#;t take你人生中唯一会后悔的是,那些你没敢接受的挑战。

7 . 一回生,二回熟。

8 . An idle youth, a needy age少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲

9 . Pain makes you stronger Tears makes you braver Heartbreak makes you wiser So, thank the past for a better future伤痛使你更坚强,眼泪使你更勇敢,心碎使你更明智。所以,感谢过去带给我们一个更好的未来。

10 . 浪费时间就是掠夺自己。


1 . 世界上最远的距离不是明明无法抵挡这股思念却还得故意装作丝毫没把你放在心里而是用一颗冷漠的心在你和爱你的人之间掘了一条无法跨越的沟渠。

2 . 如果一个人说喜欢你,请等到他对你百般照顾时再相信,感情不是说说而已,我们已经过了耳听爱情的年纪。

3 . Those days when we were together appear in my mind time after time, because they were so joyful, happy, blest, disappointing, sad and painful I miss you ,and miss you so much……

4 . 能一直美美滴还能每天陪孩子,每天在一起就是幸福。

5 . Dexterity comes by experience熟练来自经验。

6 . 我是那深深的大海,你是那自海的另一边升起的曙光,永远照亮我的人生。

7 . Experience keeps a dear school, but fools learn in no other经验学校学费高,愚人旁处学不到。

8 . The greatest test of courage on earth is to bear defeat without losing heart

9 . Industry is fortune’s right hand, and frugality her left勤勉是幸运的右手,世俭是幸运的左手。

10 . All time is no time when it is past


1 . You make my heart我的心因你而笑。

2 . 入我相思门,知我相思苦。

3 . Guys flirt with the dangerous girls, but they don’t bring them home They marry the good girls男人喜欢跟坏女孩调情,但不会把她们娶回家,男人只会娶好女孩。

4 . 财富是对一个人品格的试金石。

5 . 不是一切火焰只燃烧自己而不把别人照亮;不是一切星星仅指示黑暗而不报告曙光;不是一切歌声只掠过耳旁而不留在心上Not every flame is to destroy but not enlighten;not every star is to signal darkness but not welcome daylight;not every song is to waft past ears but not imprint on heart

6 . My heart is with you我的爱与你同在。

7 . 不为伤春,却似伤春瘦。朝朝夜夜期,思悠悠,化做春波不断流。

8 . Clumsy birds have to start flying early

9 . 陪孩子在一起,他(她)开心了,你就幸福了。

10 . 你的心拥有一道墙,但我发现了一扇窗,偶尔带点暖暖,偶尔透出微光。我的爱会像花藤慢慢爬上窗,慢慢绽放。你会发现曾经的悲伤也会慢慢的融化!


1 . I will be in constant search for my soulmate in the endless sea of crowd Fortune favors me if I could find her and destiny plays its part if I couldn&#;t

2 . that is giving you joy The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain

3 . Seeing is believing百闻不如一见。

4 . 普通女人的简单幸福,有更多的时间陪孩子在一起,有更多的时间陪老公在一起。陪伴是一辈子的幸福,懂陪伴的才是好女人。

5 . Where there is love, there are always wishes哪里有爱,哪里就有希望。

6 . 愿把我的心嵌入你的心,使我俩的爱永远稳定!时间冲不淡真情的酒,距离拉不开思念的手。想你,直到地老天荒,直到永久!

7 . 精神的财富是唯一的财富。

8 . 从今往后无论贫穷或富贵健康或疾病欢愉或痛苦生离或死别我们都各不相干你愿意吗

9 . Don’t try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to 不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。

10 . 其实,很多姑娘,并不是不敢裸婚,只是害怕柴米油盐浸透了浪漫,爱情在贫贱面前无处容身。一个男人,可以不够有钱,但一定要给你爱的女人信心。女人可以吃苦受穷,但前提是那个男人对她的爱,值得让她去熬煎。


1 . 亲爱的,我想你了。此刻就算难得放假我也不会出去,偶尔出去也是不用十几分钟我就回来了。正因你不在,没有人会牵着我的手走过那一条条街。

2 . She who has never loved, has never lived人活着总要爱一回。

3 . 怕相思,已思相,轮到相思没处辞,眉间露一丝。

4 . Knowledge advances by steps and not by leaps知识只能循序渐进,不能跃进。

5 . An apple a day keeps the doctor away

6 . 真正的陪伴,经得起坎坷,经得起平淡。

7 . A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near

8 . The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams 未来属于那些相信梦想之美的人。----埃莉诺·罗斯福

9 . Life is real, life is earnest

10 . 既当演说家,又做实干家。


1 . 大家非常喜欢听你讲的故事。

2 . Wasting time is robbing oneself

3 . 我对自己要求很低:我活在世上,无非要明白些道理,遇见些有趣的事。倘能如愿,一生就算成功(王小波 I don&#;t demand too much of myself: life is little more than figuring out a few philosophies and coming across something interesting If that desire is fulfilled, my life will be a triumph

4 . Sorrow leaves a trace for joy and regret carves a corner for perfection I, in the depths of frozen sea, seek hope to the end of tunnel, but only to catch a glimpse of beautiful moonlight when starting awake at midnight

5 . 一个人要用他所爱的东西有多好来衡量。

6 . Experience without learning is better than learning without experience有经验而无学问,胜于有学问而无经验。

7 . 人生是美好的,但要学会如何享用美好的生活。

8 . Doubt is the key to knowledge

9 . 东奔西跑,还是家里好。

10 . Love without end hath no end情绵绵,爱无边。


1 . 世界上对勇气的最大考验是忍受失败而不丧失信心。

2 . 时光静好,陪你长大!Iloveyoumybaby!愿你一生温暖纯良,不舍爱与自由!

4 . 惟你欢颜笑语,伴我漫漫长途有所依。

5 . Take away love, and our earth is a tomb没有了爱,地球便成了坟墓。

6 . And when not in luck with the rest of the disaster, is not loyal friend, The quarrels of friends are the opportunities of foes在幸运时不与人同享,在灾难中不会是忠实的友人, 朋友间的不和,就是敌人进攻的机会。

7 . 一个人,一座城,一点点的忘记所有

8 . 可不可以把我讲给你听得那些话讲给我听

9 . I don’t want to be in tears, but I am still in grief

10 . 我知道你最喜欢这首歌,我也知道你的心思,我想你。




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