
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-17 20:10:16


1 . Love the neighbor But don‘t get caught要用心去爱你的邻居,不过不要让她的老公知道。

2 . 再也等不到你的一句晚安

3 . The sunshine today is pretty brilliantI really want to enjoy the sky with you

4 . 如果家是心之所属,那么你在哪儿,家就在哪儿。

5 . Don’t spend time beating on a wall, hoping to transform it into a door

6 . Behind every successful man, there is a woman And behind every unsuccessful man, there are two每个成功男人的背后,都有一个女人。每个不成功男人的背后,都有两个。

7 . Do you fear a love fool who is loving you so deeply

8 . It would be a fine day to me if you were well你若安好便是晴天

9 . The rain then makeup, summer rain, summer lightning, beautiful flowers

10 . understand yourself in order to better understanding others知己方能解人


1 . Easy to communicate with you。沟通你我 没有距离

2 . 我想和你在一起,却也只是想想而已了。

3 . There is but one secret to sucessnever give up!成功只有一个秘诀--永不放弃!

4 . Energy and persistence conquer all things能量加毅力可以征服一切

5 . The good seaman is known in bad weather惊涛骇浪,然后方显英雄本色

6 . 你却没有看见我

7 . Do not allow your wounds to transform you into someone you are not 别让你的伤把你变成了另一个人。

8 . Knowledge makes humble, ignorance makes proud博学使人谦逊,无知使人骄傲

9 . Pursue breakthroughs in your life 此时追求自我的突破

10 . 在这个忧伤而明媚的三月


1 . A man&#;s best friends are his ten fingers人最好的朋友是自己的十个手指

2 . I wanna date with you,but I just think about it a little bit

3 . Do not waste your new tears for the old sorrow ——不要为旧的悲伤,浪费新的眼泪。

4 . 人生主要的事件就是断定一个巨大的目的,并信心实现它。

5 . never lie, cheat or steal always smile a fair deal决不撒谎,欺骗,偷窃,公平交易

6 . 请告诉我你是我的。岁岁年年,我都属于你,永远永远。

7 . No te entristezcas, to quiero 别伤心,我爱你

8 . 那你为什么还摘抄呢

9 . Love is like playing the piano – first you must learn to play by the rules, and then you must forget the rules and play from your heart

10 . 不是你读不懂我的心


1 . 谈恋爱就像弹钢琴。首先你得规范地去学,然后你必须忘掉那些规则,用心去弹。

2 . Dread is produced by a powerlessness 畏惧是软弱的`表现。

3 . 晚安不过晚晚难安。

4 . 穿过紫堇

5 . There should be a better way to start a day than waking up every morning应该有更好的方式开始新一天,而不是千篇一律的在每个上午都醒来。

6 . If you saw the dark in front of you, dont be afriad, that’s because sunshine is at your back如果你看到面前的阴影,别怕,那是因为你的背后有阳光……

7 . First impression of you is most lasting

8 . 我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的`感觉。

9 . The wise never marry, And when they marry they become otherwise聪明人都是未婚的,结婚的人很难再聪明起来。

10 . 而是与你擦肩而过时




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