
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-29 16:13:39


1 . 更让人吃惊的事实是监禁的数目和比例在过去的二十年中翻了一番还有余,以及累犯率——即再次拘押的比例——为百分之六十强。

2 . In his writing, John Crowe Ransom describes what he considers the spiritual barrenness of society brought about by science and technology

3 . 友情之树,同样也需要双方彼此的呵护扶植浇灌修剪调整。有时,还需为之做出些让步付出牺牲。一味的索取,终有一日会令友情枯萎凋零,从而分道扬镳,成为陌路之人。

4 . 见贤思齐焉,见不贤而自内省也。——《论语·里仁》

5 . 美洲羚羊,或称叉角羚,是该大陆典型的草原动物。

6 . 握一束清晨光,轻轻放在你的脸庞,带给你一天的清凉,愿你从睡梦中醒来,看到满眼的希望,心中充满宁静与安详,那是我送你的美好愿望,早安朋友!

7 . 汉诺威家族的成员或支持者。

8 . 购买者和销售者都应该留意技术的新发展,原因很简单,因为技术能够并且已经影响着营销活动。

9 . It is more difficult to write simply, directly, and effectively than to employ flowery but vague expressions that only obscure one’s meaning

10 . The pigmentation of a pearl is influenced by the type of oyster in which it develops and by the depth, temperature, and the salt content of the water in which the oyster lives


1 . 美国西部的不毛之地正成为玩耍的地方,对越来越多拥有摩托车或越野单车类车辆的,喜欢放纵于爬坡比赛或开辟新的沙漠通道的寻欢作乐者具有不断增长的吸引力。

2 . 随着芯片制造时间和费用降低到了几天和几百美元,工程师们可能很快可以任他们的想象驰骋而不会被昂贵的失败所惩罚。

3 . Anthropologists have discovered that fear, happiness, sadness, and surprise are universally reflected in facial expressions

4 . 晨曦依旧,梦短情长,道一句早安,快快起床,收拾好心情,晒晒阳光,温暖一整天,祝福伴随你身旁,简简单单最幸福,早晨希望最光芒,时刻微笑牢牢记,新的一天新希望!

5 . Itiscommonlyacceptedthatnocollegeoruniversitycaneducateitsstudentsbythetimetheygraduate

6 . The support for the tent is rigid

7 . 不畏浮云遮望眼,自缘身在最高层。——王安石《登飞来峰》

8 . 使用多种多样的符号可以在一张地图里放进大量的信息。

9 . ManyparentsbelievethatadditionaleducationalactivitiesenjoyobviousadvantageByextrastudies,theymaintain,theirchildrenareabletoobtainmanykindsofpracticalskillsandusefulknowledge,whichwillputtheminabeneficialpositioninthefuturejobmarketswhentheygrowup

10 . NO前事不忘,后事之师。(《战国策》


1 . Thisviewisnowbeingquestionedbymoreandmorepeople

2 . Television the most pervasive and persuasive of modern technologies, marked by rapid change and growth, is moving into a new era, an era of extraordinary sophistication and versatility, which promises to reshape our lives and our world

3 . 我深深地理解,耗费了多少时间,战胜了多少困难,你才取得眼前的成绩。请你相信,在你追求拼搏和苦干的过程中,我将永远面带微笑地站在你的身旁。

4 . 人的一生很短,人各有所爱,人各有所求,人各有所志,人各有各的生活小天地和各有各的生命轨道。无论为名为利为官,还是为事业。各人都必须付出各自的代价,付出毕生精力。

5 . NO蓬生麻中,不扶自直。(《曷冠子·天则》

6 . 他平躺在地上。

7 . 我深深相信,会有那么一个人用尽全力爱上我的全部。我的哭,我的笑,我的任性,我的温柔,我的依赖,我的自私,我的天真,我的粗心,我的疯狂,我的安静,还有我同样用尽全力爱上你的全部的那颗心。

8 . There is only one difference between an old man and a young one: the young man has a glorious future before him and old one has a splendid future behind him: and maybe that is where the rub is

9 . 这是一个关系到生死的问题,任何国家都不能忽视。

10 . The United States Constitution requires that President be a natural-born citizen, thirty-five years of age or older, who has lived in the United States for a minimum of fourteen years


1 . Fungi are important in the process of decay, which returns ingredients to the soil, enhances soil fertility, and decomposes animal debris

2 . 知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也。——《论语·为政》

3 . Of the millions who saw Haley’s comet in , how many people will live long enough to see it return in the twenty-first century

4 . 你是我隔世的温柔,枕畔的芳华,在月色里飘洒一脉馨香,温暖我一生的眷恋。一泓秋水在我眸中流转,思念落满我的眉睫。朗月下,我还是梦一样的女子,长发飘飘,霓裳翩翩,起舞弄影。而千里外,你是否在抚剑长吟,白衣胜雪,笑容清绝。

5 . 先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐年中考语文古诗必背句子汇总年中考语文古诗必背句子汇总。——范仲淹《岳阳楼记》

6 . Artificial flowers are used for scientific as well as for decorative purposes They are made from a variety of materials, such as way and glass, so skillfully that they can scarcely be distinguished from natural flowers

7 . 每次我听说体育运动能够在国家间建立起友好感情,说世界各地的普通人只要能在足球场或板球场上相遇就会没有兴趣在战场上相遇的话,我都倍感诧异。

8 . 念此私自愧,尽日不能忘。——白居易《观刈麦》

9 . Essentially, a theory is an abstract, symbolic representation of what is conceived to be reality

10 . NO当局者迷,旁观者清。(《新唐书》


1 . 人生的每一次付出就像在山谷当中的喊声,你没有必要期望要谁听到,但那延绵悠远的回音,就是生活对你最好的回报,新的一天新的开始!早安。

2 . 从这几年我搜集的信息来看,这些知识并没有人们想象的那么有用。

3 . 遗忘是我们不可更改的宿命所有的一切都像是没有对齐的图纸从前的一切回不到过去就这样慢慢延伸一点一点的错开来也许错开了的东西我们真的应该遗忘了。

4 . NO知人者智,自知者明。(老子

5 . The wallflower is so called because its weak stems often grow on walls and along stony cliffs for support

6 . 会挽雕弓如满月,西北望,射天狼。——苏轼《江城子·密州出猎》

7 . Although apparently rigid, bones exhibit a degree of elasticity that enables the skeleton to withstand considerable impact

8 . Over a very large number of trials, the probability of an event’s occurring is equal to the probability that it will not occur

9 . When the persuading and the planning for the western railroads had finally been completed, the really challenging task remained: the dangerous, sweaty, backbreaking, brawling business of actually building the lines

10 . NO读万卷书,行万里路。(《画旨》


1 . NO静以修身,俭以养德。(《诚子书》

2 . 采菊东篱下,悠然见南山。——陶渊明《饮酒》

3 . 给美国的新移民增加教育设施比任何社会运动都更多的激发了Elizabeth Williams的热情。

4 . 物理学和化学的一个成果是使得科学家们能在生物学和医学上获得重大发现。

5 . 当前在高校和研究机构对教育存在着大量争论,其中一个问题就是教育是否是个终身学习的过程。

6 . The continental divide refers to an imaginary line in the North American Rockies that divides the waters flowing into the Atlantic Ocean from those flowing into the Pacific

7 . 环境学家指出:持续增加的污染不仅会导致像全球变暖这样严重的问题,而且还将威胁到人类在这个星球的生存。

8 . Because of the space crunch, the Art Museum has become increasingly cautious in considering acquisitions and donations of art, in some cases passing up opportunities to strengthen is collections

9 . Billie Holiday’s reputation as a great jazz-blues singer rests on her ability to give emotional depth to her songs

10 . Formypart,Iagreewiththelatteropinionforthefollowingreasons:


1 . Of all the economically important plants, palms have been the least studied

2 . 用清晨的阳光沐浴,给你舒展;用清新的空气洗漱,给你舒心;伴清莹的雨露散步,给你舒情;向美好的一天欢呼,给你舒怀,用快乐的词汇凝聚,给你祝福,祝你在绚丽的晨光中走好每一天。朋友,早安!

3 . 海内存知己,天涯若比邻。——王勃《送杜少府之任蜀州》

4 . 确实,他们在探险中遇到了极具威胁性的困难和危险,而他们的装备会让一个现代登山者想一想都会浑身颤栗。不过他们并不是刻意去追求刺激的。

5 . 使用自行车有助于人们的身体健康,并极大地缓解了交通阻塞。

6 . 他的教书生涯始于麻省理工学院,但是William Rainey Harper把他吸引到了新成立的芝加哥大学。他在那里正式任职长达整整一代人的时间。他的高级课上的学生觉得他在课上古板得可怕,但私下交流却富有同情和理解。

7 . The history of painting is a fascinating chain of events that probably began with the very first pictures ever made

8 . 亲贤臣,远小人,此先汉所以兴隆也;亲小人,远贤臣,此后汉所以倾颓也。——诸葛亮《出师表》

9 . 夫战,勇气也,一鼓作气,再而衰,三而竭。——《左传·曹刿论战》

10 . 消除通货膨胀应确保还贷的钱应与所贷款的价值相同。


1 . NO大巧若拙,大辩若讷。(《老子》

2 . 太阳西斜了,河上的老柳歪歪着,梢头挂着点金光。河水没有多少水,可是长着不少的绿藻,像一条油腻的长绿的带子,窄长,深绿,发出微腥的潮味。

3 . 没有人有耐心听你讲完自己的故事,因为每个人都有自己的话要说;没有人喜欢听你抱怨生活,因为每个人都有自己的苦痛;世人多半寂寞,这世界愿意倾听,习惯沉默的人,难得几个。

4 . Thisisamatteroflifeanddeath--amatternocountrycanaffordtoignore

5 . 人们已经发现,某些蝙蝠发出尖叫声并靠接受回响来锁定和避免障碍物——或者找到它们赖以为生的昆虫。蝙蝠这种回响定位法常拿来和原理与之很相近似的雷达相比。

6 . 送你一把搭上满天星的清雅花束,在满天的星辰下,细诉着我对你缠绵不断的爱意,就让星光为我俩的爱情作见证,愿此生相守,恩爱久久,直到永远。

7 . Now,itisgenerallyacceptedthatnocollegeoruniversitycaneducateitsstudentsbythetimetheygraduation

8 . Lucretia Mott’s influence was so significant that she has been credited by some authorities as the originator of feminism in the United States

9 . As a result of what is now know in physics and chemistry, scientists have been able to make important discoveries in biology and medicine

10 . 尽管自行车有许多明显的优点,但是它也存在它的问题。




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