
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-18 08:45:04


1 . I like none of the coats 那些外套我一件都不喜欢。

2 . The news only reached me yesterday我于昨天才接到这个消息。

3 . (年包头市中考试题

4 . bThanks That would be nice/fine

5 . All of the work has been finished

6 . M: But I don’t like the colour

7 . 能听懂并正确的辨别所听到的句子;

8 . He feels better today

9 . 并列句

10 . Really?


1 . 一 单项选择

2 . 一 定语从句的功用和结构

3 . ---__________

4 . 购物 Shopping

5 . My teachers are all very patient

6 . Neither the students nor the teacher knows this matter

7 . The poet and writer has come

8 . C I don’t expect D I am afraid not

9 . ---When are you going to Kumming for your holidays?

10 . Neither my father ________ going to see the patient


1 . It was dark when they arrived at the railway station当他们到达火车站的时候,天已经黑了。

2 . Yes, I think so

3 . A whom B who C whose D which

4 . Your friends are all quite clever

5 . ---Could you tell me how to get to Peterson Building, please??

6 . aWhat can I do for you?

7 . Many people think if you turn off your TV, your life will be colourful They also suggest children should watch less TV TV can give children big problems First, it’s bad for your studies, you spend too long on TV, you can’t do well in school Second, it’s bad for your health, because you watch too long on TV, you can’t do well in school Second, it’s bad for your health, because you watch too much TV, you’re getting overweight Your eyesight is getting worse Third, it’s bad for your family life While your families are watching TV, they don’t talk too much Also it has too much fighting Some children always follow the fighting in real life

8 . How much is it?

9 . B She’ll take some medicine

10 . There is no water in my cup


1 . They reached London on Friday他们星期五到达了伦敦。

2 . This is the place where Chairman Mao once lived

3 . 在平时的学习和生活中,充分利用国内或国外的优秀的英语广播和电视节目等,选择比较适合自己水平的节目,看比较简单的英语原声电影,等等。现在有很多电视频道和广播都有针对中学生开辟的栏目,同学们不妨每天定期收看,并作好听力记录,把能够听懂的东西记录下来,也可以把不明白的句子或单词记录下来(尽可能地记录),等节目结束后去揣摩或问老师。坚持下来,就会在无形中既提高了听的能力,还能有助于增长词汇量和知识,是帮助学习者打下牢固听力基础的较好方法,并建立语言沟通能力的自信心的有效途。

4 . What time is it?

5 . Your success is our hope

6 . bring/ take/carry/fetch

7 . cDon’t rush/crowd

8 . They have sent for a repairman他们已经派人去请了一名修理工。

9 . Tom is a student

10 . A is B are C was D were


1 . aCertainly/Sure/Of course

2 . D I’d like to buy a pair of shoes of my daughter?

3 . Do you know the young man (whom we met at the gate?

4 . We are students我们是学生。

5 . None of the rooms are mine没有一间房子是我的。

6 . M: What do you usually eat for breakfast?

7 . 二 解题技巧

8 . C What day is it today

9 . (年北京市中考试题

10 . The leaf turns green


1 . 二 表示变化类:become get turn grow go

2 . The whole country is suffering the war 整个国家正遭遇战争。

3 . aCan I help you?

4 . dGoodbye

5 . Would you like something to eat/drink?

6 . My father is very strict with me

7 . A have gone B has gone C goes D is going

8 . Your parents are both kind

9 . I am very energetic

10 . Very well, thank you


1 . ( be made in指的是产地,意思为"于…制造"。

2 . (B C C B C A C A C B

3 . none用作主语时,谓语动词用单复数皆可。

4 . ---Happy New Year!?

5 . The girl whose mother is ill is staying at home today

6 . ---_________

7 . No smoking, please

8 . Please don’t forget to bring your homework tomorrow

9 . C Not nice enough D With pleasure

10 . His face turned red


1 . cNo, I don’t think so

2 . I am proud of my parents

3 . 一 训练方法

4 . 听短文要注意听大意,要善于捕捉整体信息,切莫一个词一个词地听,也不要听一句就翻译一句,更不必因一个词或一个短语没听懂就停步不前,一定要带着短文后的要求和指令去听。听的短文通常是结构紧凑的故事,选用大多是围绕who , when , where , what , how 或why所设的问题。因此,在听的时候应紧紧围绕选项内容作些速记,记下关键词语,理清线索,抓好前后联系,最后才准确做出答案。请看年陕西省听力部分第-题:

5 . W: Yes, I was the third one Then five other people spoke after me

6 . You look angry

7 . Mr Green is able to finish the work on time

8 . B No, I don’t need?

9 . A which B whose C where D who

10 . Jack worked in a factory, and at the end of last month he got his money in a paper bag He opened the bag and found it was wrong He got fifty more dollars He put the money carefully in his pocket and said nothing to others A month later, he got his money again He found it was wrong again this time There was not enough money in his paper bag Then he went to see the manager?




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