
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-08 01:44:31


1 . Shoot!IforgottobringmyIDcard

2 . From this passage we know that ________

3 . How can you make your life more interesting??

4 . B Sure You can take the No bus

5 . Excuse me, can you tell me the way to…?

6 . 例如:It is time for lunch

7 . 二 关系代词和关系副词的功用

8 . M: I want to take a business trip tomorrow

9 . 喜好和厌恶 Likes and dislikes

10 . aThank you (very much


1 . The most short-sighted man could see that at a glance, with his naked eyes," said Martin

2 . Don’tbeupsetJustfollowyournose

3 . 二 Is knows is is do has are is are was; were

4 . AlthoughIoftendon’tseeeyetoeyewithhimIstillrespecthim

5 . I’msorryIwon’tstandyouupagainYouhavemyword

6 . What a pity!

7 . Will/would you please…?

8 . nothing can prevent us from doing… (没有事情能够阻挡我们做……

9 . B:OhIblewit

10 . 请求允许和应答 Asking for permission and responses


1 . I’m sorry to hear…

2 . I hate the people ________ don’t help others when they are in trouble

3 . 【名师解难】

4 . 关系代词和关系副词用来引导定于从句,在先行词和定语从句之间起纽带作用,使二者联系起来。关系代词和关系副词又在定语从句中充当一个成分。关系待客做主语,宾语,定语,关系副词可作状语。

5 . 不要使用双重比较级, 如:(误 His younger brother was more stronger than he

6 . HisAchilles’heelisheispride

7 . I’ve got a pain here

8 . 格林小姐认识这个班上的所有人。(一个一个全认识)

9 . YougethurtandyoumoveonNobigdeal

10 . 祝愿,祝贺和应答 Good wishes, congratulations, responses


1 . Myfamilyhassixpeople我家有六口人。IsthisyourUncle?这是你叔叔吗?

2 . 我妈妈喜欢买中国产的东西。

3 . C is; is D is; are

4 . ( arrive后不能直接接地点,是一个不及物动词。若表示到达一个相对大的地点,用arrive in ; 若表示相对小的地点,用arrive at

5 . I have a lot of problems 我有很多问题。

6 . 用of 引出的短语表示范围: Of all the writers of the time Lu Shun enjoyed the greatest popularity among the people

7 . ---____________

8 . Best wishes to you

9 . It pays to + do…(……是值得的。

10 . Excuse me


1 . No sooner had he arrived than it began to rain

2 . It’sadealLet’sgotravelingthisFriday

3 . I’magreenhandIdon’tknowhowtooperatethismachine

4 . ( 先行词是all, few, little, nothing, everything, anything 等不定代词时。例如:

5 . 作定语

6 . Light does not travel at the same speed through all materials; it goes slower through some than through others

7 . A Weather B Business C Season

8 . (年济宁市中考试题

9 . Whatisthis?

10 . A His family is just like mine B They all like sports and games


1 . Please wait (here/a moment

2 . M: Did you speak at the meeting?

3 . aAre you free this afternoon/evening?

4 . ( hear from的意思是"收到来信",与"听"无关。

5 . 都是尽可能的利用英语来组织教学,无论老师说多说少,同学们都可以把这当成练习听力的好机会。在听得不大明白的情况下,要仔细听上下文,从老师前后的语言中来猜测判断语意,或是根据老师的手势眼神动作等来分析,千万不要因为听不大懂而放弃。如果能利用好老师的课堂上的语言,对你的听力会有不少的帮助。

6 . M: Why didn’t Peter come to school yesterday, do you know, Alice?

7 . the issue at the core of …… is that ……

8 . bIt’s Monday/Tuesday, etc

9 . Nobody knows the reason ______ she didn’t come to the meeting

10 . make joint efforts




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