
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2022-10-06 00:04:28


1 . deterioration 恶化

2 . 人生是从摇篮到坟墓的一场搏斗。

3 . conssensus 同意

4 . 简明,直接,有力的写作难于花哨,含混而意义模糊的表达。

5 . 石头不会腐烂,所以以前的(石器工具能保存下来,虽然它们的制造者已经消失的无影无踪。

6 . zeal 热情

7 . 工作 work

8 . 小的 small

9 . comfort 舒适

10 . 树 tree


1 . companion/partner 同伴

2 . 写电子邮件 write an e-mail

3 . When work is a pleasure, life is a pleasure

4 . exhibition 展览

5 . 地铁 subway

6 . fratricide n杀兄弟(或姐妹的行为,杀害兄弟者

7 . Because its leaves remain green long after being picked, rosemary became associated with the idea of remembrance

8 . incise vt切割,雕刻

9 . 虽然美洲山河桃树最集中于美国的东南部但是在北至俄亥俄州及伊利诺伊州也能看见它们。

10 . 他的教书生涯始于麻省理工学院,但是William Rainey Harper把他吸引到了新成立的芝加哥大学。他在那里正式任职长达整整一代人的时间。他的高级课上的学生觉得他在课上古板得可怕,但私下交流却富有同情和理解。


1 . horizon 地平线

2 . I didn’t realize schools in the UK are so different from schools in China until I read your article

3 . 秋千 swing

4 . commercialization 商业化

5 . Poodles were once used as retrievers in duck hunting, but the American Kennel Club does not consider them sporting dogs because they are now primarily kept as pets

6 . He is not a good doctor because he is short of e

7 . joy/delight 欢乐

8 . decisive adj决定性的果断的

9 . weakness 缺点

10 . 每个人 everyone


1 . Not until was the fully successful transatlantic cable finally laid

2 . 玩具 toy

3 . vexation 烦恼

4 . 圣诞老人 Santa Claus

5 . 看望 visit

6 . 因为顾客认为最好的水果应该看起来也是最漂亮的,所以种植者必须提供能满足挑剔眼光的产品。

7 . talent 人才

8 . 生活是一次旅行,人们应该完整地体验它。

9 . 瘦的 thin

10 . 再见 see you later


1 . We laugh at jokes, but seldom do we think about how they work

2 . 太阳镜 sunglasses

3 . Indifferent attitude, made light of expression Comfort 无所谓的态度,满不在乎的表情,是自己给自己的安慰

4 . 和……讲话 speak to

5 . The meeting was supposed to take place on Tuesday, but we had to put it off

6 . garment 服装

7 . 第二十 twentieth

8 . consumption 消费

9 . 街道 street

10 . Most substance contract when they freeze so that the density of a substance’s solid is higher than the density of its liquid


1 . Acids are chemical compounds that, in water solution, have a sharp taste, a corrosive action on metals, and the ability to turn certain blue vegetable dyes red

2 . 不能如愿而行,也须尽力而为。

3 . penalty 刑罚;处罚

4 . 美国宪法要求总统是生于美国本土的公民,三十五岁以上,并且在美国居住了至少十四年。

5 . 我们因为笑话而笑,但很少思考过他们是如何使人发笑的。(seldom,倒装,work)

6 . 树林 woods

7 . popularization 普及

8 . 擦窗户 wash ths windows

9 . 高的 tall

10 . tempatation 诱惑


1 . 太多了 too many

2 . celebrity 名人

3 . 人生就是一盘棋,而幸福就是投入。

4 . She insisted on going to Afric to study wild animals there, although her family asked her not to

5 . 这个;那个 the

6 . economy 耐用

7 . Alexander Graham Bell once told his family that he would rather be remembered as a teacher of the deaf than as the inventor of the telephone

8 . duplication 重复(建设)

9 . 电话 telephone

10 . Life is a flower of which love is the honey




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