
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2022-09-26 12:32:58


1 . 把汗水变成珍珠,把梦想变成现实。

2 . Learning is labor, and it is full of thought -- Ushinski

3 . 如果学习只在于模仿,那么我们就不会有科学,也不会有技术。——高尔基

4 . 胜利不会向你走来,你只有自己走向胜利。

5 . We should praise the rock We should learn from the rocks We should have a strong belief in the revolution -- Tao Zhu

6 . A good beginning is half of success, but if you do not have a good start, we try a bad start, because of a bad start to start a lot better than never

7 . 你无法强迫自己喜欢做某事,但你可以强迫自己做不喜欢的事!

8 . In the study, in the labor, in science, in which peoples selfless service, you can find your own happiness - Jieliansiji

9 . 自信是成功之母,自卑是失败之父。

10 . If we don’t spread every effort to challenge ourselves, we will never be able to see the panorama of the sky or to find our own pieces of sky to fly under If you want to be explorer, then be one! If you have a dream, then find no excuses! Only when we try to fly do we realize we may fly that high There is no limitation for a sincere dreamer


1 . 中国留学生学习成绩往往比一起学习的美国学生好得多,然而十年以后,科研成果却比人家少得多,原因就在于美国学生思维活跃,动手能力和创造精神强。——杨振宁

2 . 儿童的心灵是敏感的,它是为着接受一切好的东西而敞开的。如果教师诱导儿童学习好榜样,鼓励仿效一切好的行为,那末,儿童身上的所有缺点就会没有痛苦和创伤地不觉得难受地逐渐消失。——苏霍姆林斯基

3 . 能把在面前行走的机会抓住的人,十有八九都会成功。

4 . get out my oheart 你這個不甘寂寞的男人。

5 . 人永远是要学习的。死的时候,才是毕业的时候。——萧楚女

6 . 善待他人,即是最善待自己。

7 . Who shuts love out,in turn shall be shut out from love

8 . To walk in front of the opportunity to grasp, nine times out of ten will be successful

9 . 学会学习的人,是非常幸福的人。——米南德

10 . Dont work for me, or die -- Lomonosov


1 . 青年需要有欢乐,欢乐需要有爱情。

2 . 当上帝将你赐予我们的之时,幸运与你同时降临。

3 . Dont dominate my future (不要主宰我的未来。)

4 . If you do what you should not,you must hear what you would not

5 . Life is the most precious life, life is most needed is to learn, life is the most enjoyable work, life is the most important friendship -- Stalin

6 . 苦难显才华,好运藏天知。

7 . 恒久不变的浓浓的爱,化作你发奋求知的动力,助你达到理想的彼岸。祝愿你健康永远,爱心永恒。

8 . 我们的事业就是学习再学习,努力积累更多的知识,因为有了知识,社会就会有长足的进步,人类的未来幸福就在于此。——契诃夫

9 . The second i still read with you in different ways to love you

10 . Teaching must begin with the experience of the learner -- Dewey


1 . 不会有哪一个聪明人会否定痛苦与忧愁的锻炼价值。

2 . Youth is the time to learn wisdom, middle age is the time to put into practice -- Rousseau

3 . The journey with was worth the fall

4 . The biggest failure of life, is to give up

5 . We learn to think in our labor, the result of labor, we know the secret of the world, so we really come to life - Golgi

6 . The brave and the wise can both pity and excuse,when cowards and fools shew no mercy

7 . 青年人首先要树雄心,立大志;其次要度衡量力,决心为国家人民作一个有用的人才;为此就要选择一个奋斗的目标来努力学习和实践。——吴玉章

8 . 时光静好,陪你长大!女儿的成长离不开爸爸的陪伴!

9 . Slowly that really care for another often hurt myself

10 . 聪明的人,今天做明天的事;懒惰的人,今天做昨天的事;糊涂的人,把昨天的事也推给明天。愿你做一个聪明的孩子,愿你做一个时间的主人。


1 . 愿你的每一天都如画一样的美丽。生日快乐。

2 . 能一直美美滴还能每天陪孩子,每天在一起就是幸福。

3 . 岁月安稳,时光静好,陪你长大,伴你到老。

4 . 不管世界尽头多寂寞,你的身边一定有我。

5 . My love ,I am only love you。

6 . The more we learn, the more we feel that we are poor -- Shelley

7 . 我学习了一生,现在我还在学习,而将来,只要我还有精力,我还要学习下去。——别林斯基

8 . 奋斗者在汗水汇集的江河里,将事业之舟驶到了理想的`彼岸。

9 . The sun never repents of the good he does,nor does he ever demand a recompence

10 . 劝君莫负艳阳天,恩爱欢娱趁少年。


1 . Since ancient times, all the successful people, seriously treat his life When he was alive for one day, to try more labor, work more, learn more, refused to wasted years, not have wasted time wasted -- Deng Tuo

2 . Learn to learn, is a very happy person -- Mi Nande

3 . 海浪为劈风斩浪的航船饯行,为随波逐流的轻舟送葬。

4 . 先相信自己,然后别人才会相信你。

5 . Keep conscience clear,then never fear

6 . “One day,” you said to me, “I say the sunset forty-four times!”

7 . 尽量不要和他人争论,除非你认为结果对你很重要,而且一定要说服对方。

8 . 力成文学:年轻只知学习营利,乃生命中最黯淡之时刻。——格里尔

9 . Love makes man grow up or sink down——爱情,要么让人成熟,要么让人堕落。

10 . This bottomless, Mo Panghuang - News




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