
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-02-16 11:41:43


1 . Of course (当然能。)

2 . 你有没有这样的感觉,坐在一列火车上,沿途跟着一条河,你看着它在晨光暮霭中变换着色彩,看着它洗涤一缕缕阳光,看着它映衬一片片星辉,看着它或是汹涌或是平静,然而一直相随,不离不弃。

3 . 问:一只小狗在沙漠中旅行,结果死了,问他是怎么死的?答:他是憋死的,因为沙漠里没有电线杆撒尿。问:一只小狗在沙漠中旅行,找到了电线杆,结果还是憋死了,为什么?答:点线杆上贴着"“此处不许小便!”

4 . 云团缓缓地移动着,被吞没了多时的满月一下子跳了出来,像一个刚出炼炉的金盘,辉煌灿烂,金光耀眼,把整个大地都照得亮堂堂的,荷叶上的青蛙,草丛里的蚂蚱和树枝上的小鸟,都被这突然降临的光明惊醒,欢呼跳跃,高声鸣唱起来。

5 . 一辈子是场修行,短的是旅行,长的是人生。

6 . 旅游时最好的习惯:找个舒适的小店,挑张雅致的明信片,送给中意的TA,背面写上:某年某月某日,下午某时,天气晴,我在某地,想念你。

7 . Each of us trudged all the way from the beginning of our lives, inevitably suffering from gain and loss on the way, and the luggage on our back was heavy day by day, which made us unable to see the direction ahead In this long journey, some of the burdens can be put down in one thought, some of them may be carried for many years, and some of them cant be separated in the whole life But all these are just illusions made up by ourselves

8 . 人生就像一场旅行,不必在乎目的地,在乎的是沿途的风景以及看风景的心情,让心灵去旅行!

9 . Travel alone, and stroll in the mountains and rivers of my hometown Before leaving, facing too many questions and puzzles: why a person? There is also a kind reminder: why not go far away! Kunming - a sea of flowers; Sanya - a sea of blue sky Just smile stubbornly own insistence, does not make any explanation No one understands that this is a farewell, or a farewell forever Later, I will go to many very prosperous or desolate, distant or remote places, and often think of this trip, the mountain, the city and those people

10 . Am I traveling? Maybe it is No luggage, no purpose, I walk alone on the road, I cant see where Im going, I cant remember where Ive been I think its a sheep forgotten by the shepherd boy in the grassland It can only move along the smell of grass and soil in a dazed way


1 . If you dont go out for a walk, you think this is the world

2 . Where&#;s the tourist information center? (旅游信息问讯处在哪儿?)

3 . 如果有可能,我带你去远行。躺在德德玛的草原,数最亮的星。如果有可能,我带你去远行。坐在外婆的沙滩,看最白的帆影。如果有可能,我带你去远行。爬上那座山,听最圣洁的经。穿越茫茫人海,寻找属于我们的那一份宁静。

4 . How old is it?

5 . Let&#;s leave now

6 . I walk in the street of people, only one hand travel, no longer sad, raise his right hand to cover his left hand, give himself endless strength, no longer hesitation, no longer confused, with that firm, starting from the new Willing to be such a woman: do not show off, do not quarrel, do a learned woman; do not empty, do not impetuous, do a rich woman; even if life is exhausted, also grow old in grace

7 . 如果你不出去走走,你就会以为这就是世界。

8 . 旅行是一种病。一旦感染了,你就再也无法摆脱。它还是一种传染病,最后你可能把这种病传染给其他人而你自己根本就不想从中解脱出来!

9 . Where is the gift shop?

10 . 一个人行走,若是寂寞了,寻一座霓虹灯迷离闪烁,灯红酒绿的城市,登上楼顶,俯视万家灯火,在繁华中体会热闹;若是厌倦了喧嚣,寻一处宁静的幽谷,找寻隐藏在山间的纯净和那“鸟鸣山更幽”的飞鸟。


1 . 对于旅行,从来都记忆模糊。记不得都去了哪些地方,看了哪些风景,遇到哪些人。尽管同学说,去旅行不在于记忆,而在于当时的那份心情。可是旅行的彼时那刻我的心情一直是好的吗?一直有记日记的习惯,可是,旅行回来,都懒得写日记来记录,可见内心底对旅行是多么的淡漠。

2 . Its good to travel alone, of course, but its lonely to be strong after a long time So shout as much as you can It doesnt matter if you abandon all the frustrations and anxieties Even if you forget the past, you can forget it, because tomorrow is another day

3 . When does the museum close? (博物馆几点闭馆?)

4 . Are they open on Saturdays?

5 . What is old and what is everlasting Its just an excuse to add to it

6 . What kind of tours do you have? (都有哪些路线的旅行呢?)

7 . 世俗的纷扰,生活的琐碎使人精疲力尽,黑夜下,撕开那张面具尽是怠倦的容颜,无神的瞳孔,我迫切想逃离这周遭被钢筋混凝土堆架的城市,停止每日在车水马龙的市井里忙碌的穿梭,可是,我却迈不开步伐,怎么也走不出那个圈……

8 . 一个人去旅行,而且是去故乡的山水间徜徉。临行之前,面对太多的疑问和不解:为何是一个人?也有善意的提醒:何不去远方!昆明呀!赶一个花海;三亚呀!赴一个蓝天碧海。只是微笑地固执自己的坚持,不做任何解释。没有人明白,这一次是一个告别,或者一个永远的告别,以后我会去到很多很繁华或苍凉,辽远或偏僻的地方,而会常常想起这一次的旅行,想起那座山,那个城,那些人……

9 . 丽江的玉龙雪山阴晴变幻无常,奇丽多姿,从山下向上望去,雪山乍隐乍现,犹如“;犹抱琵琶半遮面”的美丽女神。

10 . What kind of things are you interested in?


1 . If one day I disappear, there are only two possibilities: the body is traveling, or the soul is traveling

2 . There has always been a restless heart, always will not meet the status quo, but always advised themselves to put down, the persistent Let go of the sadness in my heart and gather some feelings in my heart Is a happy one

3 . 一直想去旅行,去很美很美的地方,但往往真正踏足想去的地方,便觉不过如此。也许我们只是想让自己的心去旅行,无论身处何处,只要有一颗放松而美好的心态,生活便是美好!

4 . 鸟瞰心境快慰享受眼帘流连胜景仙境境界葱郁

5 . 旅行要学会随遇而安,淡然一点,走走停停。

6 . 让我最为赞叹的还是“;飞天瀑”,它并不像黄果树瀑布那样极为壮观,而是轻柔地,从一百米高的悬崖飘飘洒洒地飘下来,落在身上,冰冰凉凉的,在那么炎热的天气下能得到冰水浴,可真是享受啊!有些同学还站在瀑布下,张开嘴,想让甘甜的水落入嘴中。瀑布下当然有清澈的潭水,清澈见底,让人忍不住想喝一口。看,那不是一只老鹰吗?它头藏在潭内,正在汲水,这不就是“;神雕汲水”吗?那只“;大雕”展开它那宽大的翅膀,真怕它把水吸光了。

7 . In the journey, I met you, you and I are predestined! Looking at the ring in your hand, you said, can you take it off? When I want to take it, you mischievously dodge You said that only those who are destined can take it off I look at the ring in your hand and want to be your destined person, but I know the result is bleak, but I still have hope!

8 . 找个舒适的小店,挑张雅致的明信片,送给中意的ta。背面写上:某年某月某日,下午某时,天气晴,我在某地,想念你。

9 . 水洞的九曲银河是迄今世界上发现最长的地下暗河,它是数百万年前形成的大型石灰岩水溶洞。暗河长千米,洞内深邃宽阔,河水充沛,终年不竭,平均水深二米,最深处可达七米,钟乳石石笋千姿百态。我们乘船一共观赏了处景点:海底世界织女石玉女宫南水观音广寒宫北极宫仙丹石望儿归凤尾……

10 . Strange, I will not blame you You have the right to choose happiness




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