
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-26 10:32:45


1 . 再见,你好!年最后一个月,学会坦然面对一切。不管今年过得怎样,过去的`已随风而去。

2 . My darling,if you dont love me any more some

3 . 元旦第一天,你已被卫星定位!上午走上平安道,中午驻扎幸福村,下午穿越欢乐谷,傍晚踏上甜蜜岛,大批好运正向你处集结!享受欢乐元旦,要低调哦!

4 . 最初的爱越像火焰,最后越会被风熄灭。

5 . 努力变成自己喜欢的那个自己,一切就都还来得及。

6 . 永别了,欢迎你。

7 . At this time of joy, in the time of this summary, let everyone to treat their own bodies, the liberation of their own mood, summed up their experience, grow their own, and drink out of friendship, talk about the joy, wish everyone work hard, create brilliant

8 . 去年陪你跨年的朋友还在吗?我的还在,她现在是我女朋友。

9 . "The wife said: ah, the European cup broadcast is over, I have to go to bed! I said it was two o &#;clock in the morning It&#;s the weekend The message is to tell the fans that I am the same as me I want to work on the weekend and work next week I hope you have a good weekend

10 . 有阳光照耀的地方就有我默默的祝福,当月光洒向地球的时候就有我默默的祈祷,当流星划过的刹那我许了个愿:祝你平安健康,元旦快乐!


1 . Outside, the new moon shines bright all around, but the lonely lamp on my desk is dim How l wish this small piece of paper would take to you my resdess yearning夜色茫茫照四围,天边新月如钩。桌上寒灯光不明,寄―片纸儿给远方的你,倾诉我满腔沉重的相思之情

2 . On the first day of the year, make your first wish, close your eyes, and put your hands together A life of expectation is joyful, and the anticipation of the day is a pleasant surprise Happy Spring Festival!

3 . 只不过一个转身,你我却隔了一个世纪。

4 . 等跨年到年那天,我会换掉网名,换签名,换头像,换密码,总之我要焕然一新!

5 . , in general, is calm and happy, painful and happy, boring and happy, with a lot of effort and sweat; Gain a lot, wealth experience Hoping to be a little stronger in , strive to be a man of iron blood!

6 . 信息声声传真情,祝福问候送不停,愿你天天好心情,亲情爱情样样行,工作顺心事业成,钞票天天赚不停,一生幸福笑盈盈!元旦快乐好心情。

7 . Walk past, met, we laughed, cried we love each other, or a quarrelling, we together, is too tired, we company, this year, my biggest happiness is to meet you, love you The New Year is coming May our life be sweet and happy

8 . 迈过了个昼夜,走过了个台阶,做过了个梦,付出了滴辛劳,收获了个幸福,元旦,拉开了新征程的大幕,祝你元旦快乐,好事连连,好梦圆圆,幸福圆满。

9 . Hope you can understand me, even though I said nothing

10 . 默默地思念很深,默默地祝福最真,默默地怀念难舍难分,默默地牵挂永远在心,默默地等待新年来临,默默地祝福新年愉快团圆欣喜万分!


1 . ,再见。,你好。我倪小嘤,我会,好好学习,好好吃饭,好好做人,好好自尊,我就是我,也希望以后,只做自己,只有自己。

2 . Counting mailbox integral long many, count weibo fans a lot more, other count award will know to go, count the blessings received came know, counting mailbox integration has become the most lucky recollection, count weibo fans have become the most precious feelings, wish you more money to the number of several not over!

3 . If you are tired dont forget me

4 . 今天夜间到明天白天,你的手机将出现鹅毛般的祝福,你的心情将以晴为主,受气氛影响,笑声将席卷你周围,预计一周内将不断刮顺风!

5 . , autumn, is the crisp autumn air, leaves dancing; The autumn is elegant, is clear breeze bright moon, sea broad sky; The autumn color, is the story of the forest, golden yellow; Autumn&#;s rhyme, is the autumn moon melt, autumn water ying ying The autumn day send greetings, I wish you happy forever!

6 . 这年代,什么都是钱,没有钱你就一废物。

7 . 发短信,送祝福,寥寥数字表关怀;冬至日,平安夜,圣诞元旦紧跟随;祝愿你,笑甜甜,生活无忧乐连连。

8 . 元旦将至,美妙的钟声又要敲响,让它敲响你年的幸运之门,带给你一整年的健康平安幸福快乐如意吉祥。提前祝你元旦快乐!

9 . Golden sun, let the heart of the heart overflow with warmth; Red maple leaf, let miss fingertip flow; Blue sea, let sweet space permeate; The forest, let the happiness grow stronger Friends, I wish you a happy late autumn!

10 . 天拜年早了点,明天拜年挤了点,后天拜年迟了点,现在拜年是正点,拜年啦,拜年啦!祝福您新年快乐,财源茂盛,万事如意,合家幸福!新年快乐。


1 . 我看见我喜欢的人陪别人跨年去了,我还要强装淡定不能哭。

2 . Between us,please always remember me

3 . 今年过节不收礼,其实给点也可以。十块八块不嫌弃,十万八万过得去。你要真是没的送,短信一条也可以。新年快乐!

4 . 缤纷的礼花,把快乐释放;火红的灯笼,把幸福摇曳;醉人的美酒,把甜蜜勾兑;幸运的钟声,把好运传送;吉庆的时刻,把笑容绽放;真挚的情怀,把祝福发送:祝元旦开心,万事大吉!

5 . 我宁愿像原先一样,穷的只剩下老公。

6 . 新年来了,我多么得想念你挂念你;多保重,我的爱人!

7 . 快过年了,有没有一个人,你想见却见不到?

8 . Time travel through the four seasons, holding tightly in hand; Ordinary and busy to the end of the year, without any shape to think of themselves as a tool; Pine a pine tired body, comb a heart of deposit Make money important, want to take care of yourself more!

9 . 元旦将至,我决定以独家买断的方式买断所有的祝福送给你,我要让快乐为你频繁播出不间断滚动播出不断重播。呵呵,真心祝愿你元旦快乐!

10 . Notice of demolition: because of your recent sad face, slouching, aggravation of melancholy breath, high worry index, you remove the old wall of worry and move to a happy new house Execute immediately, not wrong!


1 . 元旦假期乐了吧,休息三天美了吧。疲倦劳累飞了吧,吃喝玩乐疯了吧。节后工作来了吧,积极心态增了吧。奋斗加油满了吧,新的开始拼了吧。,宏图大展你就偷着乐吧。

2 . The old friend countless, it want to go or are you the coolest, dream you found thousands of baidu, suddenly look back, you are still in my pig shed, eating grass, next to the tree, the tail swing can not stop, it turned out that you&#;re eating my tree, damn!

3 . The days flow away you keep, depend on the company to live up to The end of the world is not separated A little more than a fifth prayer, less disaster Old age, old age, you love me to the sky

4 . When comes, pain and sorrow will all leave you In , happiness and health will be in your arms I sent a message of blessing, don&#;t forget to invite me to dinner

5 . 知道吗,我在等过年。

6 . 元旦祝福送四方,东方送你摇钱树,西方送你永安康,南方送你成功路,北方送你钱满仓。四面八方全送到金银财宝当头照,新年快乐。

7 . In my heart there is a secret It is contained in only four words-l miss you sorely我的心中珍藏着―个秘密,说出来只有四个字――我太想你!

8 . 马上就跨年了,一起都四年了,你怎么舍得离开呢。

9 . 新的一年,新的心愿,新的希望,新的生活,祝您新年新生活,好好好!

10 . 有些事并不因时光流逝而褪去,有些人不因不常见面而忘记,记忆里你是我永远朋友!值此新春佳节之际,恭祝事业蒸蒸日上。


1 . 年年岁岁花相似,岁岁年年人……人也是你。

2 . , as time goes by, the friendship is still deep, ren years change, friendship is sincere, as time passed, the blessing is still warm, friends, and bleak, go out in the outside take good care of yourself, wish you all well, happiness around

3 . 回想这一年,我们似乎一直过着猪一样的生活,却不能像猪一样无忧无虑!

4 . 一年已过,元旦来到;愿你:圆了一个梦想,担一筐快乐;圆了一个追求,担一箩美好;圆了一个心愿,担一篓逍遥;元旦佳节,辞旧迎新;祝你:轻松快乐,幸福美好,和美逍遥!

5 . 白云远逝,在我心中永恒的是友情,祝新年快乐,万事如意。请你把这最诚挚的祝福带在身边,让幸福永远伴随你。

6 . 反反复复不确定。飘飘荡荡很游离。

7 . Think about me this weekend! Think about what I&#;m going to have! I don&#;t want to think about me and I will also be in my mouth stammer a short message to make amuse smile!

8 . A year fighting efforts, a year reunion reward yourself today, should eat to eat, the drink and enjoy the results of xi, give yourself more happy, good health for years, all the best, continue to work hard, again

9 . what a loveiy world it well be with you away

10 . 元旦到来送金蛋,金蛋砸开达心愿。一年生活都圆满,事业顺利爱情现。身体健康平安伴,家庭和睦每一天。祝你元旦快乐,心想事成!


1 . 今晚的跨年,一定是我最难忘的,在前刚不久你不要我了。

2 . 时间如水流,一路向前,转眼间年已经走进尾声,再见,你好。从此刻起,莫负时光,人生就是要去疯狂,去执着,去孤注一掷,去卓尔不群。

3 . 新年到,鸿运照,烦恼的事儿往边靠,爱情滋润没烦恼,钞票一个劲儿往家跑;出门遇贵人,在家听喜报,年年有此时,岁岁有今朝,祝您一年更比一年好!

4 . 时光荏苒,岁月悠悠,转眼间,年已经过去了,崭新的年正向我们缓缓走来,从前不回头,以后不将就。再见,你好!

5 . Get up early, wash clothes and move feet; Eat well, grind teeth to grow tall; Play until old, the network turns the brain; Live well and spend the weekend searching for treasure Happy weekend, my friend

6 . 过年那天要是我喝醉了,跟你说了什么,你别惊慌,因为那都是我的真心话,藏在心里那么久,终于可以说出来了。

7 . 一年很短,唰,过去了,一年又很长,忽,又来了;一年很囧,嘿!没事了,一年又很雷,奥,习惯了;一年很好,瞧,人帅了,一年又很杯,咳!别提了;一年很顺,瞧,过来了,一年又祝福,哈!元旦了。祝元旦快乐!

8 . Im into a bottomless pit of love, and love more

9 . 走进年,我们这个网络的虚拟世界,我们的诸多文学圈子也一定像喜得饱雨的庄稼一样迅速成长,呈现出一派郁郁葱葱的景象。众多圈友将更加精心地为我们的圈子添砖加瓦,增彩增光。把我们的一个个圈子都建成最美的乐园。

10 . Even if I know the result, I think I still do the same


1 . 不要在别人面前流泪,因为不会有人帮你擦泪。

2 . 无论晴空万里还是雨雪霏霏,愿被岁月温柔以待。时光能缓,故人不散。再见,你好。

3 . 我在乎的不是陪我跨年的人,而是跨过多年依旧还在的人。

4 . 新的一年,新的心愿,新的希望,新的生活。祝您新年新春新生活好好好!

5 . Without you I can also live well every day

6 . 没温度的路灯提醒着我,我们已经分手。

7 . 跨年我给我最爱的人删了,懂我的挥挥小手。

8 . , again to the weekend, blessing to arrive, the instruction send, the execution mo forget: late night sleep late, zhou gong bubble; Make friends with friends and play with them; Friends invite and chat I wish you a beautiful smile on the weekend

9 . , "five hard day and the end, in the weekend two days, pressure all fully dissipate, like blossoming smile, happy family greetings greeting uninterrupted, meet together together, love friendship indefinitely, go out to play through a gas, happy, always receives information xi xi Have a good weekend"

10 . When I work, I want to invite you to dinner I am afraid that you have no time On the weekend, I would like to invite you to dinner I am afraid to disturb you


1 . 在纠结是一下睡到明年,还是等到明年再睡。

2 . 高高兴兴过新年,轻轻松松迎挑战。愿你备好,信心满满创辉煌!

3 . “元”分让我们在今生相遇,“旦”愿快乐与你相伴朝夕,“祝”福好运在你周围汇聚,“吉”使遥远却依然牵挂你,“祥”念未随时光般远去。

4 . 明天就该跨年了,我还是安安分分在家看三只晚会。然后安慰自己不是一个人。

5 . 他说陪我跨年,却转身去玩游戏。

6 . 以前是拿心珍惜你。现在是拿命珍惜你。

7 . 别忘了答应自己要做的事,别忘了答应自己要去的地方。再见,你好。

8 . 每每风雨凄厉,是我为你嘘寒问暖,遭逢饥荒我都为你送饭,你憨厚神情令我兴奋盎然,其实养头牛蛮有成就感嘛!在这温馨浪漫的日子里,一头小牛躲在屋里画蛋蛋,画的蛋蛋圆又圆。牛,圆蛋快乐!

9 . 奔波一年又一年,道句辛苦了。携手一天又一天,说声感谢了。

10 . No need to deal with piles of work, no need to look at the face of the leader, and finally have a happy weekend Let go of the trouble of work, go into the free life, sing the happy song, take the hands of the family, enjoy the happiness, happy and happy Have a nice weekend!




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