
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2022-10-08 02:49:04


1 . 努力向上的开拓,才使弯曲的竹鞭化作了笔直的毛竹。

2 . 天赋如同自然花木,要用学习来修剪。——培根

3 . 学习知识要善于思考,思考,再思。我就是靠这个方法成为科学家的。——爱因斯坦

4 . 留得青山在,不怕没柴少。

5 . 礼貌是一种语言。它的规则与实行,主要要从观察,从那些有教养的人们举止上去学习。——洛克

6 . 拒绝严峻的冶炼,矿石并不比被发掘前更有价值。

7 . 勿以恶小而为之,勿以善小而不为。惟贤惟德,能服于人。——刘备

8 . 当一个小小的心念变成成为行为时,便能成了习惯;从而形成性格,而性格就决定你一生的成败。

9 . Learning this matter does not care if there is no one to teach you, the most important thing is that you have no consciousness and perseverance -- Farber

10 . Mans genius is only a spark, but if you want to make it a raging flame, it is only to learn! Study - Golgi


1 . 人生的旅途,前途很远,也很暗。然而不要怕,不怕的人的面前才有路。——鲁迅

2 . Virtue and happiness are mother and daugher

3 . Ceasmcom Young only learn to profit, is the life of the most bleak moment -- Greer

4 . 你们必须向上代学习,必须掌握人类已经取得的最优秀的成果,然后再由此推陈出新。——《加里宁论文学》

5 . Life is a language, it conveys some truth to us; if we learn it in another way, we will not be able to survive -- Schopenhauer

6 . 所谓天才,只不过是把别人喝咖啡的功夫都用在工作上了。——鲁迅

7 . 承认并改正错误,需要有足够的勇气和决心。

8 . The force of the wind tests the strength of the grass 疾风知劲草。

9 . Talent like natural plants, need pruning by study -- Bacon

10 . 伟人只在事业上惊天动地,他时常不声不响地深思熟虑。(克雷洛夫


1 . Now, I am afraid that it is not the hard life, but can not learn and understand the world I want to understand the urgent need to understand the world Dont work for me, or die -- Lomonosov

2 . 竹笋虽然柔嫩,但它不怕重压,敢于奋斗敢于冒尖。

3 . Cunning proceeds from want of capacity

4 . 谁能最恰当地评价一个人,他的敌人还是他自己?

5 . 尺有所短;寸有所长。物有所不足;智有所不明。——屈原《卜居》

6 . 现在,我怕的并不是那艰苦严峻的生活,而是不能再学习和认识我迫切想了解的世界。对我来说,不学习,毋宁死。——罗蒙诺索夫

7 . 读书是学习,使用也是学习,而且是更重要的学习。——毛泽东

8 . 勤劳一日,可得一夜安眠;勤劳一生,可得幸福长眠。——达•芬奇

9 . 天才免不了有障碍,因为障碍会创造天才。(罗曼罗兰

10 . 让刻苦成为习惯,用汗水浇灌未来。


1 . We must keep in mind that we have a limited time to study Time is limited, not only because life is short, even as numerous personnel -- Spencer

2 . God helps those who help themselves 天助自助者。

3 . 站在巨人的肩上是为了超过巨人。

4 . 对我来说,不学习,毋宁死。——罗蒙诺索夫

5 . Study is like climbing a ladder, to step by step to climb, one foot across the four or five step attempts, ground to ascend to heaven, it must be wrestling -- Hua Luogeng

6 . You may be too cunning for one,but not for all

7 . 对于攀登者来说,失掉往昔的足迹并不可惜,迷失了继续前时的方向却很危险。

8 . 学习专看文学书,也是不好的。先前的文学青年,往往厌恶数学理化史地生物学,以为这些都无足轻重,后来变成连常识也没有。——鲁迅

9 . Study hard and make progress every day -- Mao Zedong

10 . Interest in the content of the knowledge may become a learning motivation - Zankov


1 . 精诚所加,金石为开。——《后汉书·光武十王列传》

2 . 你可以选择这样的“三心二意”:信心恒心决心;创意乐意。

3 . No success in life merely happens 人生中没有什么成功是纯粹偶然得来的`。

4 . 科学的灵感,决不是坐等可以等来的。如果说,科学上的发现有什麽偶然的机遇的话,那麽这种“偶然的机遇”只能给那些学有素养的人,给那些善于独立思考的人,给那些具有锲而不舍的精神的人,而不会给懒汉。(华罗庚

5 . Learning and memorization is not too lazy to literature, especially poetry A student of the liberal arts high school, and swallowed or cursory reading ten books of poetry, than in the minutest detail recite three hundred poems -- Zhu Ziqing

6 . If you want to be effective, you must concentrate on your work Study itself is a hard thing, only to pay hard work, will have the appropriate harvest -- Gu Chaohao

7 . 积土而为山,积水而为海。——《荀子·儒效》

8 . 倘能生存,我当然仍要学习。——鲁迅

9 . Adversity reveals genius, fortune conceals it

10 . Success in learning may lead to a greater interest in learning, and improve the students self concept as a learning -- Bloom




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